The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1774: Entering the arena for the first time!

Bahai Santong was about twenty-five or six years old, a full seven or eight years younger than Yuchi Changfeng, but when he walked to the center of the crowd, he spontaneously carried the aura of the world's overlord.

Hearing Bahai Santong's voice, Yuchi Changfeng's long and narrow eyes suddenly flashed a gloomy coldness, and he smiled dryly, expressing his answer!

Su Yi stood among the crowd, half-closed his eyes, watching Bahai Santong suddenly control the audience, and Bahai Santong raised his hand at the disciples of Fuyao Sect.

"Tianlongzong, Shenhumen has arrived! Open the door!"

The two demon-subduing disciples outside the arena had long been overwhelmed by Bahai Tee's monstrous aura, panicked in their pupils, and hurriedly opened the gate of the arena tremblingly!


The door was engraved with ferocious monsters, a burst of powerful light shot out from the pupils, and a heavy breath rumbled out, and the door suddenly opened to both sides.

As if opening a door that had been dusty for many years, an incomparably thick and monstrous energy rushed out.

According to Xi Wuqing, before the Fuyao Sect was established, the Fuyao Arena was the place where the great demons and strongmen faced off, where issues such as territorial and ethnic struggles were resolved.

At this time, when he entered with the crowd, Su Yi's heart suddenly boiled with excitement, the berserk factor contained in the cells instantly boiled, and a small trace of blood filled his pupils.

"This feeling is very comfortable!" The corner of Su Yi's mouth slowly outlines a wicked smile. The Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu is simply tailor-made for Youzhou. The more you push it, the more Zhou Kong's aura will spread Gathered around Su Yi's body.

After entering the gate, there is a vast and endless flat land, with a slight rise, there are countless quaint stone carved seats on the high platform.

Around the square, there is a circle of statues of wild monsters placed in a circle. Each statue is three or four people tall, with exquisite carvings and a deep atmosphere.

"These are all ancient monsters that Fu Yaozong subdued! Fu Yaozong is today, and it is all from blood!" Xi Wuqing squinted his eyes, admiring the extremely tall animal-shaped statues, each of which was ferocious. Incomparably, lifelike, as if staring at it for a long time will take away its soul.

All the participating disciples looked around curiously, and Su Yi was no exception. They looked around at the tall and mighty statue, and a strange feeling flowed through Su Yi's heart.


In the pupils, the statues all exude a strange purple light, as if they are talking to themselves.

The images in the pupils gradually blurred, turning into a real phantom running and jubilant in front of Su Yi's eyes.

The thick and ancient atmosphere kept impacting Su Yi's heart and soul, and soon Su Yi was immersed in it.

"It feels so familiar!" Su Yi exclaimed in his heart.

As if traveling through time and space, on the flat and open black land in front of Su Yi, he was driving a fierce and terrifying tall and savage monster beast, commanding thousands of monsters and beasts, as if he was heading towards a certain goal

The sky is covered with miraculous fire clouds, and ancient voices that seem to be singing are constantly coming from a distance, endlessly and powerfully.

The bright light combined with the soaring blood energy and the beast tide sweeping the earth made Su Yi's heart boil.

"All participating disciples, quickly go under the statue of the Four Spirits Ice Ape, and test their age and strength!" The deep voice pulled Su Yi's heart and soul.

The mind quickly pulled back from the illusion just now, and the eyes turned back to the arena again, only to find that all the members of the Overlord Sect had already reached the seats on the high platform, and only the disciples who were going to participate in the ranking battle were left in the arena .

"Force value?" Puzzled expressions appeared on the faces of the disciples present.

On the other side of the arena, the old man from Fuyaomen who had just uttered his voice had a vicissitudes of life, but his voice was extremely loud, impacting the audience like a lion's roar.

"The force value has a great relationship with the first Tianfeng trial. Everyone quickly gathered under the Four Spirit Ice Ape. After two hours, all the powerful members of the family will arrive!" said the old man.

Immediately, the participating disciples looked at each other, covered their ears, and frowned.


One sentence instantly ignited the audience, and the members of the family were like holy places in the minds of Tianman warriors. If they could be instructed by any of the five great families, they would definitely become the top powerhouses in the world.

"Su Yi, let's go over there and line up for testing!" Jun Haotian murmured, pointing to the ice ape statue on the right.

The four-spirited ice apes have always haunted the ancient land in pairs of four. They are extremely intelligent existences among the ancient monsters. They are very understanding of human nature and have strong soul energy.

Su Yi raised his eyes, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and headed south with the people from Tian Yu Palace.

Glancing to the other three sides, I saw that Tianlongzong went to the Northern Ice Ape for inspection in the north, and Sacred Mountain went to the Xiling Ice Ape for inspection, followed by many top forces.

On the south and east side, most of the first-class forces from various continents are queuing up for testing.

Turning his head slightly, Jun Haotian was excited, when he was chatting with Su Yi about what was going to happen for a while, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Su Yi, long time no see!"

The voice was clear and moving, like a bell resounding, and it was very pleasant to hear. When Su Yi turned his head, a group of familiar figures slowly walked in front of Su Yi, their expressions slightly nervous and cramped.

"That's Su Yi?" Jun Haotian asked softly.

"It's my old friend of the Divine Sword Sect!" Su Yi naturally recognized the person, his moans were slightly dry, and it was obvious that his heart and soul had been shaken a lot.

It was Mu Yao who made the sound just now, followed by Gong Qi, Ying Qianqian, Liu Yunchuan, Jian Shiyi, Ouyang Ran and others, each of them had reverence and fear in their eyes.

In fact, everyone had seen Su Yi a long time ago, but they didn't come forward to recognize each other because of their sympathy. At this time, Mu Yao finally couldn't help but call out to Su Yi.

The scene of getting together instantly brought Su Yi back to the happy days at the Excalibur Gate, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Speaking of the Divine Sword Sect, apart from Elder Su, they are Su Yi's most precious wealth.

"You guys are here too!" Su Yi looked at Mu Yao, Gong Qi and Ying Qianqian were wearing palace makeup behind him, with panicked faces.

The unfamiliarity they hadn't seen for a long time was instantly smoothed out by Su Yi's attitude, and shy smiles appeared on their faces.

"Yeah, just now I saw the contest between you and the Great Son of the Holy Mountain! Su Yi, you are so good now!" Mu Yao's cherry lips curved slightly, and her moon eyes showed admiration.

"Yeah, Su Yi, you... have become so strong now!" Ying Qianqian was still a strange elf as always, and jumped in front of Su Yi.

"You are all good! Back then we all came to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament!" Su Yi smiled, and touched the top of Ying Qianqian's head affectionately.

"You're still such a stinky rascal!" With Su Yi's pampering touch, a blush appeared on Ying Qianqian's face, and she quickly walked to Gong Qi's side.

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