
Afterimage felt the high-voltage current coming from her feet, and she immediately screamed in pain, but in an instant she directly and arbitrarily controlled the collapse to protect her legs, and shattered the snowflake chains that wrapped around her, preventing her from doing so. Snowflake's sneak attack with a hidden weapon, and then holding a spear to destroy these ghostly symbols under the water!

Buzz-bang- bang!!

On the other side, a large beam of light simultaneously pierced the ice mist and shot towards her, blowing away all the raindrops on the route. Evaporated!


Afterimage immediately turned around and quickly waved the spear with both hands to defend, defeating all the beams!

However, some splashing magic particles flew towards Afterimage's body.

She didn't pay attention at first, thinking that relying on the defense of Honkai Energy, these attacks would not be in the way.. However, the fact is that although she defended against the attack, the Honkai energy required to defend the position where she was hit was astonishingly high!

"There's something wrong with this guy's attack!"

Afterimage instantly noticed something was wrong. As for what was wrong?......She doesn't know

"Don't think that you have never been attacked and forget that the water pool under your feet is full of high voltage!"

On the other side of the ice mist, Sven lowered his body and breathed through his mask to ensure the stability of his body in a high-gravity environment. His right eye flashed with emerald light, and then the shield in his left hand continued to emit light beams, and the palm of his right hand continued to emit light. Continuous etheric rays of light opened and struck at Afterimage.

Even the tips of Sven's three claw-blade-like tails were able to condense light bullets to attack!

Afterimage did not defend again, but stood up and prepared to dodge, but this time It's because she can't move easily in Sven's field.

Not admitting defeat and not retreating are her strengths, but they are also her weaknesses!

The consequences of mindless charges are often very tragic!

After being pulled tightly by lightning, And in the environment interfered by the snowflake chains, it is too difficult to dodge and the defense is somewhat unprepared, so just take up space to attack! However, the air around is poisonous, and unlike the opponent who has a gas mask, he will lose if he wears it like this. Ah!

Then use sword energy and gun shadow to decide the outcome from a long distance!

But the other side won't give you a chance at all! Before his sword energy has passed, the armor on his body started to spit fire everywhere, leading him Run away to easily dodge his own attacks, and his attacks don't even have to stop during this period....

Why do I have to run on two legs when I dodge, but he can just stand there without moving? ,

Is this fair!

In this river?


Afterimage tried to fire a few more sword energy at Sven, but turned around and had to clean up the yellow-green gas around him that could not be dispelled at all. At the same time, he had to be careful of the thunder and lightning pools and snowflakes under his feet, while maintaining the gravity environment and attacking at the same time. Swain's attack!

Multi-tasking is a job that I really can’t do without a delicate mind!

But coincidentally, she......It just happens that this is not the material.......

Therefore, the scene directly drove her completely crazy. This kind of thing that required using her brain to solve was obviously not suitable for her to do!

The few puffs of air she had taken in before made her cough continuously, with an obvious burning sensation in her throat, chest tightness and breathlessness.

Lack of oxygen, she needed to breathe, but opening her mouth and inhaling the gas again would only make the situation worse.

But if he didn't breathe for a long time, he would have used up a lot of energy.

It's like suddenly being asked to hold your breath for a long time after a long-distance run. How is this possible?

In addition to body and mind skills, martial arts also involves breathing.

This will stop you from breathing, and you may lose your fighting ability if you don't!

Therefore, out of control, Afterimage took a few more deep breaths, which made his situation worse.

"Ahem.....Cough, cough, cough!!!"

Not long after, Afterimage coughed up frothy sputum with some pink traces. Her vision was slightly affected, and she also had symptoms such as headache, fatigue and nausea. The sound of her heart beating sounded like that to her. With such clarity, the accelerating flow of blood and rapid heartbeat made her poisoning deepen at an alarming rate! It was terrible!

The form suddenly changed!

I was becoming a bad person.....No, not yet!

The other side just had the upper hand for a moment!!

Looking at the sudden change in the battle situation, everyone in the gem was very puzzled.

"this gas......what's going on?"The timid girl asked weakly.

"Gas?"Many people have no idea what this is.

"No, this yellow-green color, coupled with the reaction on the other side, is obviously an irritating and harmful gas."The cold female voice analyzed bit by bit.

