Swain withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at the heights. There was a tarantula drone controlled by Lecia tracking him.......No, it’s better to go there yourself

"It's rare for someone to lead the way honestly and save a lot of trouble, so don't waste the other party's kindness."Sven felt that at this time, we should not adopt the mentality of taking care of children, and we should do the work ourselves.

"Okay, then Lecia, issued a yellow alert, the second level combat configuration, replaced the drone team tracking the three people with a reorganized team, recalled all other models, hid them in batches, and prepared counterattacks at the predicted ambush points. Preparing for an ambush, the reconnaissance model was tracking and alerting the surroundings of the Knights, just in case. When I was away from command, the frontline commander acted as Siritis. When the number of members of the Knights exceeded 30%, they immediately planned the best retreat route. Let them escape, and don't worry about the rest. It doesn't matter if you give up all the drones, just make new ones if they break."Sven glanced at Sesame and Nuomi lying on the side, made a set of gestures with his right hand, and then the two little wolves stuck out their tongues and chirped twice to express understanding.

"The commander ordered to understand, issued a yellow alert, entered the second level combat configuration, the reconnaissance drone is being recalled, and the No. 5 Hummingbird transport aircraft is ready for departure."

"The best ambush location has been deduced through tactical simulation, and there are four backup locations to calculate the counter-ambush location........Ended. The forty-seven combat models will return and reorganize into combat formations within two minutes and twenty-one seconds. The extra numbered aircraft systems are being tested. All lines are normal and can be used. The frontline agent commander's biological response has been confirmed. Ecological information has been recorded. Finish."Lecia quickly executed the orders one by one.

Everyone in the gem was dumbfounded.

This is simply unplayable!

The people in the knights over there don't know what's going on here. Sven is here. Not only did Bian find the person, he even guessed the purpose of the opponent's action and had already made countermeasures!

"......I will never play a strategy game with this guy in my life."The timid girl said concisely and concisely with contemptuous eyes.



"Don’t you think this kind of opponent is interesting?"The calm young man listened to the other person's analysis and felt that it made sense, so he listened very enthusiastically and kept nodding in agreement with the other person's guess.

"No, no, no, this kind of game has already thought of how to kill your opponent before you even start the game. It won’t be fun no matter how you think about it!"The timid girl denied it.

This is simply no gaming experience!

If this were a video game, the other party would have shouted to Sven immediately to open it!

This is a big brother!

The big brother who cheated!

He looked at it and already cleaned it. After finishing the battlefield and collecting the trophies of the knights, Sven quietly retreated to the shadows on one side, temporarily out of most people's sight.

Siritis and Qin were together, and the two chatted from time to time. Pay attention to Sven. During the break, Qin mentioned to Silitis several times that she lacked commanders here, and asked her if it was possible for Sven to join the team. Silitis couldn't answer this question, but She knew that Qin might really want to invite Sven to join the team, and she was really tempted.

Silitis could only smile awkwardly and put it off, and Qin also noticed the complicated expression on her old friend. She looked like she wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

She immediately put her eyes on Swain.

And it happened that the two of them saw Swain's little movement. They stood up at the same time and wanted to get closer, but Swain noticed After he was discovered, he didn't intend to hide anything. He just put his index finger on his mouth with a slightly mysterious and playful smile, and blinked at the two of them, hoping to keep them calm about this matter. Silence.

When a beautifully carved snowman with an expression 90% similar to Sven, with ice as bones, falling snow as skin, and running water as blood appeared next to him, and in the blink of an eye, the ice and snow changed, and the white snowflakes turned into The long purple hair, the ice bones became tough, the skin was full of color and elasticity, and at the same time glowed with the luster that a normal person should have. The blue water in the body also turned into a red stream, injecting vitality into it, sculpting and Cheng's eyes could move freely, and the rise and fall of his chest showed that the other person could breathe normally.

For a moment, it was as if a twin suddenly appeared next to Sven.

