The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 339: Extremely dangerous

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Such magma should be no less than 10,000 degrees. Once the cultivator below the sect, once fell into it, I am afraid that it will disappear in an instant.

"This ugly monster is so abominable that I was asked to take a bath here, huh, huh, it's so hot, my elder brother saved me ..."

In the middle of the magma, I saw a little girl wandering there, the screams of milk and milk in her mouth continued.


Seeing the little girl in the magma, Qin Yi was happy, and there was a warm current flowing in his heart, and finally he saw the greedy little guy again.

"This is the magma precipitated by the **** fire. Underneath, there are three phoenixes, who will spit out the **** fire every day to supply Yinger to temper the body."

On the one side, King Senro explained.

"The body is tempered with **** magma. Sakura is still so small, can it bear it?"

Qin Yi looked at King Sen Luo in disbelief.

"It's okay, don't worry, Ying'er's physique is a rare event. Such magma can't cause any harm to her at all, it will only cause her some pain."

On the half of King Senro's face, there was also a shocking look, and he sighed: "It's such a stunning physique, I'm afraid that in that distant Xiangu era, it's extremely difficult to find. I really don't know what Yinger is like. "

"She ... may be the master of the Xiangu era."

Qin Yi said uncertainly: "It should be, the master of Xuanzong plane world, Emperor Ying."

"What, she is the previous life, Emperor Sakura, who ruled the world of Xuanzong plane?"

King Senro froze for a long while, and the one-eyed gleam was filled with joy: "That's great, it must be built well, and she will be built with all her strength."

Sen Luo Wang was so excited that he said to Qin Yi: “I ’m going to be busy first, to create a special training space for her to practice, you can go down to see her, but you must pay attention to safety, based on your current constitution Defense, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist the magma underneath. After Yinger has been tempered for two hours, you will take her back to the Sen Luo Temple, Tao Garden. "

After finishing his speech, King Serow hurried away. Obviously, Yinger ’s plane dominance made him very excited.

"What kind of special training space is he going to create?"

Looking at the figure of King Sen Luo leaving, Qin Yi was confused.

Then, without hesitation, he started to praise his father, and swept away toward the magma under the cave, and how far away he had not swept away, Qin Yi felt that a wave of heat waves rushed up, making him extremely uncomfortable .

However, Qin Yi did not flinch, stepping on the wall of the cave, some raised stones continually jumped and landed, and the speed was extremely fast. After a while, he landed more than half.


At this moment, Yinger below found Qin Yi, who was descending, and shouted in excitement: "Oh, great, I saw my brother again."

Then, the little guy said with a crying cry: "Brother, come and save me, that ugly monster is too bad, throw me here every day to take a lava bath."

Qin Yi's body landed quickly, and quickly landed on a raised stone near the magma. The magma rolling around, only the heat wave through it was thousands of degrees.

Such a temperature, even if he was already a strong Taoist, could not resist it. Qin Yi felt that he was about to scorch and had to urge the earth element seeds at Dantian to resist. With the burning of earth element seeds at Dantian, Qin Yi felt a lot better now.

"Brother, that ugly monster, why didn't you come down with you? Was it defeated by you? Great, my brother will save me up."

Yinger's body was immersed in magma, flashing a pair of dark gemstone eyes, and looked at Qin Yi in prayer.

Qin Yi almost nodded at the pair of eyes that did not contain any impurities. This pair of eyes was too lethal.

Trying to make a kind smile, Qin Yi said softly to Ying'er: "Ying'er, Senior Mr. Senluo, this is for you to be refined into a strong man, so you can't get up now, you must It takes two hours to get up. "

"Ah, I have to wash for two hours. Woo, Sakura is so pitiful ..."

Ying'er suddenly said with a crying cry, but she and Qin Yi had a special relationship, and listened to Qin Yi's words very well: "Well, my brother asked me to wash two hours, and Yinger washed two here. Hour. "

She obediently swimed to the center of the magma, which can destroy almost all the magma. On her white and tender skin, she could not leave any traces, but Qin Yi can feel that Ying'er is extremely painful. If it is the Sakura Emperor of the Xiangu era, such magma, in her view, I am afraid that there is no difference with warm water.

"Ying'er, you obediently take a lava bath here, and when that happens, your brother will take you to eat outside."

After all, Qin Yi couldn't bear it. He decided to take Yinger out for a trip this time, and then bring her back. Anyway, now he can already enter and leave this small world at will.


Ying'er's pair of dark eyes suddenly lit up.

"of course."

Qin Yi nodded.

"Oh, brother is so nice."

The little guy suddenly smiled, and the extreme pain surrounded by magma seemed to disappear: "Ying'er wants to take a bath, take a lava bath, and Ying'er will obediently take a lava bath. Ha ha ..."

Seeing the appearance of the little guy, Qin Yi standing on the rock couldn't help but laugh.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

At this moment, only a distant sound came from a dull sound.

Qin Yi looked around with a sound, and was surprised, and saw the red magma in the distance, surging continuously, and quickly rushing towards here.

"There is something under the magma!"

Qin Yi made such a judgment instantly and shouted towards Ying'er in the magma: "Ying'er, come up quickly, there seems to be a fierce thing, rushing towards you."

"Gosh, this place is so ominous, Yinger doesn't like it."

Ying'er exclaimed, and the smooth little body jumped from the magma and jumped into Qin Yi's arms.

"Ah, it's so hot!"

Qin Yi hugged Ying'er's smooth body, feeling as if she was hugging a fire, almost letting go in horror.

He could hardly hold his arms and chest, and the pain caused by Ying'er was roasted, and he didn't look back. When he was about to show his father's step, he embraced Ying'er and turned into a residual image, bursting into the cave entrance And go.

"Wow!" "Wow!"

With the sound of magma, and endless heat waves rushing up, Qin Yi just felt like hell, so uncomfortable. The heat wave was also mixed with a strong smell, which made his stomach churn.

Qin Yi did not dare to be indifferent. He played Kuafu to the extreme and escaped desperately. He did not dare to look back, and he did not know what the **** was underneath.

This novel comes from the book reader


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