The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1801: Approaching the Magic Cave!


As soon as this sentence came out, the people of Immortal Sword Sect showed fear, and Wuliangmen and others behind them were even more shocked.

The overweight of this Fu Yaomen is really unimaginable! What kind of treasure is the treasure chest on Su Yi's body?

Looking at the figure without Yin Jiansheng among the disciples, the corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up and asked.

"What about Yin Jiansheng?"

"He ran away just now!" Han Yurou said harshly, with a pity in her tone.

The disciple of Immortal Sword Sect dodged his eyes, kept moving backwards, and his body trembled.

"Hand over the magic weapon used by your sect to communicate with Yin Jiansheng!"

Su Yi knew that disciples of sects would have fixed communication tools for easy contact, especially for top sects like Immortal Sword Sect.

After a long silence, several Immortal Sword Sect disciples flinched, with distorted expressions, and handed over a silver-white sword tassel.

"Through this, you can sense the trace of Yin Jiansheng." The Immortal Sword Sect disciple tremblingly said with his whole body stiffened and his face showing shock.

Holding the sword spike in his hand, slightly attaching the power of the soul to it, he felt a sword energy in his heart and soul heading towards a cave in the northwest.

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he knew that Yin Jiansheng must be running for his life crazily, but the sword energy suddenly stopped in a cave.

According to the information from the previous map, Su Yi immediately understood that Yin Jiansheng had stopped in a cave near the Illusory Demon Cave, and he sneered in his heart.

Turning around, Su Yi shrugged his nose and made eye contact with Han Yurou and Bi Ling.

"Let me kill these people, you don't mind!"

"Your enemy, of course you come!" The two smiled softly at the same time.

As soon as Han Yurou's words fell, Su Yi's Gorefiend Killing Sword immediately turned into a long arc in the air, slashing heavily at the disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect who hadn't recovered yet, like a mountain pressing down on top.

The sword body sucked the bright red blood frantically, the light of the blood pattern became more and more bright, and the black sword body didn't seem to be as dark as before.

Looking at the corpse lying on the ground like mud, Su Yi's eyes were extremely cold.

Anyone who kills me will be killed, especially this kind of person who takes the initiative to make enemies with him, Su Yi will never show mercy.

The Wuliang sect who was still trying to persuade Han Yurou not to rescue Su Yi just now felt a chill in his eyes, and he was silent.

Saliva rolled wildly in his throat, his face was pale, and Su Yi's figure seemed to be a murderous demon in the eyes of everyone.

Holding a huge sword, he is merciless towards the enemy, and his monstrous blood makes people tremble for no reason.

After sucking the blood, the Gorefiend Killing Sword turned into a piece of black iron again and no longer reacted.

Su Yi smiled slightly, and stuffed the two interspatial bags into Han Yurou's and Biling's hands.

"Killing the person you captured, this should be compensation!" Su Yi said.

"So many demon pills!" Han Yurou and Bi Ling looked at the space bags in their hands, each containing twenty heavy Yaoxu Realm demon pills.

Bi Ling frowned slightly, Su Yi must have earned it so hard in the Phantom Leopard's lair just now, but now he gave it to him so generously, the tip of his nose felt sore again.

"If it is successfully refined, it will be 1,000 points! If it exceeds 800 points, it will pass the baseline!" Bi Ling whispered, his eyes fluctuated again and again.

Clutching the space bag in her hand tightly, Han Yurou asked doubtfully, "Su Yi, what about you? Don't you need points for yourself?"

"Mine is bad!" Su Yi shook the fiery demon pill bag in his hand, shook his head and smiled wryly.

Unable to refine demon pills, Su Yi's points can only be obtained by killing people.

Suddenly, Han Yurou threw out a white horse brazenly in his hand, and smashed it on the dead body of the Immortal Sword Sect disciple.

A large cloud of white light rose up in the cave like a dandelion, passing through the rocky walls of the mountain!

"These guys are simply too hateful! Don't worry, Wuliangmen will definitely avenge you!"

"And the Taihang Sect, it's all caused by Fuyaomen! I really don't know what's in that Illusory Demon Cave that makes them worth it!"

Su Yi's eyes opened, a strange arc formed at the corner of his mouth, and he said in a low voice: "Fuyaomen, this debt will be settled with you soon! Chi Jiuzhen? Then I'll prick you nine times!"

Afterwards, Su Yi restrained his anger, returned to normal and said, "Hurry up and refine the demon pill, I'll take care of the rest!"

"Su Yi, outside of Fuyaomen, there are several upstream forces that are probably rushing to the Illusory Demon Cave, you should be more careful!" Han Yurou's eyes were bright, full of concern.

"Don't worry, with your good sister and good sister, I won't be in trouble so easily!"

Biling's pink lotus root-like arms clenched into fists slightly in front of his chest, and he said encouragingly: "En! Su Yi, this time Tianfeng Ranking Tournament will definitely get a good result!"

Being able to retreat from the seventh level of Demon Emperor Realm's encirclement, Bi Ling at this moment only had infinite reverence and admiration for Su Yi, her eyes were burning, and she stared at Su Yi without blinking.

Su Yi smiled faintly, and then, under the attention of everyone, disappeared again at the slightly bright entrance of the cave.

Holding the space bag in her hand, Han Yurou's pretty face was slightly pale, her tightly pursed red lips were slightly parted, and her starry eyes flashed with infinite sadness.

"Good sister...does he only think of me as his sister?" Han Yurou murmured in a low voice.

And Su Yi, who had already left the cave, followed the information in his mind again, and quickly went to the northwest direction where Yin Jiansheng was.

"It's such a pity that so many demon pills can't be turned into points after refining!" Su Yi, who was shrouded in fiery vitality, felt a pain in his heart.

"If you kill Yin Jiansheng, you have to find another disciple of the top power to get some points!" Su Yi said in a low voice.

Iron Soul tapir interjected lazily, and said in a low voice: "It's no pity, how can it be so easy to refine the demon pill! It's a waste of time. According to the urine nature of Fu Yaomen, it is estimated that the refining will not be completed." Send it back! Killing people is the shortcut to score!"

Afterwards, he licked his dry lips, his fine old eyes were full of cunning.

Facing the wind and galloping in the night, the bright moon hangs in the sky.

Su Yi gradually calmed down, now the most important thing is to find the Magic Cave before everyone else and solve the mystery of the mysterious treasure chest.

It is certain that the mysterious treasure chest has a very important connection with the magic cave.

Su Yi's heart sank as he looked at the three locations of the Illusory Demon Cave that hadn't shone brightly on the map in his hand.

"What's in this Illusory Demon Cave? It's worth mobilizing people like Fu Yaomen!"

Su Yi couldn't help becoming curious, and instantly approached the Illusory Demon Cave, the cave where Yin Jiansheng was located.

With fixed eyes, looking at the cave where the energy fluctuations were not too strong, Su Yi restrained his breath, and quickly burrowed in like a monkey.

Along with the blood energy in the air, Su Yi could clearly feel the trace of Yin Jian's sound.

Following the trail, Su Yi felt an extremely familiar feeling in the air, with a faint fragrance.

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