Although Balumongge has always been in a damaged state and cannot fully exert its original power, it has no difficulty in dealing with these sub-dragons with its dragon-slaying attributes!

The hard scales of those flying dragons are completely unsatisfactory under Balumongge's blade!

Therefore, the scene turned into a large number of flying dragons lining up to squeeze towards Sven's sword. He didn't even need to use too much strength, he only needed to wave the weapon, and these guys would seek death themselves!

Unfortunately, this scene did not last long. When other flying dragons attacked Sven from other places, he changed his strategy again.

"Ice storm tornado!!"

The ultimate move of the Polar Blade skill set, the icy blue ice sword energy quickly rotates as Sven holds the sword in both hands and turns into a tornado that soars into the sky, killing all the flying dragons that are trying to get closer under the sword!

In the last stage of the attack After the end, Sven jumped up high and smashed Balumong into the ground. While making a loud noise, it also caused the rocky ground to tremble!


The impact of the sword blade broke and left a hole on the ground. At the same time as the pit was deep, it also invaded forward along the path of Sven's sword, leaving a long and narrow trench on the ground. The fist fighters who were in the middle of the attack also quickly dispersed and hid on both sides of the ravine! The pieces that shattered on the ground At the same time, the biting cold air also spread to the surroundings with the attack, immediately freezing the surrounding flying dragons and the ground.

However, due to the previous breath attack of the flying dragon, the rocky ground that turned into a high temperature was suddenly cooled down, so that many places directly A small explosion caused the rock to crack and become very fragile. He turned around and found the remains of a flying dragon that was frozen into an ice sculpture on the ground. Sven ran quickly, accelerated and then jumped up, using his strength on the ice sculpture. Kick, suddenly flew towards the sky with a bang.

During this period, many times when he was about to fall, he randomly found a flying dragon around him as a foothold and stepped on it again to continue upward.

So everyone watched Swain step on it with his left foot. right foot.....No, the one who stepped on the dragon on the left and the dragon on the right flew directly to the center of the group of flying dragons in the sky!

While stagnant in the air, Swain slowly raised his left hand, and an ice-blue ball of light was gently thrown upward by him.

"CHER!"(Okay, I remembered the origin of salted duck. This is the Russian word for"snow". Alas, I still can't understand English with a kindergarten diploma~) The ball of light suddenly exploded, and the hot air around it was instantly cooled down. , The biting arctic wind is hanging from nowhere, and the broken snow and ice mixed in it are like blades. When they collide with the bodies of these flying dragons, there is a constant crackling sound.

The flying dragons closest to Sven were the most severely affected and were directly frozen into ice sculptures. Even the people in the gems who were the chief spectators could clearly see the lines in the eyes of the closest flying dragon. It didn't fly as high as it did in the end, so why did a person suddenly jump out from below?

Without even giving it time to react, the flying dragon ended its life, and its body crashed downwards out of control along with the surrounding kin!!!

The flying dragons far away from the ice ball are also more or less affected. Except for a small number of these guys who are resistant to cold or have the power of ice, most of them are fire-attributed and are afraid of the cold. Now they directly suppress the sky. After clearing most of it, only a dozen or so scattered flying dragons could still maintain normal circling flight.

The shadows on the ground gradually became heavier, and the light above the head was blocked. After the boxing fighters below reacted, they also watched huge ice blocks falling downwards.

"......."Swain also lowered his gaze, looking at the position of the fist fighters.

"Siritis and the others have already left this area, so these big ice blocks should be able to crack the ground........"

Hearing Sven mutter something like this, everyone in the gem hurriedly followed his gaze and looked down.

"This is his plan......."The lively female voice immediately understood Swain's intention, and immediately covered her mouth with a look of shock on her face to prevent herself from losing her voice.

"First, he used the move just now to quickly cool the hot ground to make it fragile, and also used sword energy to cut a ravine. Finally, he used the flying dragon frozen into ice cubes to continuously hit the ground from high altitude. The rocks here had already experienced The erosion of time has made it very fragile........"The calm boy screamed out in surprise. If he was given some time, he might have discovered Swain's intention in advance, but this series of attacks and defenses happened so fast that his thinking could not keep up!

