"Tempa?"Yaote noticed something about Danpa, so he asked

"Why do you have such an expression on your face?"Iskarn also stepped forward worriedly.

"Something's wrong with your body?"

"no but.....I just made eye contact with that guy......"Dampa swallowed dryly and said nervously


"It's hundreds of meters here, and we're backlit, so how can he see clearly?"

"No, something is indeed wrong, something is wrong with that guy!"

Dampa came back to his senses, stood up and grabbed Iska's shoulder, and said with a serious face:"Iska'n, let's go back first and report to Mr. Sturge. This guy is a little evil. I'm sure. The other person met my eyes!"

"Is the murderous intention that serious?"Iskahn felt that the other party was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"Well, although it was only for a moment, but.....The moment he discovered me, that guy released an astonishing murderous intent. That murderous intent was stronger than the second and third seats. This was the first time I encountered him!"

"Is it that strong?"Iskan scratched his head in confusion and looked at Yao Te beside him.

Yao Te also shook his head in confusion, obviously neither of them felt anything.

"Me too, I didn’t feel anything, just no murderous intention at all......"Iskahn recalled that he had been staring at him for a long time and didn't feel anything unusual.

Having said this, Dampa also thought about it.

"That's the problem!"

"That guy didn't have any killing intent when he was giving the command!"

"Do you know why?"

"Um, because he didn't do anything? Yao Te replied cutely.


"It's just because I didn't feel anything that it was scary. That guy was like a piece of wood. No, to use an analogy, it was the waterfall during our practice. Can you say that without murderous intent, there is no danger?"Dampa yelled at Yao Te in a voice that sounded like a roar.

The opponent shrank back in fright.

"Because he thinks this guy is nothing to be afraid of. Think about it, during the practice match, when the adults in the village fight with the children, will anyone have murderous intentions?"

"Won't! Because adults all know that children can’t beat them, so don’t take it too seriously!"

"It was an expression of disdain. He should, no, definitely noticed us a long time ago, but he didn't care at all!"

"If he is not simply a commander with superior observation skills, then he is a guy who is quite confident in his own strength, even arrogant!"

"do you understand!!"

"Ah oh....."It was also the first time for Yao Te to see this good old man showing such an expression, and he was frightened again and backed away.

"I see......"It was also the first time for Iskahn to see Dampa like this, so he closed his eyes and calmed down.

Among the three of them, Yao Te is basically the optimist who follows the two of them. He is just a pure passionate martial artist. As for Danpa, the strongest guy with narrowed eyes who looks very honest. Brainy.

The three of them were all aware of this, so Iskahn agreed with Dampa's point of view after a little thought.

"Since you said so, let's go back first, but as long as I bring the news later, I must personally meet this guy and try his skills!"

Seeing that Iskahn decided to return, Dampa breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could convince Mr. Sturge, it would be safer to leave Iskahn in the large army or even in the Rangers than if he went up to challenge alone.

Therefore, Among the three, only Yao Te was dissatisfied.

"Wait, why don’t you listen to my advice? Dampa’s words will work!"

Well, it seems that the three of them are not really conscious, nor do they all know what their roles are.

"When your character is as calm as Dampa, maybe I will consider your proposal."Iskanen replied lightly, moved his fists and wrists, and then walked forward with Dampa without looking back.

"hateful!!!"Yao Te stamped her feet anxiously from behind. After looking at the backs of the two people in front of her, she had no choice but to chase after them sullenly.

"You two, wait for me for a moment!"...

After the three of them were more than ten meters away, a pure black spider-shaped metal block the size of a remote control car appeared in the shadow behind the rubble beside where they were.

Its main body is a rectangular parallelepiped, with three three-section jointed long legs on each side. The outermost section of each long leg roughly presents a semicircular arc, and its back is layered like a small turret. Stacked on top of each other, this turret can be extended and expanded to look like a scorpion tail. At the tip of the tail is a miniature multi-function camera.

It carefully exposed its scorpion tail and scanned the surrounding area. It found that the people were far away before slowly walking out. A total of six three-section legs allowed it to adapt to various complex terrains, move flexibly, and be able to move around like a real spider. Moving of roofs, walls, etc.

