The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2241: Boom!

The shadow of death hangs down from the top, and endless blood is densely covered in front of the eyes.

At this time, Xi Wuqing finally burst out with an unparalleled killing intent, and shouted: "Everyone, kill! Kill me all the people from the Blood Yang Sect!"


From this moment on, Cangyun Palace and all warriors moved in full force, and the violent and bloody killing atmosphere turned into a storm and permeated the world!

Seeing a disciple of the Blood Yang Sect fall down, Bi Hen was completely panicked, the blood in his hands trembling crazily, and shouted.

"How is it possible! Where did so many remnant souls come from!"


In an instant, the blood plague light ball finally collapsed completely after the disciple of the Blood Yang Sect fell, and the red and black blood turned into blood arrows and rushed into the sky!

Among the dazzling red lights, Su Yi was surrounded by a circle of hazy holy light, walked out slowly like a god, and looked at Bi Hen coldly.

"Keep your dog eyes wide open! These are the innocent undead from the Chaos Realm killed by you! And the Nine Star Valley people killed by me!"


Seeing the endless black souls flying past on the ground in front of them, the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect were instantly shattered into pieces and separated from their flesh and bones!

Bi Zun's eyes finally started to panic, the endless black shadows and warrior lights spread wildly in the sky!

At this moment, Bi Chen seemed to have seen all the demons and monsters devouring the world!

The Blood Yang Sect seems to be defeated!

At the same time, with Bi Hen's strength alone, he finally couldn't support this terrifying blood plague Wuji!


All of a sudden, the blood spheres burst into light, and the whole world shook violently as if tightly grasped by a big hand!

Within the mountains and peaks, the huge roar of the bloody skull resounded, and the collapsing blood cells dispersed in an instant!

The bright blood-colored rays of light scatter wildly, and the huge force impacts on Bi Chen's body with extremely vicious energy.

Immediately afterwards, almost the entire space trembled violently, and the terrifying impact fluctuated, causing the void to shake unstoppably.

Bi Chen's figure shot out like an arrow, and rushed into the mountain peak in an instant, drawing a straight line, and there was no more movement!

The energy of the endless black remnant soul was vented crazily, and a large number of disciples of the Blood Yang Sect were suddenly strangled!

The many mountain peaks standing around were also instantly turned into dust and dissipated under this overwhelming offensive!

"Young sect master, the general situation is over, and Bi Chen is dead! Let's go back to God's Humen first!"

The four strong men in the Yuan Realm shouted loudly, looking around, they couldn't see the figures of the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect clearly!

Panicked in his heart, Shangguan Tianzhuo stared closely at the figure in the bloody light, and said coldly: "If you want to go, you go! I will kill him first!"


Shangguan Tianzhuo's body pierced through the air, and the phantom of the white divine tiger behind him condensed into a huge beast shadow and rushed towards Su Yi's place.

"Su Yi, since this is the case, you will definitely die, no one can save you!" Shangguan Tianzhuo looked at Su Yi gloomyly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.


The tiger's palm pierced the sky, and the ferocious roar of the tiger shattered the mountains and rivers. Several Yuan Realm powerhouses behind them saw the chaotic situation and immediately shouted.

"Fight! The young suzerain has an accident, and we can't survive!"

Suddenly, the terrifying four strands of energies condensed into a heaven-penetrating tiger chant, and the five white tigers radiated countless Dao rhymes, which was extremely terrifying!

"Su Yi, we are here to help you!"

Xi Wuqing let out a long shout, just like a Hong Zhong, there are only a hundred disciples of the Blood Yang Sect left, and all of them can be handed over to Cangyun Palace.

Thousands of warriors and three hundred great monsters, plus countless remnants of souls, came and collided directly with three of them!


The endless killing intent flows through the void, and the powerful coercion pervading the sky is like mountains and rivers, making people breathless with excitement!

And on this side, two giant white tigers were already fighting with Su Yi, the terrifying power was mighty, attacking the sky and killing the earth!


Now, Su Yi, who is going all out, has also fully activated the Hunyuan Supreme Art, and the outrageous and desolate breath poured out crazily.

At this moment, countless flames of light hovering upwards, like fire dragons, spit out!

The phantom of the imperial sparrow gathered behind Su Yi once again, and the Shenhumen also belonged to the blood of ancient monsters, so Su Yi would naturally not be careless!

The coercion of a demon venerable was overwhelming, the imperial sparrow spread its wings and flew, and the fiery sea of ​​flames quickly collapsed in front of him!

The divine birds and fierce tigers, the mighty void, and the pure energy fighting made them rush to the sky quickly!

The demonic aura soared to the extreme, in the ghostly shadow of the emperor sparrow, Su Yi's eyes were glaring scarlet, and he pointed at Shangguan Tianzhuo and said.

"You shouldn't come to Chaos Realm! You shouldn't even do evil to the Long family!"

After all, Shangguan Tianzhuo, who was getting more and more frightened, felt Su Yi's terror.

And Su Yi's cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds after merging with Dique.

Looking at the prehistoric coercion descended by Zhou Kong Yaozun, Shangguan Tianzhuo felt as if his body was going to be exploded, and his soul was also shaking!

"Not good! What a terrible coercion! Send the young sect master back with all your strength!"

The eyes of the most powerful Shenhu expert in Yuan Realm behind him froze, watching the temperature in the sky around his eyes suddenly rise, and the extremely scorching temperature made him feel completely desperate!

Just as he was about to spread out the space channel, a cold voice came from the flames: "Since we are here, no one needs to leave! Be with the people of Nine Stars Valley!"

"What!" The corners of the eyes of Shangguan Tianzhuo and Yuanyu Realm expert trembled, as if they were about to burst out.

"Sorrowful Destroyer Star, open!"

Suddenly, the phantom of the emperor in front of Su Yi was as red as blood, and a completely different coercion suddenly appeared, like the brilliance of endless purgatory, making Su Yi in the flames full of fighting spirit!

At this time, the hearts of Shangguan Tianzhuo and Yuanyu Realm expert had already reached their throats, and the scorching tingling sensation all over their bodies had already been ignored!

Only then did they discover a fact, Su Yiqiang! Strong enough to point fingers!

This sudden increase in cultivation made Shangguan Tianzhuo completely understand why Su Yi could become the number one in Tianfeng!

Among the same level, Su Yi is already invincible!


Soon, the terrifying Emperor Sparrow Divine Flame in his eyes took shape again, and the bright blood-like energy light surged in front of Shangguan Shenzhuo and the strong man like a sea!


Before the words fell, when such terrifying flames spread, it had already foreshadowed Shangguan Tianzhuo's end!

One place after another, the space deformed and distorted, and the ripples burned the entire blood-colored sky into clarity like a liquid!


The two black figures were directly burned into powder, turning into pitch-black ashes and falling down!

The emperor sparrow is in the sky, Su Yi, who still has enough strength, looks at the surrounding sky, as if a god is looking down on all living beings in the world!

Under the light, two of the remaining three Yuan Realm fighters were still resisting, and the voice of domineering majesty swept the sky again.

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