The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1873: Praying Mantis

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A sharp long roar came.

At the next moment, I saw a pair of wings spread out, a wide-ranging variant of a snow eagle, his body was white, and I rushed over there somehow. The huge eagle beak pecked hard at the bamboo fiber core.


The jade lotus with bamboo core and seven spirits attacked at the same time, and killed the mutant snow eagle two or three times. The huge body hit the ground, and the mountain was shaken.

"Ling'er, let's go up!"

In the face of a huge amount of Emperor Liquid, the bamboo core with dust like a fairy, at this moment, the face of the beautiful and unparalleled face was also killed, and the eyes were full of madness.

"Bamboo fiber core, your master and apprentice want to swallow the emperor liquid here alone, don't ask the axe in my hand, do you agree?"

Behind them, a deafening roar came as if Hong Zhong Da Lu.

As the vast voice sounded, I saw that in the extremely fierce melee, an axe suddenly flew out, spinning and slashing towards the bamboo core.

In the process of the axe rotating and slashing at a rapid speed, the volume is constantly increasing and becoming infinitely large. When the axe is cut behind the bamboo fiber core master, it has soared to a thousand feet wide. With a monstrous murderous intention.

"Get out of here!"

The bamboo fiber core drank angrily, and Yulian flew out of his palm, striking the huge battle axe that was slain.

Yulian collided with the battle axe, and in the loud noise, the huge battle axe was slammed into the air, and the mighty air wave came out, and the giant wave like a huge wave, and the bamboo fiber core Master and apprentice, through this wave of waves, sprinted forward and rushed out of a thousand feet in an instant.

"The two little **** have good combat strength and courage. They even throw away the other practitioners!"

Suddenly, a murky voice sounded from the front.

A glance at the bamboo fiber core apprentice saw only a black skeleton in front of them. I didn't know when it was standing there quietly. The skeleton was holding a bronze female tripod tightly.

Obviously, this dark skull is Qian Yuxin.


Facing the sudden appearance of the dark skull, although the bamboo fiber core felt a trace of danger, but without any hesitation, he waved his hand and rushed up with Linger at the same speed.

The bronze mother of Qian Yuxin was so powerful that it almost shattered this side of the earth, and his skeleton was also ten times harder than steel. It turned out that he couldn't help him.

Seeing that the bamboo fiber core master and apprentice were stopped by a black skeleton, they couldn't rush up to the mountain with a golden glow, and the practitioners behind were finally relieved.

There is complete chaos here. The mutant wild beasts are fighting wildly with the practitioners. Over time, all the practitioners are torn or directly swallowed by the mutant wild beasts.

And those mutated beasts of the wild are naturally constantly being beaten to death.

After an hour.

Including the bamboo fiber core mentor who is still battling with Qian Yuxin, there are only seven cultivators left, and those mutant wild beasts have also been killed and injured.

There were hundreds of cultivators who had entered this gathering of spirits, but now there are only a few people left. The countless mutant wild beasts that originally existed here were almost wiped out.

It is completely conceivable how fierce this battle is.


"It's a really splendid scuffle, great, this is what I want!"

Suddenly, high above the sky, a huge voice passed down, just like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the blood inside the human body was trembling and extremely uncomfortable.

The bamboo fiber core master and apprentice who are battling Qian Yuxin and other cultivators all looked up and couldn't help but feel as if they were thundering.

I saw that above the sky, a giant who was nearly a thousand feet tall stood there proudly, like a giant spirit god, overlooking the people below. His eyes were full of disdain, as if looking at a few ants.

Seeing the giant that appeared suddenly, Qian Yuxin below, was suddenly overjoyed.

At the next moment, the giant giant fell from the clouds to the ground, which was slightly higher than the mountain that was faintly golden before.

Obviously, this person is the Gongzulu!

The reason why he became so tall is because he used the magic of Yin and Yang.

"Have seen the master!"

Qian Yuxin was in full view, and quickly knelt down on the ground to salute, with a respectful attitude.

"Get up."

Gongzulu waved his hand at Qian Yuxin lightly.


Qian Yuxin obeyed to him. He was a puppet in Gongzulu's hands. Even if Gongzulu let him go up the sword to the sea, he would not frown.

Thousands of miles away from here.

Qin Yi and his party were still sitting cross-legged and meditating quietly.

"Mantis has appeared."

At a certain moment, through spiritual force, he felt that the Gongzulu suddenly appeared at the core position of this gathering. Qin Yi slowly opened his eyes and touched his chin with a light smile.

Wen Yan, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou and others all opened their eyes slowly.

"Very well, things are moving towards what we had expected. Gongzulu is playing the role of a praying mantis. It seems that the battle is almost over, so he shows up to clean up the mess."

Yan Meiniang touched his forehead and smiled lightly: "Obviously, he is still in a deep heart, because the whole situation is under his control, he is a strong debut, plus a perverted money Yuxin, the remaining few practitioners are obviously no longer their opponents. The emperor liquid existing on the mountain, if nothing unexpected, is already in their pocket. "

The seven Lingwu of Yan Meiniang have always been at the core position of this gathering, paying attention to all the movements there, even if there is no powerful spiritual power of Qin Yina, you can understand the situation there clearly. .

"Oh, obviously, we are an accident for Gongzulu."

The red-haired Xia Jiuyou smiled happily: "He thought he was a carduelis, who thought that the real cardinals were still not here."

Although they have not yet seen the means of Baguio's corpse in the third floor of the Hell of Ten Fangs, they believe that they still have a certain degree of victory over the Gongzulu.

They still remember that Baguio was a master of temperament and should fight with temperament.

Gathering the core position of the array.

"It's time for the battle to end. It's really exciting. It's still unsatisfactory. A bunch of straw bales that are used by people don't know. Gee, such an IQ, I really don't know how you will cultivate and break through. Such a high level. "

Gongzulu lowered his huge head, overlooking the people below, but his face was a bit gloomy. In his eyes, there was even a touch of anger.

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