"Detect heat source, number three, humanoid, presumed to be humanoid, no weapons found, open real-time data transmission channel with the main terminal, connect to other nearby friendly signal sources, the signal chain is normal, and data starts to be uploaded synchronously....."

"Data acceptance, transfer of control of the Wolf Spider and five nearby drones, target setting: first target, silent approach reconnaissance, confirmation of the opponent's assembly area, troop strength, and armament, second target......."Lecia's voice rang out from several drone networks of various types nearby.

"......Understand, accept the terminal command, transfer control of the Wolf Spider to the main terminal, and start tracking the target."The two hidden small green indicators on the front part of the main body of the wolf spider instantly turned blue. The control of the body was also transferred from the wolf spider itself to Lecia's hands. The mechanical spider legs on both sides were slightly deformed. The four spider legs that were originally horizontal were turned into vertical ones, and the spider leg in the middle was lifted up and turned into vertical directions. In this way, the outermost part of each long leg, which was originally an arc-shaped spider leg, was spliced ​​together just right. It presents a circle, which can be used as a tire, while the remaining two spider legs are slightly overlapping and bent, acting as springs to provide a certain shock absorption function. When the engine is started, the spider legs on both sides of the wolf spider become like wheels. Rolling forward, the scorpion tails were folded and folded on the back, leaving only the tip part to look around, and followed the direction of the three people in front of them with a very sensitive speed.

If there were no Orion nearby , just these two small long marks will definitely trouble the surrounding hunters for a long time. I wonder what kind of monster is this that can make such footprints? It can be filmed on a well-known TV column for at least three episodes!..........

"Mr. Swain, Wolf Spider No. 4 reported that three unknown humanoid units were found. Their skin color, hair color and eye color were inconsistent with the current data in the human world. No weapons were found. In addition, there were traces of climbing on the nearby rock wall, which was consistent with the guardianship. The climbing traces near the beast statue are predicted to be the same target group."

"The current position of the target is 32 degrees north-northwest, 87 degrees elevation, 572 meters straight line distance.......There are currently six drones responsible for tracking, among which I have taken over full control of Wolf Spider No. 4."

Lecia reported the discovery in a low voice, and said that if Swain wanted to, he could even watch the retreat of the three people on the opposite side live.

"It seems that they are a group of newcomers with little battlefield experience. They rush to run home after being frightened. They are really stupid."

"but unarmed......."

Raising his head and looking at the surrounding rock walls

"Climbing this rock wall is not only vertical but also has many bulges in places. These weathered rocks are not easy to grasp, and because of the strong wind here, some of these rocks are as sharp as blades. You can only climb wearing armor to avoid injury. , but the armor is too heavy and cannot hang on the weathered rocks, and the peaks of the mountain range at the far west end look to be in similar condition..........Those guys were able to crawl over, which means they have pretty good physical abilities. If there are no weapons, then the body is the best weapon. And with this look, are all these guys fighters?"

"The possibility of additional archers or sacred warlocks cannot be ruled out"

"It seems that the previous lightning strikes have aroused vigilance. Judging from the secretive attitude of these people, these people want to cover up their whereabouts as much as possible, so they should not let anyone leave here, because that will Leaking intelligence and giving the Western Empire more time to react"

"Then it will be easy to judge their subsequent actions. Surprise attacks and defensive battles based on the terrain are the best options, which can more effectively wipe out all of us. The terrain here is quite open and there is a way to retreat. I am afraid that the ambush point will be in front. The narrow road, where you need to move close to the rock wall, is inconvenient, and is the best ambush location. However, combined with the characteristics of the fighter, neither side can perform attacks on the rock wall, so if there are long-range troops, they will be on this narrow road. , if not, then I am afraid we will take action where we have just crossed the narrow road. At that time, we will be exhausted and the rear retreat will be almost blocked."Sven looked at the terrain ahead, guessing the general battle strategy on the other side, and his expression became sinister and cunning.

"Then the camp outside the canyon with insufficient combat power should be one of the attack locations. Well, it should be no problem to rely on the remaining people, but the number of people on the opposite side is not clear. This is still a variable, but there is nothing we can do about it. There is not enough Time investigation to obtain information."Sven shrugged, seemingly worried about the number of people across from him, but he also seemed not to care at all.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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