The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2242: Cut the grass and roots!

"Stay away! I'll kill them!"

Suddenly, eyelids twitched suddenly, three hundred big monsters, tens of thousands of warriors and members of the Cangyun Palace all stopped, watching a fierce imperial sparrow divine flame soaring down into the sky!

The radiant and resplendent terrifying flames descended suddenly, and the strong man in the Yuan Realm, who had been tortured to the point of dying, watched the flames attacking helplessly!


The screams turned into ghost roars and melted into the crimson flames of the gods, and the two warriors in the Yuan Realm were finally burned into nothingness!

The imperial sparrow neighed, and the divine splendor surged!

Only then did everyone present wake up, Su Yi's plan was so simple!

Step by step, from dividing up the troops, ambush by remnants of souls, and finally destroying the world, all are within Su Yi's calculations!

"So strong! Su Yi is so strong!"

"Emperor Sparrow, that is the legendary Emperor Sparrow! This flame is enough to suppress everything!"

"Tianjiao Wang is invincible! Overlord Sect is unparalleled in the world!"

The gazes of all the people present trembled fiercely, and the gazes that looked at Su Yi were full of shock!

In this battle, Su Yi's strength was finally seen by everyone.


The majestic pressure of the demon venerable boiled over the sky, and immediately all of it converged in Su Yi's body.

Surrounded by divine light, Su Yi, who was falling with his hands behind his back, had awe-inspiring gaze, showing the demeanor of a great master!

"Su Yi!"

"Sect Master Su!"

The Overlord Sect members lined up and surrounded the void, while everyone in the Cangyun Palace rushed forward!

At this moment, looking at Su Yi, who was alive with the holy light, Xie Wuxu and the others were all thinking back to the scene of Su Yi killing the god just now in their minds!

The aftermath of the tyrannical power was still circling in the sky, and immediately, everyone in the Cangyun Palace involuntarily knelt down, bowed their heads and shouted loudly.

"Thank you, Sect Master Su, for saving your life!"

The danger of Cangyun Palace was finally lifted, and Jiu Aotian shouted excitedly at Su Yi first.

Immediately, this scene shocked everyone present!

Cangyun Palace did not show any kindness to the Overlord School, but the Overlord School repaid it with kindness.

Not only did he lend a helping hand at the most critical time, but he also solved the catastrophe of the Cangyun Palace's destruction of the sect by means of thunder.

In the entire chaotic domain, I am afraid that only Su Yi can do it!

To this day, including Jiu Aotian, no one regards Su Yi as an ordinary young warrior!

With every gesture, Su Yi already has the aura to reach the peak of Tianman!

Shi Susu's eyes trembled fiercely, standing beside Xie Wuxu, her eyes were rippling, and there was infinite reverence in her grateful eyes!

"Get up quickly! Ninth Sect Master, you and I are allies, don't be so generous!"

Su Yi's energy all over his body was quickly restrained, and a huge sound wave swept through the world, making people even more shocked when they heard it.

"Su Zongzhu, you have such a magnanimity that Cangyun Palace is willing to make you a friend for life!" Jiu Aotian was extremely grateful, but he didn't expect Su Yi to not care at all.

Looking at Su Yi, everyone in Cangyun Hall showed excitement again!

"Su Yi, the Nine Sect Masters, the members of the Blood Yang Sect have been completely wiped out!" Xi Wuqing led Feng Qi'er to the crowd and reported the battle situation.

Immediately, Su Yi smiled slightly, looked at Feng Qi'er, and nodded in relief.

This time Feng Qi'er's Jie Qi Poison Soul was of great help!

Although it is not difficult for him to break the blood plague Wuji of Bihen, but with Shangguan Tianzhuo and Yuanyu Realm powerhouses around, Su Yi expends all his strength to break the ball, and it will not be so easy to win again later!

Repaying the other with the same way, this kind of ending is the best.

"This is my younger sister, Feng Qi'er, she was the one who urged the formation of remnant souls just now!" Su Yi's eyes were full of approval.

