"So………Now that your position is gone, don’t even think about using it a second time!"

"Use quick attacks to decide the outcome in one go!"

Sven confidently raised the shield on his left arm.

"Light wings spread!"


The shield suddenly shattered and turned into large wings of light again, mixed with eight bronze daggers, and suddenly flew towards the afterimage along a completely different trajectory.


After no gravity position, these The light wing immediately took advantage of its characteristics and flew towards Afterimage from all directions and different angles. After hearing the sound,

Afterimage immediately sneered disdainfully.

"snort! Don't think that you can win over me just by taking advantage of it!"

"I am the strongest!"

"Want to finish me off in one go?"

"act recklessly! Don’t overestimate your capabilities!"

The afterimage pierced the spear into the pool full of lightning, and with a sudden lift, a large amount of mud and sand mixed with ice water flew into the air, turning into a shield to slightly block the light wing's attack.

But it only took a moment, and it was blocked by countless rays of light. Breakthrough.

After no longer having to control gravity, she put all her strength and energy into attacking Sven.

Her legs sank into the water, and then she suddenly pushed hard. As the pool exploded, the afterimage broke through the light wing's attack. , approaching Swain at top speed.

Swain stamped his feet on the water, and a wall of water immediately formed.

"The same moves don’t work!"The afterimage threw two gun shadows in the air and pierced the water wall.

She originally thought that Swain would hide again with blindness, but the fact was that he suddenly thrust out the weapon in his hand and faced the afterimage in the air.


The blade tips of both sides' weapons actually collided, causing a large amount of sparks.

Both sides took two steps back and looked at each other.

The afterimage raised its head and looked at Sven's weapon. The tail of Wen's spear was dark purple with a few black stripes on it.

Different from the naginata commonly used by Kage, this was a purple spear!

Looking at Sven again, the afterimage found that there was a vague light on his side. I saw a purple figure, but I couldn't find anything after taking a closer look.

The afterimage didn't care about anything else. It stepped forward with a spear in hand, and the spear came out like a dragon. Along with the bursts of gunfire, the tip of the spear directly turned into a large Flash.

Swain waved his spear to parry, controlling the light wings and bronze blades during the process. The path of the afterimage's gun had been planned, but because of the light beams shooting out from time to time around him, and the bronze blades that suddenly jumped out from nowhere, he had to Change his action to dodge or defend.

And unlike other people's cover, Swain is not afraid of missed attacks hitting him!

Therefore, the attacks are not light or heavy at all!


The Honkai energy in Afterimage's body exploded, protecting himself, and then stabbed forward with a gun.

The tip of the gun gathered considerable energy. She clenched her hands, her muscles contracted, and veins popped out on her forehead.

Swain closed the emerald magic eye and turned to the divinity of the Indian God of Love. He used his hair to spread out, showing the starry sky inside it, and opened his eyes with a faint cyan flame.

"Indulge yourself in it, this is the flame of love!"

The afterimage stared unconsciously into Sven's eyes, and immediately a blue shock wave hit her face. The moment it came into contact, her head tilted back slightly uncontrollably, her eyes widened, and she just blinked. Instantly she felt absent-minded


The movement of the afterimage suddenly stopped midway, and the Honkai energy condensed at the tip of the gun gradually dissipated, and his expression became dull. But then he looked at Sven, and showed a weird smile that looked happy and infatuated. At the same time, he also With a little shyness.

Apparently she fell under Swain's charm and was deprived of her ability to think normally for a short period of time!

"Magic Eye! Shine!"Sven switched the magic eye again

"Infinite majesty!"

He raised his spear high, and large thunderbolts in the sky fell and gathered on the spear, and immediately turned into thunder blades and swept out!

From his movements, you can even see the obvious figure of the thunder movie, but in fact behind Swain You can really see the shadow.

Although this sword and spear is not very powerful and the power is not concentrated too much, this action is all the martial arts training of Raikage! The opponent must take this blow no matter what!

Sven's charm did not last long. The moment the thunder blade arrived in front of her, the afterimage's eyes suddenly regained their luster. The thunder blade in front of her continued to grow in size. She did not pause at all, and immediately raised her spear to block it..Boom!!

