Kamisato Ayato's eyes changed slightly. For him, nothing was necessary. Except for the safety of his family, other things could be discussed. Therefore, Hiiragi Shinsuke's move touched his bottom line!

"This guy!"

"what does it mean!"

Karen wanted to take action. No matter what she did, she would just go up and kick him head-on. If she couldn't break his facial bones with the kick, she would never talk to Swain in this life!

"Miss Karen, wait a minute, this thunderstorm is too dangerous!"

Gan Yu had no choice but to step forward to stop her again. She had stopped Kallen, who had a strong sense of justice, countless times along the way.

Xiaoxue, who had been watching, looked at the performances of both parties. Although this was cruel, it was also very real.

Even if At this critical moment, even if some people are fighting for these people, their greed for money, status, and power still defeats their inner desire for life and cherishes life. For these things, they even risk their own lives. No, not to mention other people's lives?

"Humph, I don’t know whether to live or die!"

Hiiragi Shinsuke put away his smile, put his hand on his waist, and took out a small branch with purple cherry blossom petals.

He raised the branch high, and the sky suddenly became darker, and there was a roar of thunder in the clouds. It has become more frequent and grand, and the scope of the thunderstorm circle is still expanding, which makes everyone and the people who gathered before have to retreat and flee in a hurry. For fear that if someone accidentally enters the scope of the thunderstorm circle, they will be blasted to the ground. Leftover!

"Sure enough, he gained the ability to control thunderstorms."Kamizato Ayato had a sullen face. For the guy who broke his skin and endangered his family, he had better pray that he would never fall into his hands!

"Well, it should be that branch, but the flowers on it are purple………"

While my mind was racing, I was still paying attention to the purple cherry blossoms, which were completely different from the well-known divine cherry tree with purple petals!


"There are monsters!"

"The monster is coming!!"

What made the scene even more chaotic was when the soldiers guarding the other side of the camp sounded the alarm, indicating that Honkaimon was coming again.

And because of the previous commotion, the people who should have gathered in one place were now dispersed. , mixed with the soldiers who should be guarding the outside, unable to effectively command, not only the battle line has been stretched a lot, making it impossible to take care of many places! The people running around mixed with the soldiers who could not hear the instructions, from near the thunderstorm circle Withdrew to the camp, but due to the Honkai Beast running out of the camp, many tents and some escape tents were destroyed during the process, including the large tent where everyone had gathered for the meeting. The tables inside were destroyed by the panicked crowd. It was knocked over, and the drone on top also fell to the ground and was kicked around by countless people, until at a certain moment one of the green indicators lit up.

This black drone stood out from all the others unobtrusively. disappeared from people's sight

"This timing is terrible!"

Karen and others looked at each other. Those with combat abilities immediately picked up their weapons and crossed the crowd to join the battle.

"Hahaha, did you see it?"Of course Hiiragi Shinsuke also saw the Honkaiju in the distance, but he didn't panic at all. He was in the middle of the thunderstorm circle, which was considered the safest place in the world!

He even moved forward in order to see everything clearly. I moved around a bit, but still kept a dozen meters away from the edge of the thunderstorm, so that I was always within the protection range of the thunderstorm.

"God will help me!"

"What reason do I have to live up to God’s will?"

Hiiragi Shinsuke did not feel pity because the compatriots in front of him were in danger. Instead, he became even more excited, as if it was a certainty that he would become the next general.

Kallen's Fairy Bow here had already been damaged in the previous battle. The barrel was damaged due to overheating, and now she is standing on the front line with Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka.

"First maintain the front line on the right, and the cavalry will attack the target group from the side from the shadow behind the hillside on the right. There is no need to fight, the main thing is to attract attention!"

Kamizato Ayato handed over the command of the troops to Xinhai a long time ago, and the facts proved that his decision was correct. The

Honkai beasts were being played with as designed by Xinhai, and they were unknowingly manipulated. It was divided into several areas, but if we want to maintain this situation, the number of people is definitely not enough!

Therefore, many Honkai Beasts easily passed through the defense net and came to the people. Suddenly, screams filled the whole place, and many people watched with their own eyes just now The companions who were still with him turned into a pile of meat or residue in the next moment. This impact made the scene even more chaotic. Many people even ran in the direction of the soldiers who were fighting, causing the formation to collapse.

"this………No more! Xinhai saw that the situation was out of control, so he turned around and shouted to the little one beside him:"Little one, please.""

