The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 338: Half-face mystery

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"I am the core of the League of Nations, a disciple of the magic trail, as for Fengdu Guishan, the undead ghost king, that is just my hearsay."

It is naturally impossible for Qin Yi to disclose that Xiangu trip at will, although he feels that this King of Senluo is not a wicked man.

"The core magic trail of the Alliance of Nations?"

King Senro showed confusion and shook his head blankly: "I haven't heard it."

Qin Yi secretly was surprised, and he had n’t even heard of the magic trails. How old is this King Senluo? Is n’t he ... from the Xiangu era?

However, Qin Yi quickly rejected this conjecture. During the centuries, humans have been completely destroyed, and it should not be possible to have such a complete existence.

What's more, although King Senluo is powerful, it is still too different from the group of immortals.

"The golden skeleton you met when passing the Asura site will naturally not be the undead ghost king of Fengdu Guishan. The undead ghost king has fallen in that distant era of great destruction. The golden skeleton should be the Asura king. "

King Senrow said that the one-eyed eye was slightly sad at the moment.

King Shura!

Qin Yi was a little unable to calm down. King Shura, the trip to Xiangu in the past, Qin Yi heard of this name. It is a strong person of the same level as Xiangu, such as the King of Kyushu. Can't be beaten to death.

It's just a pity that now he only has a golden skeleton, and he is silent in the Shura field.

At this moment, aware of King Senluo's sadness, Qin Yi's heart was a little surprised, and he paused, and asked, "Senior, why do you conclude that the undead ghost king of Fengdu Guishan has fallen?"

The look of King Senro, more and more dimmed, silenced for a while, and then said: "Because, the undead king, is my father."


The undead ghost king of Fengdu Guishan turned out to be the father of King Serow!

In Qin Yi's heart, there was an instant torrent of turbulent waves. He couldn't think of it. The Sen Luo King in front of him was really the existence of the immortal age, or the son of the undead King!

King Senro, it really is an eternal existence!

"Senior, then you, why can you survive the devastation, and all those who are strong in the sky have fallen?"

Qin Yi was not calm. King Senlu was actually the son of the undead ghost king during the ages of Xiangu, which was quite surprising.

"In the ancient centuries, in front of those who were strong in heaven, I was just a waste material. I followed my father to practice for thousands of years. I did n’t wake up until thousands of years ago. When I woke up, I found that I was here, and, because I slept too long, most of my memory has been lost. I only remember faintly that my father is Fengdu I still remember the undead ghost king of Ghost Mountain, the highest power on the mainland of Kyushu, called the Kyushu Holy See ... "

King Senrow said slowly, making an effort to think.

Suddenly, a painful expression appeared on half of his face: "I have a headache. I have been sleeping too long. For many times in that distant era, I can't remember it."

Qin Yi knew that the immortal ghost king in the immortal age, in order to protect the ignition seed of the king of the Sen Luo, by some special means, let the king of the Luo Luo sleep, and sent him here, let him escape a disaster.

In this way, the small realm that contains the underworld in front of it should be left over by the immortal ghost king in the immortal years.

Anyway, Qin Yi's heart is a irresistible excitement to see a descendant of the Xian Gu Tong Tian Qiang.

"Senior, why ... you only have half a head and half a face?"

Qin Yi asked one of his most puzzled questions.

"I don't know. After I woke up in a deep sleep, only half of my head was left."

King Senrow shook his head blankly, and suddenly said angrily: "Damn, if I knew who had cut off half of my head, I would not make him feel better."

Qin Yi was slightly stunned, but he did not expect that when King Serow was asleep, he would be secretly calculated, and the person who calculated him was so strange that he directly cut off half of his head.

Suddenly, Qin Yi thought of a possibility: "Maybe, the other party did this to make you lose your memory ..."

"Want to lose my memory?"

One of King Senro's eyes lit up: "It's possible. Then ... what does the other party want me to remember?"

Obviously, this question, regardless of Qin Yi and King Sen Luo, cannot be understood.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now."

King Senro shook his head.


Suddenly, King Serow's mouth was half open, and a golden blast burst out into Qin Yi's eyebrows.

At the next moment, a golden token appeared at Qin Yi's Dantian, the former Sen Luo Ling, which had been condensed with all his efforts.

King Senro continued: "The reason why I am willing to help you is because I feel a trace of ancient breath in your body. My instinct tells me that there should be some connection between you and the Xiangu era, maybe You, like me, come from that distant era. I must try my best to help you, make you stronger, and explore everything in that distant era. I must know how my father died and what he left behind. ? I helped Ying'er, in fact, for this purpose. "

"I am from the Xiangu era?"

Qin Yi was slightly stunned.

How can this be?

He was very clear about his life experience. It was from the China Empire, a small place called Qingshui Town. He worked hard from an early age and was finally chosen by the people of Phoenix Lingyu Gate. He was selected into Lingyu Gate, and then he walked step by step to the present.


King Senrow nodded: "I don't care where you were born, but I do feel a trace of immortality from you. When you leave, I will also send you a gift to make sure you are in When life threatens, it can be successfully reversed. "

Great gift!

Qin Yi blinked, and his heart suddenly grew a sense of anticipation.

However, he knew very well that the purpose of King Senrow was to do this very simply, hoping that he would not die and explore the distant immortal age.

Obviously, after knowing that in the distant past, some people did not want King Serow to remember something, the more King Serow wanted to explore the past, who was the other party, and did not want to think of himself?

"Boy, I know that the main purpose of your visit this time is to visit Ying'er, you come with me."

Sen Luo Wang beckoned towards Qin Yi.

The two went out of a dead castle and soon came to a mountain.

Through a cave thousands of meters deep, Qin Yi can see the endless magma, which slowly flows underground, making the scalp numb.

There was even the sound of an explosion, and the blushing stones were blown up from the old high, and the danger was extremely dangerous.

This novel comes from the book reader


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