The thunder blade exploded, and the afterimage stepped back a certain distance, raised her head with a ferocious expression, and a bloodstain stretched from the side of her face along her neck to her collarbone!

Seeing this, Swain just felt sorry for this The attack was shallower!

The blood kept falling into the pool at his feet. At this time, except for the ice fog above the two people's heads, the ice fog in other places had dispersed, making the field of vision much wider..

Afterimage's feet sank into the already muddy ground, and her white calves were already stained with a lot of mud.

She wanted to wipe the blood on her face, but it was washed away by the rain, and Sven's The chain attack is not over yet!

Swain holds the gun in his left hand and takes out the Chain Moon in his right hand.

"Armament Strengthening Technique!"

Still some distance away from the afterimage, Sven raised the Moonlight and released a beam of moonlight.

The afterimage just turned sideways and dodged, and then threw out several gun shadows to fight back.

But the moonlight beam that was shot into the air did not It fell elsewhere, but fell on the fan-shaped bronze shield made of two bronze blades, and was reflected! The moonlight light flew back and shot towards the back of the afterimage!

As expected, her inner eye took effect immediately, and she felt After making the threat, there was no hesitation. Afterimage directly blocked her back with a big sword.

Swain, who was fighting with her with a gun, was not surprised. Instead, he looked at her jokingly.

"There is only one big sword, let me see how much you can block it!"

When the moonlight was about to hit the great sword, another bronze shield composed of two bronze blades caused the light to be refracted and flew upward again. In the sky, it was refracted by the two bronze blades, causing the moonlight to fly towards the remaining sword. The left side of the shadow is refracted again! After these four refractions, a ray of light suddenly changes its trajectory and shoots towards the left shoulder of the afterimage!

"What! ?"

"It’s the left! ?"

The afterimage turned around and looked puzzled at this moonlight light that could turn many corners. This time, no matter how fast she was, she didn't have time to react. She immediately raised her right hand to resist the blow! The palm of her hand resisted the blow!

A vertical sword mark was stabbed.


Sven did not miss this opportunity, gathered the thunder, and the spear turned into lightning and aimed at her chest.


The spear penetrated from her back, and suddenly Blood splashed.

But unfortunately, the afterimage did not dodge, but stepped forward, so Swain's blow pierced her lungs and missed her spine.

But this did not matter, Swain immediately let go of the spear, He raised his left arm blade Hegni and his right hand Lianyue, and stabbed at different places on the body of the shadow.

The shadow was also very decisive and gave up the long spear. At this distance, long weapons no longer have the advantage, and they are far less effective than short weapons. Therefore, she also used long swords and fists and kicks to fight.

Bang bang!


During the sword fight, she used several physical skills. Sven thought that the opponent was injured and was in poor condition, and his own spear was still stuck in her chest. On the way, he had some advantages, but he obviously underestimated this guy.

In just a few moves, Swain was knocked back a certain distance by a punch.

Obviously, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse.

On the way back, Swain changed again. Equipment, changed to Balumong

"Ice storm tornado!!"

Sven held Balumong tightly with both hands, and ice blue mixed with white cold air clung to Balumong.

He took a big step forward, then quickly rotated on the spot with his sword in hand, and the sword blade brought The cold air rolled up large swaths of rain and snowflakes in all directions.

Afterimage held the long sword with one hand for support. Every collision between the long sword and the big sword produced huge sounds and sparks, while Afterimage stepped on his feet in the puddle. It would also sink down for a while, and the force endured by her hands caused the wounds on her body to continuously flow out red blood!

As Sven rotated, the force exerted on her with each blow continued to increase!

This made her a little She can't resist!

But she refuses to admit defeat and likes to fight hard!

Although Sven's strength is not as good as Afterimage, her skills are definitely not weak. She uses the principle of acceleration to continuously increase her attacks.

She can feel the rotation of Balumong in her hand. When the intensity was about the same, Swain swung once more and then directly changed the direction of the swing, letting him jump up high with his body. He aimed at the position of the afterimage and slammed Balumong down!

"Drink!"Sven's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression slightly ferocious, and he exerted all his strength at the same time, transferring all the strength of his body to his hands.

The afterimage stared at Sven with a manic expression on his face, and directly raised his sword to block, the sound in his throat Blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth uncontrollably.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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