The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 890: The Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon is in danger!

Listening to elder brother Xi Wuqing's introduction, Su Yi reckoned that there are quite a few small sects in the chaotic domain, but there are also many big forces, not those forces that are under the five sects and three sects of Zhongzhou. Extremely powerful.

I have just arrived here, and I am not familiar with the chaotic domain, and I don't even know where I am currently in the chaotic domain.

Su Yi didn't have any special plans either. First, he had to find a place to stay for a short time, and then make plans after he fully recovered from his injuries.

"Find a place first, I'll buy some small things, this time the injury is not serious, but fortunately your treasure space is extraordinary, and the spiritual liquid is not ordinary, otherwise it may not be easy to recover completely, but you still need some Time, find a place to stay first, and then prepare to refine the Huangji Heavenly Soul Pill."

Xi Wuqing said, the pupils sunken in the sockets were looking forward to it, after twenty years of preparation, now is the time to start refining that Huangji Heavenly Soul Pill.

"Emperor Heavenly Soul Pill!"

Su Yi searched for the information of Huangji Tianhun Pill in his mind, and then his eyes couldn't help trembling. Huangji Tianhun Pill is not an ordinary medicine. It is said that its effect is astonishing. The effect is to enhance the level of the soul, which is the elixir that all soul masters dream of.

"It turns out that the eldest brother wants Xingyun Ganoderma lucidum to refine Huangji Tianhun Pill!"

Thinking about the Xingyun Ganoderma lucidum, Su Yi suddenly realized that the eldest brother Xi Wuqing had to take the Xingyun Ganoderma, and even asked for the Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng for the Huangji Heavenly Soul Pill.

It is rumored that the materials needed for Huangji Tianhun Pill are not ordinary. One of the ingredients must be Jade Blood Ginseng or Xingyun Ganoderma lucidum, and Jade Blood Ginseng and Xingyun Ganoderma are even higher in level, while Xingyun Ganoderma and Jade Ginseng The stronger the level, the better the effect of the refined Huangji Tianhun Pill.

"If the Huangji Heavenly Soul Pill can be successfully refined, it should be able to take the soul level a step further."

Xi Wuqing's eyes are piercing and full of enthusiasm. For a soul master, the level of the soul represents everything. Although his level of soul is not weak, especially in the two times in Su Yi's Space Treasure Land, plus the psychic liquid he took, he It is obvious that not only the whole body has been bone-cut and marrow-washed, but the soul level is also improving, but if the soul can go further, everything will be different.

"Brother will definitely succeed."

Su Yi said with a smile, knowing that elder brother Xi Wuqing's soul level is not ordinary, the badge of Yutian Palace can tell that if elder brother Xi Wuqing's soul level can go further, then he will be even stronger in the future.

"I hope it can be successful, but Huangji Tianhun Pill is not easy to refine." Last ◇S new t chapter O上¤k cool {smith; 网X#0l

Xi Wuqing has expectations, but she also knows in her heart that for the Huangji Tianhun Pill, she has prepared for 20 years. If it wasn't for Su Yi in Zhongzhou City last time, Xingyun Ganoderma would still not be able to win it, let alone refining the Huangji Tianhun Pill. Even those powerful alchemists still have great chances to make mistakes. With his current strength, refining Huangji Tianhun Pill will be more dangerous and difficult, but he doesn't have much time to wait, and he has already prepared twenty In this year, I want to start refining Huangji Tianhun Pill after the injury recovers this time.


The sound of neighing resounded, sharp neighing, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, and a fierce bird with wings spread nearly ten feet fluttered from the front. The golden light is as dazzling as a round of golden sun, and it is accompanied by a sharp and fierce aura.

"Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon is in danger!"

Su Yi and Xi Wuqing raised their eyes almost at the same time. It was the Xuanyang Golden Yaofalcon who had been exploring the way ahead. Seeing its haste, it must be in danger.


Seeing that the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon seemed to be in danger, the wolf bat also raised its head and howled deafeningly like a wolf's howl. The dark blood-colored wings on its back vibrated suddenly, and rushed towards the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon.

These days, the Xuanyang Golden Falcon and the Wolf-headed Demon Bat are both in the mysterious space, they are almost inseparable, they have also fought side by side, and they are already like brothers. Qi fluctuates.

"My lord, there are people chasing me. There are quite a few people. Some people have reached the Yuanzhen Realm, and there are even stronger ones!"

As fast as lightning, the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon immediately circled in front of the wolf-headed demon bat, neighing in animal language, and said to Su Yi immediately.

At this moment, Su Yi carefully saw that on the left wing of the Xuanyang Golden Falcon, a sharp red arrow pierced through the wing. Logically speaking, the defense of the Xuanyang Golden Falcon is not ordinary. Feathers are like armor, extremely difficult to penetrate.

But this red sharp arrow is very strange, filled with fiery aura, like red-hot refined iron, piercing through the wings of Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon, the fiery aura seems to be still making the blood hole continue to expand, and the blood is still flowing.


Also at this time, not far behind the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon, there was a beast roar of 'woo woo', and several ferocious birds flapped their wings, with fierce aura and surging evil spirit.

Su Yi raised his eyes slightly, there were three savage monsters in total, two ferocious birds with fierce auras, and they were two black-scaled demon eagles at the level of the demon spirit realm. A normal Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon, let alone a Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon that has been consumed in the mysterious space to cut bones and wash its marrow.

But the first fierce beast, with eight wings moving together, was tens of feet long, with a ferocious snake head, and its whole body was dark, filled with black light, but Su Yi couldn't help but take another look.

"Eight-winged black python."

Su Yi was a little moved, this eight-winged black python is not bad, and this eight-winged black python has reached the fourth level of the Monster Realm, it is even more impressive, no wonder it can catch up to the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon, After all, the Xuanyang Golden Yaofalcon has not set foot in Yaozhen Realm yet.

Soon, the animal shadows in front of them had already arrived in front of them. At this moment, there were many figures standing on the two black-scaled demon eagles and one eight-winged black python, each of them seemed very excited and noisy.

Su Yi's eyes fixed on the eight-winged black python at the front. There were six figures on the back of the huge eight-winged black python. The young man in front was very young, only about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and he was well-dressed. He is not tall, but a little short, and his body is extremely fat. He holds a golden bow in one hand. It is filled with golden light and the secret pattern is shining. It seems to be something extraordinary.

Looking at this young man, Su Yi's eyes suddenly sank, it was obvious that the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon was injured by this person.

But beside the short and fat young man, there was an old man in yellow robe standing at this time, but Su Yiduo took a double look.

The old man looked like he was in his sixties or seventies, with a hooked nose and narrow forehead, and deep and sharp eyes in the eye sockets, giving people a feeling like a falcon.

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