The little one nodded, put two fingers in his mouth, a long whistle sounded, and the dragon lizards gathered in one place to rest also began to join the fight. The leaders Tun Lei and Bing Bing directly entangled their tails with each other and released The ice spikes with thunder were aimed at the whole audience, and they began to strike in a wide range!

Nuomi and Sesame also showed their own abilities, using their own abilities to attack the group of Honkai beasts in front of them.

Although these dragon lizards will not attack humans intentionally, they are For these big guys, humans are still a bit small. If you are not careful, you will be hit or stepped on, causing accidental injuries!

The battlefield where dragon lizards, soldiers, refugees, warriors, and Honkai Beasts gather together is extremely chaotic and unorganized. The scene can be called a drawing from hell!

"This won't work, the front is too long and there are not enough manpower!"

As the frontline commander, Kallen quickly judged the situation of the battle.

Kamisato Ayato also knew the current situation, but he had no way to break it.

"Type of Thunder - Purple Lightning!"

Boom, boom, boom!

A purple lightning flashed from a distance and instantly came to everyone's eyes. Along the way, sparks and lightning struck off all the heads of the Naxi Honkai Beasts.

And it also came to the place where the Honkai Beasts are most densely packed. center of

"The shape of nothing - round dance!"

Sven sheathed the sword, turned on the spot, and at the same time swung a large circular slash at the surroundings!


Immediately, all the Honkai beasts around him were cut in half, and a whole area was cleared at once. A large area.

Following Zaza were Kujo Sora and Makoto, but their movements were not as concise and capable as Swain's. One used Swain's spare weapon, and the other did not use a knife or anything. Dare to attack in a large area for fear of accidentally injuring others

"Brother Swain?"

"I didn’t expect you to be still alive?"

Kamizato Ayato, who was closest to Sven, looked at Sven with an incredulous expression.

He really didn't expect that after leading that big guy away, he could come back intact?

What kind of magic was used?

"What do you mean?"

"Is my life bothering you?"

Sven rolled his eyes at Ayato Kamisato, and then looked at the battle situation. He really didn't expect the level of chaos and dispersion. Even if he joined the battle, the number of casualties would definitely not be small.

"The abilities that can be used in this situation………"

The sickle skills are all used, the double sword single-target burst, and the big sword range attack are not suitable for use now.


Sven put away Lian Yue and took a deep breath.

Then he slowly raised his head and opened his eyes that were still bloodshot.

"Magic Eye! Be charmed!"

Sven looked around and brought the nearby Honkai Beasts under his control. They all stood there blankly.

Tick-tick-tick - the sound of water drops sounded, which attracted the attention of Ayato Kamisato. , so after quickly killing these sluggish Honkai beasts, he immediately rushed to Sven's side and supported him.

"Brother Swain!"

As he got closer to Kamisato Ayato, he noticed that Sven was not in a good condition. There was a lot of cold sweat on his face, his eyes were red, his eye circles were dark, he was listless, and his body was a little weak. The sound of water dripping just now was from him. The sound of blood dripping from his nose fell to the ground.

Sure enough, although he didn't know what happened, he was exhausted a lot and is now very weak and not suitable to continue fighting!

"Brother Swain………Although it is a pity, we should conserve our combat power now. We are still outside the thunderstorm circle. If our power is exhausted, not only others, but ourselves will also………"

Ayato Kamisato still couldn't say such cold-blooded words of giving up on others, because in that case, what's the difference between himself and Shinsuke Hiiragi?

But if you continue to fight here, let alone others, your own life and others will not be guaranteed!

"Sven, you really can't go on any longer, you haven't gotten enough rest at all!"

Kujo Sanluo came all the way and knew immediately that heHe wanted to do something, so he opened his mouth to stop Swain.

"This number is not large, and they are all guys with low intelligence!"

"If I don't have to control the activity and just let them stay in place, I'm fine!"

Sven continued to use his mental power to control the Honkai Beasts in batches, creating opportunities for the others to deal damage.

After a while, a small safe area was cleared around him.

"Everyone, gather here!"

Kamisato Ayaka and Kallen shouted orders almost at the same time, but it was really difficult for their voices to be transmitted in this noisy environment.

Boom - boom!

A long sound broke through the air. Everyone looked up and saw In the gloomy sky, a splendid fireworks bloomed in the sky.

This immediately attracted the attention of many people, so the panicked people subconsciously ran towards the direction of the fireworks.

Kamisato Ayato and Sven turned their heads and I saw a fiery red figure holding a long bow appear beside me.

"Hehe, I also want to help."Xiao Gong wiped the tip of his nose with the back of his finger, and moved his fingers slightly with his left hand holding the long bow.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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