The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1800: Killing the Immortal Sword Sect

"Tianlongzong and Shenhumen are also looking for this phantom demon cave, so we must not fall behind!" Liu Ruoxi frowned slightly, the aura of a holy king permeated the night sky, like a holy fairy.

The leading man was Yuchi Changfeng, his brows were furrowed, and his sleeves flicked.

Thinking of the faces of Bahai Santong and Shangguan Shenzhuo, Yuchi Changfeng said in a low voice: "Let's expand the scope, leave this place to me and Liu Ruoxi! You go to other places to search! Let us know immediately if there is any situation!"

Hearing this, Xue Honglou and Liu Ruoxi changed their colors at the same time, and Liu Ruoxi's fair face was filled with anger, and she said in a deep voice.

"I can do it alone!" Liu Ruoxi dodged her eyes slightly, and spat cold air at Yuchi Changfeng.

"How about I stay with you!" Xue Honglou said lightly.

Xue Honglou's indifferent expression trembled slightly, she silently glanced at Liu Ruoxi, only to hear Yuchi Changfeng sneer.

"Xuehonglou, let's go, didn't you hear Liu Ruoxi say that one person is enough!"

Xue Honglou ignored Yuchi Changfeng, and said in a deep voice, "Can you really do it? Don't be brave!"

Liu Ruoxi nodded heavily, her eyes fell on the hole where the energy fluctuated in the distance and said: "The energy fluctuation here is not very strong. I will go in and have a look by myself, and I will come out quickly! Nothing too big will happen!\

,"After a pause, Xue Honglou sighed softly, and said to Liu Ruoxi in a very small voice.

"The hinterland is full of dangers, I have to take good care of you for that guy!"

Looking up at Xue Honglou's handsome face, what Xue Honglou said just now made Liu Ruoxi's heart tremble, her red lips were slightly pursed, she naturally knew who Xue Honglou was talking about.

"Xuehonglou, do I need you to help me take care of Liu Ruoxi? You, the fifth son, don't give orders here!"

Hearing these words, Xue Honglou didn't turn her head back, but stood with her hands behind her back and sneered.

Immediately, the vitality under his feet rose sharply, he took a deep look at Liu Ruoxi, turned into a golden horse and rushed into the distance, leaving a word before leaving.

"If there is anything, please notify me directly!" Then he stuffed a sound transmission jade into Liu Ruoxi's hand.

The eyes of the saints and saints shifted from Yuchi Changfeng to Liu Ruoxi, and said in a sour voice.

"He is so powerful, let's go to another place to see!"

Afterwards, on the valley high ground, only Yuchi Changfeng and Liu Ruoxi were left in an instant.

"Da Shengzi, are you still leaving?" Liu Ruoxi said coldly, Yuchi Changfeng was nothing but mud to him.

His eyes were extremely fearful, and he unconsciously circulated the aura of the holy king.

Yuchi Changfeng looked Liu Ruoxi up and down, nodded, and then smiled softly: "Jie Jie, if you are in danger, remember to call your husband!"

In the next second, seeing that Yuchi Changfeng had gone away, Liu Ruoxi finally let out a long breath, and peered through her soul to confirm that Yuchi Changfeng had really gone away.

A cold light flashed in the moon's eyes in the darkness, and said coldly: "Shameless!"

The vitality spun under his feet, stepping on the void, the golden vitality vortex of the first level of Yuanhuang Realm suddenly rose, and rushed into the cave at high speed.

In another cave, several disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect had already fallen to the ground, and beside it was the corpse of a fifth-level demon beast of the Demon Emperor Realm.

The powerhouses of Wuliangmen and Taihangzong had already gathered together. Biling held a long sword, shouted angrily, and slammed it into the chest of a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect.

Blood lines filled the air, and the narrow cave was filled with a rotten atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, with a flick of his wrist, Hao turned around and threw himself into Han Yurou's arms, crying loudly.

"Sister Yurou, Su Yi is buried in the Phantom Leopard's cave, and I can't rescue him! That's a strong man at the seventh level of the Demon Emperor Realm!"

After finishing speaking, there was another burst of tears, Han Yurou's eyes were red, and she patted Biling's back lightly, comforting her.

"It's okay, Su Yi won't get into trouble so easily!"

The faces of the powerful Wuliangmen behind them were even more shocked. In just one day, they did not expect that the entire army of Taihangzong would be wiped out.

But Su Yi, who was a blockbuster in the test, has already been buried as a monster powerhouse? Disqualified for the second round?

"Where is he, take me there! We must bring Su Yi out!" Han Yurou's tone was firm, with determination in her eyes.

"Miss, I haven't found the Illusory Demon Cave!" Everyone from Wuliangmen stepped forward and said.

"Su Yi formed an alliance with his Taihang sect, there is no reason for us to put ourselves in danger!"

"That's right, Miss, the Illusory Demon Nest is a place that even the Fu Yaomen want to go, don't lose the big because of small things!"

The crowd looked sad, and they talked one after another to dissuade the two of them from looking for the Magic Cave as soon as possible!

"You go and find yours, Bi Ling and I will find it ourselves!"

Turning around, just when he was about to walk out of the cave, he saw a blue figure flying from the cave.

Everyone was shocked, Han Yurou and Biling's expressions changed at the same time, and they took two steps backwards continuously.

"Who is it!" Han Yurou shouted.

"What? You just buried me, so you don't recognize me?" The blue figure in the distance smiled slantingly, and the heavy blood-patterned sword on his shoulder was particularly eye-catching.

As the figure walked in, above the evil smile was a pair of dark and bright eyes, the familiar epee and the steady and resolute voice, who else could it be if it wasn't Su Yi!

"Su Yi!"

Han Yurou and Biling exclaimed at the same time, weeping with joy again with wet tears on their cheeks, the two trotted all the way to Su Yi.

Looking up and down at Su Yi, seeing that Su Yi was not only not injured, but in good spirits, both of them were amazed.

"Su Yi, I...thought it!" Biling Lihua brought rain, after the test of life and death and the betrayal of her disciples, the little girl's eyes became a little more mature.

Su Yi touched Bi Ling's head affectionately and said with a smile.

"Isn't it very decisive to kill people just now! Why are you crying again?"

Bi Ling blushed immediately, and stomped the ground shyly: "You've arrived a long time ago, right! Why didn't you come out, and made me cry like that!"

Su Yi smiled for a while, and there was a trace of tenderness in the bright and deep eyes, and said softly: "I can see you, a good sister, caring for me, of course I have to enjoy it for a while!"

"Smelly shameless!" Bi Ling scolded coquettishly.

"Su Yi, we all know the situation, it's the Fu Yaomen's fault!" Han Yurou's delicate brows were full of anger.

Su Yi's eyes fell on the disciples of Immortal Sword Sect in the distance, his eyes were cold, he nodded heavily, and slowly walked towards several Immortal Sword Sect disciples with heavy sword in his hand.

"Su Yi!"

"Su Yi, don't kill me!"

Several Immortal Sword Sect disciples seemed to have seen a ghost, and one disciple hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, crying.

"It's all the rules set by Yin Jiansheng and Fuyaomen. Chi Jiuzhen from Fuyaomen told the elder brother that as long as we get back the treasure box on your body, we can get great benefits!"

"Three demon pills from the ninth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, right?" Su Yi nodded his chin, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes, as if he knew it clearly.

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