The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 889: The power of chaos!

He knew that the young man in front of him had completely understood what he meant, and even thought more than him.

"I like this kind of place."

Su Yi pursed his lips and smiled, a place like Chaos Domain seems to be very suitable for him now.

Afterwards, from Xiruiqing's mouth, Su Yi learned some detailed knowledge about the chaotic domain.

The Chaos Domain and the Wild Monster Forest are both special existences in this world. In this world, there are six lands, three continents and one sea, with one mountain, two religions, three sects, four sects and ten major forces.

The top ten forces almost control the six continents, three continents and one sea, but in two special places like the Wild Monster Forest and the Chaos Domain, they cannot be controlled by the top ten forces.

Because of the huge area of ​​the Manyao Forest, although there are some resources, compared to six continents, three continents and one sea, the resources are extremely poor.

In addition, the remote location of the Man Yao Forest and its proximity to the Man Yao Forest led to the gradual formation of today's situation.

Even if some of the top ten forces want to get their hands on the Man Yao Forest, in addition to being out of reach, they also have to worry about the monster clan in the Man Yao Forest.

To some extent, the Wild Monster Forest is a buffer zone between the monster race and humans.

The Yaozu will not look at the entire Wild Monster Forest under the control of humans, and humans will not let the Yaozu control the Wild Monster Forest.

The Chaos Domain is even more peculiar than the Wild Monster Forest.

The area of ​​the chaotic domain is huge, and it will not be far behind six continents, three continents and one sea.

But no one who has one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects dares to get involved in the realm of chaos. The realm of chaos is independent of six continents, three continents and one sea, and also independent of one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects.

The chaotic domain is not only chaotic, but also infinitely dangerous.

From Xi Wuqing's mouth, Su Yi further confirmed that the chaotic domain is a place where people cannibalize people. It's purely the law of the jungle that preys on the strong. There is no reason at all!

In addition to meeting Xuanjianmen and Hailong gang this time, Su Yi can be regarded as witnessing the powerhouse in the chaotic realm.

Of course, the realm of chaos is also a paradise for casual warriors, and this is also a place that disciples of one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects are quite afraid of.

Although the chaotic domain is chaotic, the strong are respected, and it is a human-eating existence, but everyone has a natural resistance to the big sect.

If there were disciples from one mountain, two sects, three sects and four sects in the chaotic domain, they would disappear without a sound, and their bones would never be found.

First of all, everything on the disciples of the great sect will make the eyes of countless casual cultivators red.

Moreover, the chaotic realm is full of casual cultivators, even if the disciples of one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects disappear, generally nothing can be found out.

What's more, even if something is found out, as long as they are in the chaotic domain, people from one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects can't do anything.

Of course, in addition to casual cultivators, there are also countless forces in the chaotic domain. If there are too many casual cultivators and they form a group, that is the faction.

But often, many faction gates appeared just now, and they might disappear after a few hours, or even sooner.

In the chaotic domain, it is said that many gang gates appear every day, but many gang gates disappear or are replaced every day, which is too common in the chaotic domain.

There are also many forces that will not fall in the chaotic domain, but this kind of resistance is only relative, there is no absolute, and it will not stand firm like the five sects and three sects in Zhongzhou.

Of course, some forces that can exist in the chaotic domain for a long time represent absolute strength.

"Existence is strength. If you want to stand firm in the chaotic domain, you need absolute strength and absolute means!"

Xi Wuqing looked at Su Yi, and said seriously: "If we hide our names in the chaotic domain, maybe the people in the holy mountain will not find us in a short time, and we will have a longer time to increase our strength. But if we want to develop Overlord Sect, I'm afraid it won't be long before the people of Sacred Mountain know about it. Although Sacred Mountain has no way to intervene in the chaotic domain, it's beyond its reach, but every move in the chaotic domain is probably not just the Sacred Mountain, but the six continents and three continents. All the big forces in the sea are paying attention."

"Incognito, how long can you hide?"

Su Yi raised his eyes, even if he kept his name incognito, with everything about him, he might not be able to stay incognito for a long time, if he couldn't hide it, he would just expose it directly.

At the beginning, Su Yi thought about it, if he wanted to become a strong person, it would be more suitable to be in the chaotic realm.

The cruelty of the chaotic domain can make oneself stronger faster.

The chaotic domain is cruel and chaotic enough, so it is not bad for the holy mountain. After all, the chaotic domain is not something that the holy mountain can intervene if it wants to. "Q cool T craftsman C $ net Z? The first $ R release of the N version {0`

Heroes come out of chaos, and heroes come out of troubled times!

Su Yi knew this truth in his previous life.

With his Primordial Hunyuan Supreme Art, the ancient scriptures of the sky demon, his identity as a soul master, and the role of the mysterious space in the mysterious light group, Su Yi is confident that now that he is in the chaotic domain, he will definitely become a strong man one day.

In the realm of chaos, even if the holy mountain knew that he was there, he would probably be tied up.

In the end, Su Yi asked Qinghuang to continue healing in the mysterious space, and Su Xiaoshuai continued to practice in the mysterious space for a while.

And Su Yi planned to go out with Xi Wuqing for a walk, at least when he first arrived in the chaotic domain, he had to familiarize himself with the environment and find a place to stay.

In the cave, the wolf-headed demon bat and Xuanyang golden demon falcon have been protecting the dharma.

The two beasts have been in the mysterious space for a long time. Although cultivating in the mysterious space has great benefits, they can't always practice in the mysterious space, they have to come out to breathe.

Put away the mysterious space, and then the two and the two beasts left the cave.

The mountains are endless, and Su Yi, who is mostly injured, is in a much better mood, and he is full of expectations for the chaotic domain.

Of course, Su Yike didn't dare to be careless at all, after all, this is a rumored place where strength is the most important thing and people cannibalize people, the comparison is purely fist.

"I hope the second brother and the third brother are all right, and Su Tianque, I don't know what happened to the bald turkey!"

Su Yi's heart was dark, and he was also thinking about Xuchen, Yanlin, and Su Tianque.

"The domain of chaos is very large. Compared with the area of ​​the entire Zhongzhou, it is almost the same. Some treasure lands with strong energy in the world have been occupied by some big forces, and better treasure lands are also being contested by all parties." , Xi Wuqing and Su Yi continued to talk about the situation in the chaotic domain.

"In the realm of chaos, how far can those who are at the top reach?"

Su Yi asked Xi Wuqing, after all, the eldest brother Xi Wuqing had also been in the Chaos Realm, so he must be aware of these situations.

"Don't underestimate the chaotic domain. The top sects will definitely not be weaker than the five sects and three sects of Zhongzhou. I haven't heard of the Hailong gang you mentioned before. It must be a fourth-rate sect. , exists today, maybe it will disappear tomorrow, and the Xuanjianmen you mentioned, I have heard of it, and it should be regarded as a second-rate force in the chaotic domain, but among the second-rate forces, It should be regarded as the most backward." Xi Wuqing told Su Yi.

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