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Used by someone!

The master and apprentice of the bamboo fiber core, as well as the five other practitioners, all stunned. They stared at each other, unsure.

At the same time, there was an indescribable strange feeling in their hearts, and suddenly a figure like a giant spirit appeared suddenly.

Who is he and why has n’t he seen him before?

And the black skull with extraordinary combat power, also respectfully called him the master!

This atmosphere is really weird!

"A few of you, are you confused?"

Gongzulu said lightly: "The killings among you cultivators, in fact, was the one who pushed behind the scenes. At first, I let out the wind, letting you know that there is a lot of imperial liquid in advance, and then I hid behind my back, happy Appreciate you killing each other. "

In his eyes, a chill came again: "Do you know why I want you to kill each other? Because you all deserve to die!"

Gongzulu's voice was as cold as ice for ten thousand years.

"Why is this? We have a deep hatred with you?"

The graceful bamboo fiber core, with its naked bare feet, lightly touches the delicate jade lotus, and asks the ancestor who is nearly a thousand feet tall with his face up.

Several other cultivators looked at the giant ancestral ancestor with a confused face. Their hearts were also confused and shocked.

"Of course there is deep hatred!"

Gongzulu sneered: "Many of the mutant wild beasts that you killed before were purple pupils. Those purple pupil mutant wild beasts were mine. However, they killed you all and will I have destroyed hundreds of seals of Yin and Yang. Hundreds of seals of Yin and Yang have been destroyed. Do you know what a fortune it is? What a waste of my efforts? You said, are you **** you? "

Gong Zulu's chest, a violent ups and downs, the wood can feel it, at this moment, he, all over his body, is full of anger.

When these cultivators were in this gathering, they madly slaughtered the purple pupil mutant Honghuang monsters, destroying the seals of yin and yang he hit in these purple pupil mutant Honghuang monsters, he was in that cave, purifying the soul, unable to come out.

But the scene at that time, he was through the water curtain, he saw it really, his lungs exploded.

Now, he finally saw these cultivators, with the help of his own help, killed each other cleanly, but still felt uneasy, these cultivators died, in fact, he had no benefit at all, but the ones they destroyed The seal of Yin and Yang is enough to make his strength among the top ten in the Shenwei list.

After the words were finished, Gongzulu's eyes looked around, but he did not find Qin Yi and others, and he was also quite confused: Why didn't they appear here? Do they even give up so many emperor liquid, just slipped away.

Thinking of this, Gong Zulu was secretly annoyed again. At first, they shouldn't have been hitting them with one hand, but now they bluffed them.

The fourth floor of this devil and cemetery is vast and immense. Letting them slip away this time, it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack to find them again.

Hearing Gongzulu's words, the bamboo fiber core and others below were all stunned for a while.

"I didn't pay attention. Among the mutant wild beasts that I killed before, are there any purple pupils."

"I did kill a few purple pupil mutant wild beasts, but who knows, what yin and yang marks of yours are in their bodies?"


The practitioners discussed it.

The sudden presence of the giant spirit **** in the high sky was full of hostility towards them. At this time, the remaining seven practitioners also subconsciously stopped killing each other.

Obviously, their real enemies are the "Giant God" and the black skull.

"Even if you kill those purple pupil mutant wild beasts? What about you? Are you still confident that I will kill us all?"

A loud voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu shook the clouds and clouds above the sky. The speaker was a giant two-footed, holding an axe in his hand. The wide axe.

It was this man who just hacked the bamboo fiber core apprentice with that axe.

The seven remaining cultivators in front of them are obviously the most powerful among the batch of cultivators who entered this gathering. The cultivators who are slightly weaker have already fallen. .

The seven remaining practitioners were bamboo fiber core apprentices, this giant axe man, an old man in a white robe, a middle-aged man in a green robe, and two others. The beautiful young women in blue robes are very similar in appearance and should be twin sisters.


Hearing the words of the great axe and the big axe, Gongzulu seemed to hear the best laugh in the world, and couldn't help laughing: "The seven of you have been fighting for so long, your physical strength has almost been consumed It can be said that it has reached the end of a strong crossbow, and it does n’t take much effort to kill you. "

Gongzulu is telling the truth, these seven people have been fighting for so long, and they have indeed reached the end of the crossbow.

In addition to the bamboo fiber core mentor and apprentice, the other five people also had injuries of varying degrees on their bodies, and they looked a bit embarrassed.

