"Who would have thought that even though we have led people outside the thunderstorm circle, and the safe place is not far ahead, we can't get through!"

"And there are scattered Honkai beasts intruding from time to time!"

Karen crossed her arms, looking very depressed and angry at the same time.

The rest of the people were also thinking in different postures and silent.

They have been trapped in this place for almost a day, but there is nothing they can do. What is in front of them is There are no gaps in the barrier at all, and the power of the thunderstorm is amazing. Everyone has tried it. Even if a few people cooperate, they will be beaten back within a few meters of progress. If you continue to move forward, you will die.

Now even Sesame is trying to sneak in. The shadow passed through, but the result was equally regrettable.

Kamisato Ayaka turned around and looked at Kamisato Ayato, who was sitting next to him with the same frown, for help.

However, the other person could only smile and shake his head helplessly.

"Then, Miss Xinhai, do you have any good ideas?"

Then Kamisato Ayaka, who was seeking to no avail, threw the problem to her heart again.

Shenhai, who had been closing her eyes and meditating, then opened her eyes, looked around and said

"plan………Yes, but they are all bad and bad decisions."

"We continued to wait here, or followed the thunderstorm circle to find the soldiers on the opposite side who were responsible for patrolling the area to explain the situation. However, more than half a day had passed, and most of the afternoon had passed, but there was still no trace of the patrolmen. This is somewhat unusual"

"In addition, we rely on the strength of our numbers to dig tunnels. However, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is not certain how deep we need to dig to bypass the thunderstorm."

"These are all bad choices"

"The next best option is to force a frontal breakthrough. Although the result is unknown, the casualties must be heavy."


Everyone knows how much damage will be caused if a forced breakthrough is made from the front, and the success rate is absolutely the lowest, even zero!

But at the moment, they really don’t seem to have many options.

"It's really not possible………Give it to me and give it a try."

At this time, Kallen stood up and expressed that she wanted to give it a try.、

"How can this work!"

Gan Yu first stood up to object,

"If that's the case, you might as well let me give it a try. After all, I'm quite resistant to beatings.………"

But when he said this, Gan Yu seemed very unconfident. Although he was not a human race and his physical fitness was indeed high, it would still hurt when he was beaten!

It's like the kind where your butt is still red after being spanked by Swain, and it hurts for several days.

"forget it."

Xiaoxue spoke at this moment, sighed and then leaned back on the chair and said in a deep voice:"That person tried it before, but he couldn't get it through after trying more than sixty times in a row."


"Sven...it does look like something he can do."Karen and Gan Yu shook their heads and said that this does not sound false.

People with some abilities may give it a try when facing this situation. After finding that there is no hope, few people will Try a second time, and this number of times………That’s outrageous!

The corners of everyone else's mouths began to twitch at the same time.

Originally, I only planned to try it once or twice, but now there is a ruthless person who has tried it more than sixty times, and he still tries continuously and has not been able to pass it.

So I just gave up on this one. After all, everyone knows that they are absolutely as strong and capable as Swain.

"Little Lord!"

Someone suddenly shouted outside the tent.

Kamisato Ayato raised his head and turned to look at the door.

"Come in."

The soldiers from outside came in, with a rare hint of joy on their faces, which made everyone feel relieved. At least there weren't a large number of Honkai Beasts appearing.

"According to the report, we saw a large number of people on the opposite side of the thunderstorm circle. By observing the flag on the opposite side, it was the flag of the Hiiragi family that Tianling followed!"

This soldier seemed very excited, because someone came from the opposite side, which meant that he and other people trapped outside the barrier could be saved!

His performance was quite ordinary, and the other refugees in this camp were saved. After hearing the news, they all ignored the previous order not to run out of the camp and gathered at the edge of the thunderstorm. They had the momentum to surround the thunderstorm circle. However, if the team was so long, it would be dangerous if something went wrong. , many places may not be taken into account.

And the social soldiers responsible for maintaining order are also looking forward to it one by one, and the formation cannot be maintained completely.

"Great, now everyone can be saved!"

Gan Yu, a pure-hearted little girl, didn't think there was anything wrong with this matter. Instead, she showed a very comfortable smile.

Similar to her, there are Kamisato Ayaka and Xinhai, both of whom still don't understand the sinister nature of the human heart. of

"Brother, that's so good. Now………Brother?"

Kamizato Ayato was also very excited, and wanted to go out with everyone immediately.

