The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2243: New stronghold?

After pondering for a while, Su Yi shook his robe, Xi Wuqing's analysis made sense, and then he looked at Zhou Kong.

"The core strength of the Blood Yang Sect has all died tragically. The current combat power is estimated to be three points weaker than that of the Nine Stars Valley! If you have the heart, please help the Cangyun Palace! Clear the chaotic domain!"

"Yes! I would like to obey the imperial edict of the Tianjiao King!"

"Sect Master Su, please go back to Overlord Sect first, and wait for the good news of my victory!"

"Sect Master Su, please return to the sect to rest!"

The tidy sound was like the roar of a beast, and countless sincere eyes looked at Su Yi.

Such momentum made Jiu Aotian, Xie Wuxu and others from Cangyun Palace feel ashamed.

Today, the Overlord Sect has completely wiped out the Chaos Domain.

With such great achievements, I am afraid that there is no one before, and no one to come after!

After Tianbarbarian, Chaos Domain, an extremely tough bone, a savage land no smaller than any continent, will fearfully have a brand new master.

In the end, taking advantage of the darkness, the mighty Bawang clan and Cangyun Palace rushed to the Blood Yang Sect together.

The night is like black ink, and the galloping army of ten thousand people is like a wave sweeping across the night, smashing all the demons and monsters away!

With his gaze slightly retracted, Su Yi stood on the top of the mountain and stared up.

In the surrounding sky, the blood dissipated, surrounded by stars, and the clear moonlight illuminated the vast expanse of blue clouds.

"This time, you boy really stole the limelight!" Chi Feihong said with a faint smile, very pleased.

"You're right, I've seized this opportunity, Long Kuang just waits to die! We're one step closer to the final bloody battle!" Su Yi's mouth curled slightly, his eyes overflowing with anticipation.


There was a sound of breaking wind, and Su Yi instantly turned into a phantom and disappeared into the night.

The long-tailed jet-black spatial cracks stretch across the sky, and the ripples are hazy and unreal, slowly dissipating.



Under the leadership of Nangong Ningyue, the great steward, the broken mountains and rivers of the Bawangzong were cleaned up.

It's just that no matter how broken things are, when put together, there will always be cracks.

The devastated soil, the destroyed Overlord Square, and the collapsed and burst mountain gates between the peaks are everywhere.

All this tells everyone that the Overlord Sect is in dire need of a new look.

At this time, it had been a day since Su Yi returned to the Overlord Sect first.

That night, Su Yi rested on a wicker chair dangling with his hands on his pillow, lying in front of the Sovereign Mountain, leisurely watching the blood clouds floating in the sky.

Thinking about it, this is one of the few leisure time Su Yi has in the chaotic domain.

Over the Overlord Sect, there was a loud roar, as if the war had not stopped.

Deep in the clouds, electricity whizzed, thunder was like a golden dragon churning in the sea of ​​clouds, and a fierce murderous aura turned into a hurricane to occupy the sky above the Bawangzong.

At this moment, Su Yi wasn't worried at all about Xi Wuqing and the others who had wiped out the remaining evils.

The Overlord Sect has become powerful now, with tens of thousands of people plus a big monster, what fear does the Blood Yang Sect have?

However, Su Yi, the suzerain, had to worry about many things after the purge.

It is easy to conquer the country, but it is difficult to defend the country.

In the dark night, there were stars dotted above the head, resembling the scene when Jiuxinggu invaded Bawangzong that day.

Su Yi's feet touched the ground lightly, and the wicker chair shook with a "squeak".

Closing his eyes, Su Yi rubbed his chin, but he had already started to think about the future of the Overlord Sect.

"Fengjiacun, the initial stronghold of the Overlord Sect, can't stay any longer!" In the dark night, Su Yi said to himself.

When Xi Wuqing returns, it will be the day when the Chaos Domain will be completely wiped out.

The core strength distributed in Yutian Palace and Fuyaomen is not counted.

The Overlord Sect now has more than ten thousand fighters, let alone surrendering. On that day, there will be more than hundreds of thousands of people in the entire chaotic domain who want to join the Overlord Sect?

Millions are highly probable.

Which ones can stay in Bawangzong and which ones can't, let Nangong Ningyue and Huang Jian worry about it.

However, how can this dilapidated Overlord Sect not hold so many people?

What should we do?

Where in the chaotic domain can become the new stronghold of the Overlord Sect?

After submitting to the Overlord Sect, we can't let these people be like a plate of scattered sand, scattered all over the chaotic domain.

"Nine Star Valley or Blood Yang Sect?" Su Yi began to weigh the pros and cons in his mind.

The Blood Yang Sect would not consider this kind of place, even if it had a profound background, Su Yi would not consider it, and would deny it first.

The Nine Stars Formation of Nine Stars Valley is full of aura. After Nine Stars Valley is destroyed, it can be used anyway.

In the end, Su Yi shook his head.

Occupying other people's territory and treating it as one's own sect doesn't always sound good when it's spread.


Taking a long breath, Su Yi immediately opened his eyes, and decided that this matter should be considered after Xi Wuqing came back.


Standing up, the slender Su Yi stood in front of the peak, and an unknown murderous intent surged out.

Compared with the issue of the new ancestral site, Su Yi needs to consider the Long family more.

Now, with the death of Shangguan Tianzhuo, the plan of the Long family has completely failed.

This time, the crisis in the chaotic domain was all instigated by the Long family.

Killing and repelling the powerful enemy, on the surface, the Long family will definitely not tear their face apart, but in the dark, Su Yi has undoubtedly launched a war against Long Kuang!

Immediately, Su Yi smiled slightly. At this moment, Long Kuang might be in a rage, so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke!

Since they didn't do it openly, the Overlord Sect had a certain amount of time before the official confrontation.

But from another point of view, even if there is time, there is not much time left for Yutian Palace, Fuyaomen, Sacred Mountain and Bawangzong.

"Hurry up and take advantage of the last moment to improve the overall strength of the Overlord School!" Su Yi licked his dry lips, this time the danger of the Overlord School gave him a big wake-up call!

The Qinghuang, Yinyang Erming and other Beast Emperors, as well as the Overlord Sect's forces have become quite large, but compared with the Long Family, they are still weak.

How to completely raise the overall strength of the Overlord Sect to a higher level within this period of time?

How to make these representative powerhouses strong enough not to be afraid of the Long family?

"I have something to do during this time! I really have to go around the chaotic domain!"

Su Yi shrugged his nose, looked at the sky in a cold voice, a cold killing intent flashed out, and said quietly.

"Shenhu Sect has suffered a big loss this time, and there are still Tianlongzong, Gemini Sect and Immortal Sword Sect. After the Overlord Sect is completely stabilized, I will make you all pay a stupid price!"


In the night wind, it was cold and desolate, and under the chilling murderous intent, Su Yi walked into the suzerain's room with his clothes on and off.

Before leaving, the tombstone of Tang Juan standing in front of the suzerain mountain aroused Su Yi's idea.

"Elder Tang..." Su Yi felt an inexplicable pain in his mind, heaved a long sigh, frowned, and immediately entered the suzerain's room to rest.

During this period of time, Su Yi used the Miserable Sky Star twice in a row, and in this state activated the Emperor Sparrow Divine Flame.

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