"In this world, there can be no such a huge person, this should be an illusion."

That jade foot lightly touches the jade lotus, like a bamboo fiber core like the nine-day fairy, but suddenly said: "If you can exhibit such a powerful illusion, you should be the Yin Yang master of the Xuanzong plane world. People? "

"Yes, I come from the world of Xuanzong Plane. Now, you know that I am Onmyoji, this is my illusion, how about that? Can you break my illusion?"

Gongzulu overlooked the bamboo fiber core and said disdainfully.

"If you don't try it, how will you know that I can't break it?"

The bamboo fiber core said slowly, the voice was soft and beautiful, but there was already a chill.

next moment.

She stepped on the jade lotus, turned into a beautiful shadow, and soared into the sky, looting towards the ancestor record quickly, and the magnolia under her feet was suddenly scattered, each piece is as wide as tens of feet, like Giant blade.

The bamboo fiber core and the delicate jade hand flicked, and the dense jade lotus petals, like a giant wave, rushed to Gongzulu, and kept rotating, forming a strangling spiral nest above the head of Gongzulu.

The diameter of the strangling swirling nest was thousands of feet wide, and the continuous rotation, almost driving this side of the world, covered the sky and sun, and made people dizzy.

So strong!

Looking at the sky above, all the heavens and the earth are densely packed with jade lotus petals that seem to be driving up, and all the practitioners below are shocked.

The jade lotus with bamboo fiber core is actually the handed down treasure of Zhuxuan Pavilion. Although it cannot be compared with the artifacts of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, its power is also rare.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Pieces of jade lotus with a width of several tens of feet continuously descending at a rapid speed, and in the blink of an eye, the Gongzulu was enveloped in and strangled continuously.

"the host!"

Qian Yuxin below, seeing this scene, could not help but exclaim.

The bamboo fiber core stood quietly in the air, looking up at the continuously rotating jade lotus petals, shallow brows and frowns, and the face was as thick as water, and the Linger beside him was the eye of the water spirit, blinking constantly, seeming to have A little nervous.

The other five practitioners were also nervously looking at the scene where the jade lotus petal strangled the Gongzulu.

Obviously, among them, the strength of the bamboo fiber core is the strongest, and the scars on the body are also the least. If even she can't break the illusion of the Gongzulu, these of them, even more needless to say.

"I am the pinnacle guardian of the Kyushu Holy See. With this little skill, I want to break my illusion? It's ridiculous!"

Gongzulu's vast voice suddenly came down from the sky, deafening.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a loud noise of "Peng", and the dense jade lotus petals exploded violently, flying all over the sky.

Before waiting for everyone's recovery, a huge **** hand, hundreds of feet wide, turned into a **** awn, shot towards the bamboo fiber core, caught off guard, and shot her straight.

The bamboo fiber core suddenly felt that the power on the blood palm was so large that it was hundreds of millions of weights. She couldn't compete with it. She was shot hundreds of feet on the spot and fell to the ground.


Linger screamed and hurried to rush over to lift the bamboo fiber core from the ground: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay!"

The bamboo fiber core shook his head, and a horrified look appeared on his face.

She should have used her cultivation method to resist the **** hand. There should be no problem at all. It was just that she had been fighting before, and she was exhausted, and she suffered some injuries.

That jade lotus was magical. After being shaken, it was quickly reorganized, swept across the sky, and returned to the hand of the bamboo fiber core.

The thousands of feet of Gongzulu's body appeared again on the cloud, and looked down at the practitioners with extremely disdainful eyes: "Who else, want to break my illusion? Although try it."

The practitioners looked at each other with bitter faces.

Even the bamboo core can't break his illusion, they are even more impossible!

After waiting for a while and seeing no one say anything, Gongzulu looked at Qian Yuxin: "Qian Yuxin, you go up the mountain and collect all the emperor liquid that exists on that mountain."

"Yes, master!"

Qian Yuxin was very happy, without saying a word, immediately turned into a black mountain, and rushed towards the mountain that was faintly covered with golden mountain.

This is what he waited for!

Seven practitioners such as Bamboo Fiber Core can only watch Qian Yuxin rush to the mountain peak. At this moment, even if there are ten thousand disapproval in their hearts, it is helpless.

The present Gongzulu is like a **** who suddenly came here, mysterious and powerful, and firmly controls the situation.

Of course, if these seven people join forces, although all of them are wounded, they may not be able to kill Gongzulu and Qian Yuxin.

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