Immediately, the eyes of everyone in Cangyun Palace lit up, their eyes were full of admiration and expectation, and they all bowed heavily to Feng Qi'er.

In the battle of the Cangyun Palace, the Blood Yang Sect was dragged down by the remnants of the souls, which relieved the entire Cangyun Palace!

Feng Qi'er, naturally can afford this worship.

Suddenly, Feng Qier blushed, stood obediently behind Su Yi, and said softly, "Brother, I finally have my own value!"

Thinking of Feng Qi'er's demonic obstacles in Jinpeng's secret realm that day, and her extraordinary splendor today, Su Yi was naturally happy.

Immediately, Su Yi patted Feng Qi'er on the shoulder, and said to the Ninth Sect Master: "Now that the chaos domain is basically over, what are the plans of Cangyun Palace!"

Hearing this, the faces of the Cangyun Palace members suddenly became solemn, the first three forces killed each other, and the Cangyun Palace, which stayed out of the matter, was brutally exterminated.

This tone, no matter what, Cangyun Palace cannot swallow it!

"Su Zongzhu, I have a merciless request!" As he said, Jiu Aotian pulled Xie Wuxu and continued to kneel down.

Immediately, everyone in the Cangyun Hall also had hope in their eyes. Seeing this, Su Yi immediately said: "Do you want to continue to destroy the Blood Yang Sect?"

Jiu Aotian nodded in pain, and said in a concentrated voice: "Cangyun Palace has always been tolerant towards Jiuxing Valley and the Blood Yang Sect! But I have no intention of killing, others want to kill me!"

"Yes! Sect Master Su, the vitality of Cangyun Palace is seriously injured now! I have no other ideas at the moment, I just want to kill the Blood Yang Sect! Let them also taste the taste of exterminating the sect!"

"Sect Master Su, please help us!"

"The Blood Yang Sect is immortal! Cangyun Palace can't swallow this breath!"

The crowd was excited, and every wounded Cangyun Palace powerhouse had a dignified expression, extremely indignant.

"Su Yi..." Shi Susu's eyes were serious, she naturally knew the actual situation of Cangyun Palace.

Su Yi tried his best to turn the tide, killed Chen Yao, saved Bawangzong, and traveled thousands of miles to Cangyun Palace to save everyone.

Now, the hatred between Blood Yang Sect and Cangyun Palace is like a sea, Su Yi is so kind, will he continue to help Cangyun Palace go down?

With scorching eyes, looking at so many strong men in Cangyun Palace in front of him, Su Yi's heart was full of pride, his blood rushed to the top, he turned his head and exchanged eyes with Xi Wuqing.

Su Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Jiu Aotian: "The Blood Yang Sect and my Overlord Sect also have new and old grudges! It's just that the Blood Yang Sect and Jiuxing Valley colluded with the Brahma Dragon Palace, you will kill them all, and you are ready to turn against the Long Family Are you ready?"

Immediately, Jiu Aotian and Xie Wuxu's eyes trembled suddenly, how could they not know the prestige of Fanlong Tiangong.

Immediately, Jiu Aotian laughed wildly, a sense of detachment surged out, and said coldly: "Even if the Blood Yang Sect intends to destroy me, if the Shenhumen and the Long Family don't give him the Liuyin Kuangsha Pill, the Blood Yang Sect will be able to kill me." Can it kill us? This time, Cangyun Palace doesn't want to hide anymore!"

"Yes! If you want to kill, kill it! Brother Tang Juan died tragically, I will get this debt back for my old friend no matter what!" Xie Wuxu was filled with coldness.

"Su Yi, why don't you take care of this big brother!" Xi Wuqing stepped forward with burning eyes.

Su Yi's continuous attack and excessive use of vitality twice was an excessive burden for Su Yi.

Right now, the crisis is over, there is no need for Su Yi to go to the Blood Yang Sect together.

"Brother, let Feng Qier do it for me!" Feng Qier raised her head, a pure smile was outlined on her confident and charming face.

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