However, she found that Kamisato Ayato's expression did not look very happy, and his expression was solemn, with a little gloominess between his eyebrows.

"Brother? Are you worried about something?"

"No, I hope I’m just overthinking it, let’s go and see it together."

Kamizato Ayato smiled and shook his head, gave his sister a reassuring smile, and then scanned the people on the field. Everyone had no objections and went out to see what was going on.

There were many soldiers and refugees around him, and the group arrived. In front of the thunderstorm circle,

I found that there were an astonishing number of people on the opposite side, and each of them was well-equipped, wearing a full set of armor, holding a spear in their hand, saber on their waist, and a specialized army of archers and cavalry.

They often appeared to be extremely solemn, not too serious. It felt like coming to rescue the victims.

Looking at the soldiers who were preparing for the survey on the other side, Kamisato Ayato's heart skipped a beat, as the worst-case scenario might occur.

However, Kamisato Ayato's face still didn't change much. He sent his men forward to shout. After all, the coverage area of ​​the thunderstorm circle is quite wide, basically a hundred meters wide.

After receiving instructions from his eyes, a soldier led several people to find a slope as close as possible to the thunderstorm circle, holding A loudspeaker was about to shout.

However, in the opposite position, a richly dressed middle-aged man was found riding a horse slowly toward the thunderstorm circle with two of his tall bodyguards.

Just when everyone thought they would also When they stopped outside the thunderstorm circle and started shouting, they found that these three people walked directly and leisurely into the thunderstorm circle.

Moreover, the thunder in the sky seemed to have not noticed these three people at all. They did not attack them and just ignored them. Got it

"How can this be?"

Everyone is very puzzled. No one can control the thunderstorm circle in this way. Even those who are responsible for managing the sacred cherry trees in various places can only use spells to control the generation and closing of the thunderstorm circle, and directly enter………This is obviously impossible!

Is there a way to directly control the thunderstorm circle?

The three people rode horses and quickly traveled more than eighty meters, reaching a distance where they could hear each other's voices and see the expressions on their faces.

The middle-aged man in luxurious clothes among the three stepped forward and scanned the crowd opposite before focusing on Ayato Kamisato.

"Haha, long time no see, the boy from the Kamisato family"

"Yes, it seems that the last time I met Mr. Kanding was at the annual meeting."

Facing the middle-aged man who was looking at him jokingly, Kamisato Ayato stepped forward confidently, with a smile on his face and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"Determine and implement?"

"Then this person is………"

Through dialogue, the others learned that the middle-aged man in front of them was Hiiragi Shinsuke, who was determined to pursue

"Hmm, oh, speaking of the nine principles that Tianling adheres to?"Hiiragi Shinsuke scanned the crowd for Kujo Takayuki's figure, with an intriguing expression on his face.

"how? Could it be that he was hiding because he was afraid?"

"Lord Kujo is ill and is recuperating."

That's not true. Kujo Takayuki was frightened by Orobas' breath attack and lay down on the bed, bedridden.

"However, Master Hiiragi's battle is not small, but I wonder if the thunderstorm here can be closed first, so that we can take refuge first and reminisce about old times?"

Kamizato Ayato got straight to the topic. Although he said this, he already knew the answer in his heart.


Hiiragi Shinsuke laughed and shook his head

"This is not possible. Thunderstorm is an important existence to protect my people. What if it is easily opened and those monsters break in?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had a look on their face, and everyone could hear what the other person meant.

"Hiiragi-sama means………Doesn't it matter whether we live or die?"

"You can't say that. Isn't the General here?"Hiiragi Shinsuke pretended to admire General Raiden, and also pretended to look for General Raiden everywhere.

"When everything settles down, I will………Oh, General, isn't he here?"

"That would be troublesome. I can't risk the lives of everyone here. How about you try to see if you can solve the problem at hand?"

Finding that the situation was so serious that General Raiden really couldn't free his hand, Hiiragi Shinsuke laughed excitedly.

It seems that the person from the Kokonoe family really didn't lie to him, and he made the right bet! Now is the time!

Although most of the people from Fengxing and Tianling Fengzhi are also on the mainland, the most critical upper-level leadership group, including General Thunder and Lightning, are locked out.

Now that he has gained control of the Sacred Cherry Tree, which is Thunderstorm, then this It can be said that this area has basically fallen into his own hands!

The change of dynasty is today!

It is best that these people outside and those monsters fight to hurt both sides, and internal and external troubles are dealt with at the same time!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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