Boom boom!!!

And the afterimage's legs were now half-submerged under the ice, and his calves felt like they were sinking directly into the mud below.

At the same time, a large amount of cold air invaded the surrounding area. The water surface here was violently agitated, causing shocking water splashes. Before it fell, it quickly solidified and turned into large ice crystals, freezing Afterimage's legs on the ice. Down.

At this moment, she finally couldn't hold on any longer, and the long sword in her hand was directly shattered by this earth-shaking blow, turning into black particles and dissipating.

Facing Balumong, whose power was still undiminished, she quickly interlaced her hands, wrapped the chain blade around the sword body, and pushed it downwards with force.

This caused Balumongge, who was supposed to fall on him, to deviate from the track and fall in front of him!

This attack was ineffective, and Sven did not bother him. He simply abandoned Balumong who was tightly locked by the chain blade and jumped into the air.

Switching to using Hepal in the form of a sickle again, Swain swung the chain at the back of the sickle and stuck the dagger at the tail near a blade in the chain blade. Immediately, the chain quickly contracted and Swain swung it away.

Crash -

Hepal circled the chain blade a few times, and then the sickle head was inserted into the ice and fixed firmly. The chain at the rear also directly connected the chain blade that had not had time to untie, three layers inside and three layers outside. He was firmly tied to Balumeng!

Seeing this, Afterimage clenched the handle in his hand, trying to pull back his chain blade, but in the blink of an eye, purple flames ignited on Hepal, and swept Balumong and his chain blade into it.!

"Purple flame! ?"

The afterimage stared at the flame with wide eyes, and several scenes suddenly flashed through his mind without warning.

"This is erosive.....Fire that corrodes living organisms and lightning that corrodes electronic devices......."

When the afterimage came back to his senses, he saw the purple flames attacking him along the chain blade. His expression immediately changed and he threw out the handle of the chain blade without hesitation.

Looking at the three weapons that were clustered together and burning in front of him, Afterimage's expression became extremely ugly. Now his only weapons were spears and swords.

The afterimage's expression became serious, but the corners of his mouth that still couldn't help but couldn't stop rising.

"Oops.....Oops......So happy......hehe.......Hahaha——!!"

The afterimage waved his hands, gathering the surrounding water to form a water sword suspended in the air. The number seemed to be hundreds or even thousands!

Sven's eyes quickly scanned these water swords

"There is a certain gap between the front and back positions and the height. Assuming that they fly out at the same time and the flight speed is constant, then based on the distance, the order of attack is........"

Sven quickly compiled an order for these water swords in his mind. His brain was working rapidly, calculating the shortest distance and arrival time for these swords in front of him, and then compiled the order of attack!


The afterimage waved his hands and all the water swords flew towards Swain at the same time. As expected, the time and order in which these water swords arrived in front of Swain were different!

Swain controlled eight light wings and eight bronze pieces. The blade surrounds himself in front of him, and through beams and reflections he builds an intertwined mobile ray network that can adjust the angle and position at any time to fight against these water swords!

"Sequence confirmation, angle confirmation.......Start fighting!"

The eight light wings continuously emitted low-temperature light, forming a dense ice-blue net under the reflection of the bronze blade! The water sword in front was hit by the light and turned back to freezing, and its flying speed slowed down. Then it would Becoming an obstacle to the water swords that continue to fly behind!

Swain collected these frozen ice swords to form an ice wall to continue to block the afterimage's subsequent attacks.


The afterimage inserted the spear into his chest, angrily threw it towards the ice wall, shattered the ice beneath him, and pulled out his legs that were frozen underneath!

Swain raised his hand, halfway He dissipated his spear and punched the ice wall back at the same time!

His right hand began to flash blue light, and streams of data appeared along with the golden liquid, like a delicate, sophisticated, and precise machine. The deformation was carried out in a regular manner according to the design.

Then Sven looked up at the sky shrouded in ice fog, and the muscles around his eyeballs contracted slightly.

In the distance, from the perspective of Kallen and others, there was an airtight layer in the upper layer of the ice fog. The huge light-transmitting ice mist ball is constantly rotating and forming, and the position is just above the entire battlefield!

The fillings inside this huge 'rice ball', Xiaoxue has just explained, will definitely fill the meal!

And now if this If the ice mist is transparent, with the two people fighting below and the lightning and thunder in the sky, you may not know which side will fight first!

The afterimage swung a big sword and split the ice wall in half flatly at the center line. , and it was Grammer who flew out immediately!

"I have seen through both of your attacks!"