"He plans to smash this entire place off the cliff on one side! ?!"

The rest of the people who reacted also screamed in surprise and glanced at the boxing fighters in the danger zone. There were at least a hundred more people!

These are a hundred fresh lives!!

"Wait a minute, this, this is too much......."

"Too cruel!"

"how come......"

Various people have various ideas. It is normal for some people to be unable to accept Swain's actions. People in a peaceful country will never understand the survival of people who may die the next day. What the Tao is like.

If you are a little soft-hearted here, you will not get gratitude from the other party, but ridicule and ridicule from the other party!

At this moment, they also recalled that the man in front of them was not only able to kill Warcraft and Honkai Beasts without any scruples, but he also showed no mercy to those who hindered him, such as those from the Tianling Sect and the Determined Sect!

At the beginning, he did not choose to forcefully break through the blockade on the opposite side of Shinsuke Hiiragi's troops and Kage Mukayama, but chose to destroy them all to avoid future troubles!

Perhaps it was because the joy of defeating Orobas and Afterimage, as well as Swain's pro-people behavior when he entered politics, were so confusing that he forgot that this guy was a real god of death!

Bang bang bang!!!

Each flying dragon ice sculpture landed exactly where Swain expected.

Boom boom boom———!

Click click click——!


"There seemed to be strange sounds."

The boxing fighter soon discovered an abnormality. The frequency of the ground shaking was not right, and there was also the sound of something breaking.

"This voice is......."

Iskahn was the closest to the canyon fissure, and he and Dampa and the others around him turned to look almost at the same time.

Seeing that the edges were cracking and collapsing, and the cracks were spreading towards this side, their pupils shrank immediately, and they immediately turned to face the people in front and shouted at the top of their lungs:"Everyone!"

"Run forward quickly, this place is going to collapse!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Iskahn yelled and ran forward. On the way, he kept hitting everyone who was shocked by Sven's fighting style and could not recover for a long time, reminding them!

Boom boom boom——!!

The geological structure collapsed under Sven's calculations. The remaining fist fighters who were closer to the cliff were empty before they could recover and fell downwards.



Hearing the screams of their companions, someone in front immediately turned around and wanted to help. However, not only did they fail to save those companions who fell into the canyon, but they also missed the time to evacuate themselves, causing more casualties!

"you!!"Iskahn was breathing rapidly, but unfortunately he was not strong enough. He could not save those people. He could only watch each of his companions disappear from sight, and all he could do was to guide those who were far away from the collapse area to evacuate quickly.

If there was a congestion of these people, there would probably be more people left here!

Swain looked very dissatisfied when he looked at the speed of attrition on the other side and the people who reacted and prepared to cross his sword mark and move to safety.

Instead of the entire area collapsing as expected, only the edges collapsed slightly.

"The terrain is relatively solid, and the weight of the flying dragon is much lighter than I thought."

He casually landed on the back of a flying dragon to observe the battle. When it started to fly around, roll and struggle, Sven directly inserted his sword into its spine, and then jumped up, avoiding the breath of other flying dragons around it. Attack, leaving only the flying dragon that died and was burned to char by its companions to fall freely.

"Then do it again."

Switch weapons again

"Armament Strengthening Technique!!"

"Magic Eye, shine!"

At the same time as Lianyue was unsheathed, the huge sword blade formed by the Armament Strengthening Technique was equipped with the bonus of the Demonic Eye of Cuiyang, and it directly killed the flying dragons around it without any distinction, and Sven also used the sword blade to shoot the remains of these flying dragons. Falling towards the retreat of those boxing fighters!

Bang bang!!

In a blink of an eye, piles of flying dragon remains formed a wall of flesh, blocking the footsteps of these people!

When they jumped up to climb over these obstacles, the boxing fighters who had already retreated to a safe area When he raised his head at this moment, he happened to see a huge blade falling from the sky.

Apparently Sven planned to use the blade to expand and dig the ravine on the ground deeper, or he planned to cut off the rock area directly!

"stop——!!!"Iskahn's eyes widened and he cried, feeling very helpless and reaching out his hand.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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