The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1775: Let me stab a sword!

"Su Yi, I wish you good grades!" I haven't seen you for almost two years, and Gong Qi looks even more delicate and beautiful, with a slight blush blooming on her indifferent snowy skin.

Su Yi nodded, looked at everyone, felt a burst of joy in his heart, and said with a smile, "You too! By the way, Elder Su?"

"The suzerains and elders of each sect will come to the arena soon!" Mu Yao said with a smile.

Thinking that he would see Elder Su in a while, Su Yi's heart tightened slightly, and a trace of sourness flowed across his heart like vinegar water.


While Su Yi was talking with the members of the Divine Sword Sect, a white figure beside him led the rest of the members of the Divine Sword Sect towards the statue.

And of course Su Yi could recognize who that person was even when he turned into ashes, a sneer appeared in his heart, the aura all over his body made it difficult for Gong Qi and others to breathe, he said coldly.

"Yun Lingfeng, long time no see?"

The white figure who was moving forward quickly stopped, as if frozen, and slowly turned his head, his trembling eyes fell on Su Yi's body.

Enemy's road is narrow, I didn't expect to meet my enemy here first.

Today's Su Yi looked at Yun Lingfeng as if he was looking at an ant, his eyes flickered, his hands were clenched into fists, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring!

Yun Lingfeng played on behalf of the Divine Sword Sect, which was unpopular in the first place. Ying Qianqian and the others all showed a playful expression at this time, crossed their hands, and watched Su Yi walk over coldly.

Su Yi's scream made his whole body tremble slightly, Yun Lingfeng's body froze, turning his head around mechanically, his throat rolling endlessly.

Compared with the previous two years, Yun Lingfeng had a less airy temperament, but more sinister and evil feelings between his brows, his face was gloomy, like a dead leaf.

The whole person is much thinner, the cheekbones are high and protruding, the Yintang is somewhat hidden, and the long black hair is still combed straight.

The dark circles under his eyes made Su Yi instantly think of Nangong Hange in the Nine Stars Valley, he frowned and said with a sneer.

"Where do you want to go? I haven't caught up with you yet!"

The atmosphere between the two froze in an instant, and Jun Haotian on the side raised his eyebrows, looked up and down at Yun Lingfeng, his eyes were full of contempt, and said.

"Su Yi, this person is wrong! I'll help you deal with him!"

The corners of Su Yi's mouth were slightly hooked, he waved his hand, grinned and laughed, the pressure of the soul that was released hit Yun Lingfeng's body like a mountain.

"So strong! This is the second level of Yuanhuang? How can it be so strong!" Sakura covered her mouth and exclaimed.

The monstrous soul coercion tore the surrounding space apart, and the wild power rushed towards Yun Lingfeng like a brutal beast, and locked on Yun Lingfeng in an instant.

"No, this is my old friend, haven't I had a good chat with him yet?"

Su Yi gradually approached Yun Lingfeng, a glint of light flashed in his dark eyes, and he said in a low voice.

"Do you think so, Yun Lingfeng?"

"Su Yi, what do you want?" The corners of Yun Lingfeng's eyes twitched slightly, his eyes were somewhat dark, his voice was like sandpaper, trembling slightly.

Hearing this, Su Yi seemed to have heard the best joke, touched his heart, and in an instant in his hand, a huge epee that was completely black and full of blood streaks was born in Su Yi's palm.


With a slight flick of his wrist, Su Yi took a breath, and the huge sword stood straight in front of Su Yi.

The ground sank slightly, and the strong wind generated by cutting through the space instantly blasted the earth and rocks away, and the dull sound of Jing Ge shocked everyone's hearts.

Su Yi put his hands on the hilt of the sword, and said with a smile: "You stabbed me with the sword back then, if you want to test it, let me stab the sword too! How about it? It's a good deal, right?"

Yun Lingfeng's long and narrow eyes were full of shock. This heavy sword was also used by Su Yi in the past, but now it seems that it has changed greatly, and its weight is by no means comparable to that of before.

If this sword goes down, he will either die or be disabled! Looking at Su Yi's soul coercion, Yun Lingfeng couldn't figure out what level Su Yi was at!

"Su Yi, don't bully others too much! This place is not up to you!" Yun Ling said with a stern tone, his voice trembling slightly.

Hearing these words, the killing intent in Su Yi's body finally rushed out, and the light red aura instantly enveloped his whole body.

The old man who looked at Fuyaomen in the distance didn't speak. Anyway, they are not from Fuyaomen. Fighting with each other is a good thing for Fuyaomen.

Su Yi sneered, and once again danced the Blood Demon Killing Sword vigorously. Under the mighty wind of blood, the ears of all the people under the statue of Nanling Snow Ape directly buzzed and their eardrums tingled.

Ying Qianqian, Gong Qi and the others suddenly turned pale, dizzy, their vitality circulated quickly, and they retreated violently.

With a low shout, Su Yi's eyes suddenly burst out with monstrous killing intent, blood-colored monstrous light burst out, and the scarlet wind instantly turned into red horses and blasted towards Yun Lingfeng.


"I'm going to kill you!" Yun Lingfeng saw the bloody wind coming, his eyes were ferocious, and a white long sword appeared in his hand.


The white sword curtain woven by Yun Lingfeng was almost vulnerable to Su Yi's shock wave, and the vitality of the protective body in front of him was pushed back tens of meters by the swaying energy fluctuations.

The whole person was crushed on the ground, supported by a long sword, leaving a smear of scarlet blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Yun Lingfeng! You didn't return the sword back then! Three years of confinement, one more year left! Do you think that's the way to go!"

A loud shout came out of Su Yi's hand, and he stepped forward. Su Yi took a breath, raised the Blood Demon Killing Sword again and made two waves of swords, slashing at Yun Lingfeng like a giant dragon rushing. .

Looking at the bloody sword wave approaching from a distance, Yun Lingfeng barely stood up, and a tall figure flashed in front of his eyes, his shoulders sank slightly, and he resisted the sword wave!

All of a sudden, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and a breeze blew gently.

"Su Yi, I have suffered this move for Yun Lingfeng!" The low voice groaned slightly, the middle-aged man looked at Su Yi with a wry smile, his face was slightly pale and trembling, one can imagine that the man with the sword just now was not Feel good!

"Situ Liuyun, what do you mean!" Su Yi held the epee in his hand, his aura was overwhelming, and the endless killing intent in his eyes was worrying that there was nowhere to vent it.

Standing in front of Yun Lingfeng was Situ Liuyun, the master of the Divine Sword Sect, Situ Muyang's father.

"I know you hate him. Some things are not what I want. The Divine Sword Sect is already making up for it. If you think it is not enough, I am willing to bear your anger for Yun Lingfeng!"

"Su Yi! You bastard! Don't hurt me!" An old man in a light gray robe on the high platform in the distance shouted in a panicked voice.

Looking at the figure approaching at high speed, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and he said with hatred.

"White Mingshan! Masters, both of you, come and die!"

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