Afterimage can be said to have seen through Sven's action pattern. It would be better to say that there was basically no change in his action pattern from the beginning of his fight with him. Therefore, Afterimage also vaguely guessed his next move. He retreated with one blow, and in two steps Attack, cover attack, two-way double team attack....

There is also the habit of attacking, all of which are to attack some key points. Now that I think about it, I can make a good guess. Just focus on these positions!

Now the fun of her battle with Sven was entirely because she wanted to see how many weapons Sven had and how many attack combinations between the weapons he had not shown to herself!

If this kind of mechanical repetitive action is repeated too much in a very short period of time, it will form a conditioned reflex. The bad result is that your body has already started to react before your brain can react!

Enjoy the battle, enjoy the battlefield, enjoy the feeling of fighting, and enjoy the novelty of discovering interesting opponents every time you fight!

This is the only thing she wants to do now!

The afterimage smashed Grammer away, but the sudden flash of light in front of her made her doubtful. What was it?

When he looked up again, he saw a giant mechanical cannon hanging in Sven's right hand, with his left hand tightly holding the handle on one side.

The dark cannon hole is continuing to glow with orange light.

"Is it that kind of Rakshasa artillery again!"After the shadow coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood from the throat, she spit it aside casually.

The painful lesson of Orobas still appeared in the mind of the afterimage. It would be better to say that the body of that big idiot Orobas was still lying aside. It’s not cool yet!

Afterimage blocked the big sword in front of him and slowly stepped forward a few meters.

"Nebula Impact!!"


The Ranger's finishing move is a move that concentrates a large amount of energy into the heavy cannon in the hand and fires it out in one breath!

It has extremely high penetrating power and attack power, but because it is an energy light cannon, it does not have much impact. It won't produce an astonishing explosion, and the damage range is only a straight line, which is relatively limited.

The moment the light cannon hits, the body of the afterimage is only slightly stagnant.

"This level is not enough!"

"Please please me more!"

The afterimage held the big sword without any intention of retreating, and still stood there despite the light cannon.

Sven had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, paying attention to his own Honkai energy consumption and residual, while carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Look. Looking at the distance between the afterimage and himself, Sven's face became a little hesitant, as if he wanted to retreat. He slowly stepped back while raising the heavy cannon, moving little by little towards his left rear position.

The afterimage sneered when he saw this. , holding up the big sword to block, and at the same time moving slowly to catch up.

She could see that Swain's cannon wouldn't be used for too long!

It moved about ten meters, and the beam of the heavy cannon It began to shrink and become smaller, and the power output was not enough.

So Afterimage stood up on tiptoes of his right foot and rubbed it on the ground twice, then waved his hand to smash the beam into pieces. While turning his body in a circle, he held the spear in his right hand and stabbed Sven. Passed by.

Whoosh whoosh——!

A roaring sound broke through the air. Sven wanted to defend, but the speed was too fast, so he could only stretch out his left arm to block!


Along with Sparks flew, and three fingers on the left arm were missing, and the connection between the upper arm and the shoulder was also penetrated!

Immediately, the connection between Sven and the prosthetic limb was interrupted and he lost control. His left hand was weak and natural.

The long sword fell to the back, and half of it was inserted. On the ice.

At the same time, facing the afterimage of the high-speed rush, Swain instantly put away the heavy cannon in his right hand, and threw a white ball of light opposite him.

"CHER!"(I really don’t know which Chinese it is in or how to translate it. I found out that the only one that has a similar meaning is Xue’er. I don’t know if it’s accurate yet.) The finishing move of snow sniper is not very aggressive, but it is It can instantly freeze a large area and everything in it!

The ball of light exploded, and the sudden drop in temperature made the air in Inazuma this summer almost as hot as Siberia in winter!

That’s really a thousand miles of ice!

Of course, the afterimage was also frozen.

However, her astonishing strange strength helped her break free from the shackles of the frozen armor.

"It's now!"

Sven dispersed the ice fog that had been lingering above him. When the afterimage looked up, he found a huge 'glutinous rice ball' appearing above him!

It was an ice fog ball that had expanded to the extreme!

The ice fog ball It was falling rapidly. At that moment, the afterimage thought of the yellow-green mist just now. Could it be that this thing had fallen down again?

Looking at Sven who was working hard to control the ice fog ball, the afterimage exploded with all his strength, and was first shocked. The restraints on his hands were released.

The black Honkai energy gathered on the chest through the aggregation of the hands, and instantly turned into a large long sword with an astonishing size!

The width of the sword even exceeded the body of the afterimage!

And such a long sword , she used a considerable part of the Honkai energy in her body in one breath, and directly condensed three of them!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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