"Gas is produced from below.....And below is water......."

"No, it's not just water!"

"This is salt water!"The calm young man and the magnetic male voice said in surprise at the same time.

"brine?"Many people still don't understand

"Is that so?......sharp......."The cold female voice also reacted to the true form of this gas.

"No, what is this?"

"Can you explain it? The calm young man then explained to everyone:"Pure water will undergo electrolysis after contact with high-voltage electricity, generating hydrogen and oxygen. However, if salt water mixed with sodium sulfate and sodium chloride is electrolyzed, in addition to In addition to hydrogen and oxygen, it also produces......."

"Chlorine."Sven suddenly said.

He was very satisfied with the reaction of the afterimage at this moment. The current afterimage is basically a symptom of acute chlorine poisoning, and it is already moderate poisoning, so it is enough.

"Before the opponent feels that there is no hope of survival and is ready to fight to the death, give her some hope of victory. As long as there is hope, she will at least not directly fight for her life, but will slowly wear it out when she realizes it. Everything is basically a foregone conclusion....."

Swain was observing the opponent's situation while planning the next stage of the battle.

"Uh-huh.....Sven, your heart is too dirty, right?......."Mei Lin had a horrified expression on her face. Now she really thought that one day she might be sold by Swain, and she would help him count the money.

What was unanimous was that not only she, but everyone in the gems basically unanimously agreed with this point of view.

Swain did not have time to pay attention to Mei Lin, but looked at the afterimage, as if he was introducing his killing move in a friendly way:"The highly toxic gas produced after the electrolysis of seawater is highly irritating to the respiratory tract, eyes, mucous membranes and skin."

"you........"Afterimage no longer wanted to speak. The sting in his throat intensified, his voice became hoarse, and his head became increasingly unclear.

Sure enough, this guy is playing dirty tricks!

"You are surprised why the smoke cannot be dispersed. In fact, it is very simple, because the density of chlorine is about 2.5 times that of air. Look, even my ice mist and the surrounding air are bound here by gravity and cannot circulate. , these poisonous gases must have been bound here by your gravity and cannot be dispersed."Sven kindly explained the afterimage, as if he was pitying her.


However, as soon as Sven said this, not only everyone in the gem, but also Mei Lin, an old pervert who had never read a book, couldn't help but turn their faces and stare at him sideways, with disdain on their faces.

It sounds like there's nothing wrong with this, but there's something wrong with it.

Although gravity does have an effect on the air, it completely blocks air circulation.......You just bully the other person for not having gone to school.

Although it seems that Swain himself only went to school for one day, he still went to school in a fantasy world and basically in a daze........

"Rice, rice poison?"

"what is that......."Afterimage had no idea what Swain was talking about.

Rice poison? Is it poisonous to eat rice?

But I didn’t eat either!

But she at least understood one thing. Is it because she has trapped these things together with the surrounding ice mist and air that the poison cannot be dispelled?

She dodged Swain's attack again and looked around carefully. It was true that there was not much air circulation nearby. Maybe what he said......it is true?

Buzz buzz—!

The firepower from Sven's side became more and more ferocious and fierce, leaving no time for Afterimage to think carefully.

Boom boom boom!

After the afterimage escaped this wave of attacks again, he saw that the snowflake chains around him had a tendency to gather again, and he immediately stopped worrying about it!


She sank down and let out a burst of momentum. Immediately, the constantly emerging black gravity position around her began to rapidly collapse! Upon seeing this,

Swain couldn't help but show an expression that his plan had succeeded.

The afterimage once again repeled the chains and swept through the poisonous mist around it. Sure enough, The yellow-green mist began to dissipate in just a moment, and most of it floated towards the sky without even taking care of it.

"Sure enough, it will be useful as long as the gravity field is removed!"The afterimage's face was filled with joy. Seeing that the surrounding fog had almost dissipated, he took a few greedy breaths again. His face, which was almost suffocating before, gradually gained some color.

"This idiot, how easily he leaked the way to break the situation."

"Hahaha~!"Afterimage sneered, thinking that Sven must be a brainless person.

"There are really stupid people out there!"

It just so happened that Sven thought the same thing.

I didn't expect this guy to be so obedient. He immediately lifted the gravity field before even thinking about how to persuade her.

It's really a smart idea!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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