Silitis didn't know what he wanted to do at first, and wanted to ask, But when I think about what I have seen and learned along the way, especially what Swain said, it is more important to use your own brain to think than to ask!

After all, what the enemy says on the battlefield, he dares to say, you dare Believe it all?


It was the first time for both Siritis and Qin to see a snowman turn into a real person.

Although the former knew that Sven would use the clone technique when he fought against Fanatio, that clone had various shortcomings. It only had a similar appearance, could not breathe on its own, and could not speak. From a cross-section after the body was cut open, All you can see is that the body is filled with all kinds of energy. It has no characteristics of any living thing or organism at all. It is just a pure energy body, which is completely different from the snowman in front of you!

But both have different advantages and disadvantages.

The clone formed by the energy body is easy to form and use quickly in battle. The ability and physical fitness are basically not much different from the original version. The disadvantage is that the energy consumption is fast. When the energy in the energy body is consumed, the clone will disappear, and the distance will be too far. disappear.

The clone attached to a certain object has low energy consumption, can move for a long time, and the range of movement has also increased a lot. The degree of flexibility depends entirely on the material and the level of the operator. In addition, the strength of the body is directly proportional to the material, and each organ of the body Its function depends entirely on the effort put into manufacturing it, so it takes a lot of effort to manufacture, and it cannot restore the physical strength and combat capabilities of the original version. It is basically impossible to directly put it into battle and use it as combat power.

"elder sister?"

"What happen to you guys?"

"Why does he look so shocked?"Barbara and Tiejie just wanted to inform Qin's logistics staff that they were ready to leave at any time, and then they noticed something was wrong with the expressions of the two people in front of them.

Tiejie and others looked in the direction of Qin and Siritis's eyes, and they happened to see When Sven arrived, he walked towards everyone waving his hands.

"Why are you looking at me so straight?"Sven looked at himself back and forth, as if he didn't notice anything wrong.

But Qin and Siritis knew that the one in front of them was just a snowman, and the real Sven just now had his body strangely sneaked into the shadows under his feet and disappeared. Got it

"The preparations are complete, Commander Qin, we can set off at any time!"

Amber also jumped over at this time, performed a standard knight's salute, and reported with a smile.

"Ah, well, you have worked hard and are all prepared. Let’s set off. Everyone will perform their duties and return to their positions."Qin tilted her head slightly and gave the order, but she didn't look at the people around her at all. Instead, she kept staring at Sven, as if she wanted to find some flaw in him.

"yes......That, Captain Qin?" Amber looked at Qin who was in an abnormal state with a doubtful expression.

Half of the time, Qin was very serious in doing things. It can't be said that it is rare to see Qin wandering like this. It can only be said that this is the first time she has seen her.

"Miss Qin, did I do anything rude?"

"Do you need to stare at me like this?"Sven scratched his head in confusion and looked at the other people around him with a pleading look, hoping that they would lend a helping hand to help him.

"elder sister......ah!"

Then Barbara thought she seemed to have discovered something, so she pointed at Qin with a shocked expression.

"Sister, sister, do you already have plans to get married?"

"ah! ?"Qin turned her head and looked at her sister with shock. She didn't expect that she would say that.

But when she looked at the suspicious looks of the people around her, she realized that her actions just now were inappropriate.

"No, that's not the case!"

"It's not what you think, I'm just curious about why his body structure.......Not right either!!"

"!!!!"Everyone was shocked.

The members of the Knights also watched curiously, wondering whether the acting leader, who usually seemed to care about nothing except work, was interested in this?

Qin felt that looking at the people around him, he felt that something had to be done.

Otherwise, I really can’t explain it clearly!

"I'm curious about his body structure, but it's not that body structure, it's this body structure!"


This doesn't sound right!

When everyone heard this, everyone except Silitis felt that what you said......There seems to be no difference whether it is said or not.

Just like every time a person breathes for sixty seconds, his life span is reduced by ten minutes.

(To be continued)

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