
Boom boom boom——!!

The sword light flashed, and a smooth knife mark streaked across the ground.

The ground was completely unbalanced. There was a huge cracking sound at the break, and a large amount of smoke and dust was raised. The rock area was completely cracked and turned into pieces of gravel. The boxer fighter who had lost his footing on it could not control his body and leaned back. With ear-piercing, inhumane screams, the surrounding rubble and debris fell towards the direction of the canyon.


In the blink of an eye, the team of boxing fighters was once again decimated. The screams of those who fell could no longer be heard, and only the faint sound of the constant collision of gravel on the way down could be heard.

Seeing this, Si Xi seemed to have lost his will to fight. He slumped to the ground with lifeless eyes. He didn't react at all despite being pushed and shouted by the people around him. He just stared blankly at the edge of the cliff.

"Too bad......."

Seat 8 and Seat 7 were relatively close to each other. After a brief exchange of eyes, the two knew that the situation for them and others was now over!

The plan to invade the Western Empire had been prepared for a long time, and he had been hiding in the canyon for a long time. He finally controlled the Silver Purple Orchid Spear, had the ability to control the flying dragon, and the ability to control the power of the Western Guardian Beast, and confirmed the Dark Empire at the gate of the Eastern Empire. The friction with the people in the human world is in a stalemate, so that no integrity knights can be deployed to deal with the monsters in the Western Empire.

All signs indicate that the Western Empire's armed forces are empty, but our own combat power is sufficient. Now is the best time for a large-scale invasion!

But now.......Three-fifths of the fist fighters brought from the tribe were also paired with several teams of flying dragons. The main team among the main force was now occupied by one person.......More than half of the people were killed or injured because of one person's attack!!

What the hell is this guy!

"us.......should retreat......."Qi Xi’s voice was very heavy

"Um......"The eight seats responded solemnly.

Both Seven Seats and Eight Seats are relatively calm types, which is why they are still alive now. They do not go up directly to kill them like other boxing fighters. Their caution means that they always use probing attacks without revealing too much. The flaw was killed by Swain with one move!

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see the situation. Staying here is nothing more than delivering food. Increasing casualties will only continue to damage the vitality of the Fist Fighters clan, and it will be meaningless damage!

"At least the second and third seats if they are there......."Seven Seats and Eight Seats came to mind at the same time.

Although there is only one difference between the third seat and the fourth seat, that is mainly because there is a gap in strength between the two seats, and there is no connection.

This was caused by the original conflict between the Fist Fighter Tribe and the Integrity Knights.

At that time, both sides suffered heavy casualties. The Fist Fighters only had the upper three seats left, and the ones behind them were all chosen from the juniors. The same was true for the Integrity Knights, except for the older Bercouli and DeSorba. Well, the middle age group is Fanatio and Shetta.

There are almost no Fist Fighters and Integrity Knights of the younger generation!

Swin, Alice, and Edith have only become integrity knights intermittently in recent years. As for the Fist Fighters, their protection of Iskahn can be said to be excessive. They sacrificed so many people just to let him escape. It seems that they are also protected as the successors of the tribe.

"But how to let everyone escape?......."

Thinking of this, Seat Seven and Seat Eight both had a headache. They racked their brains and couldn't come up with any specific plan.



When Iskahn here saw the loss of a large number of companions, he seemed to have lost his strength. His legs softened and he knelt directly on the ground. His outstretched right hand fell feebly by his side.

"iskan......"Dampa also knelt down behind him, his face was pale, and he stretched out his hands to hold Iska's back from behind, but he hesitated and did not touch Iska'n.


Iskan roared, smashed his fists on the ground, and knelt down with a ferocious face. Tears flowed out uncontrollably from his eyes, dripping on the rocks, leaving shallow tear marks.


"These guys didn't undergo all that hard training just to die this way!!"

He slowly raised his head, with a strong murderous intention and anger, and looked at Sven, who had fallen into a safe area, with eyes wide open. He found that the moon on the other side was slowly retracting, his expression was calm, but He looked down for a moment, as if he was really confirming the results of his battle. He was not aware of what he had just done!

Even after he was slightly dazed, a smile appeared on his face!!

However, the fact is At this moment, Sven was turning his attention to the snowman, repairing the system with his hands flying quickly. The smile was just because he confirmed that Alice was alive, and he was happy that she was not injured and was armed. Strengthening technique!

"This guy.......This guy.......absolute........"Iskahn's eyes were fixed on Sven, as if he wanted to imprint his appearance completely in his mind and heart, and at the same time he kept mumbling:

"Definitely kill him!!"

"Definitely kill him!!!"


"You bastard!!!"

"How dare you!!!"

"Drink ah ah ah!!!"

Iskahn slammed his fists on the ground, and the veins on his forehead bulged, and his whole body suddenly burst out. His fists were burning with pure flames, leaving a big hole on the ground and he rushed towards Sven.!


"Iskahn, you are no match for him!"Bashi stood on one side and stretched out his hand to stop his unintended behavior, but unfortunately it was of no use.

Looking forward with one eye, Sven leaned back to avoid Iskahn's fists. Skagen never thought that he could kill the opponent with one punch, so he was not discouraged and continued to pursue. After the continuous punches had no effect, he began to use kicks as an assist.

"you this......You bastard!!"

"How dare you!!"

"How dare you kill my companion!!"

Iskahn hit Sven on the bridge of the nose with a straight punch again.


There was a crisp sound, and his straight punch was grabbed by someone's arm.

"how?"Sven raised his eyebrows, as if he was surprised that the other person would say that, but in fact he couldn't understand the attitude of the other person. He was obviously the perpetrator, but he pretended to be the victim when he found himself in a weak position!

"Are you so angry just because I killed them?"


Iska'n did not try to withdraw his fist, but waved his left fist again, also aiming at Sven's face.

But his wrist continued to be grabbed.

Looking at Iska'n's furious expression With this face, Swain slowly said:"You guys are really weird."

"Faced with bandits who break into your home and are ready to plunder your property, destroy your home, kill your parents, enslave your brothers, and humiliate your sisters, won't you kill them?"

"Could it be that the people of the Dark Empire treat these bandits by inviting them to sit and rest in their own homes, and then serve them with delicious food and drinks, and then offer them all their property, without bothering the people on the other side to solve their own problems? Parents, then tie up the siblings and deliver them to the robbers?"Sven said with interest with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"If that's the case, I'd really like to visit your place. If there's anything interesting, I can bring it back as a gift to the little girls at home."


"We are not robbers!"

"We do it for the sake of a better living environment for the tribesmen. We do it for our family and friends........"Iskahn roared and argued with Sven

"Then I am the same, for my family and friends to have a safe and stable living environment!"Sven put away the smile on his face.

"The young boy's thoughts are so simple and simple!"

"What did you say!!"Iskahn kicked his right leg towards Sven's knee.

Sven then raised his right leg first and kicked the opposite calf, easily breaking his calf bone with one kick. He followed closely. With that, Sven turned his hands at the same time, and with two crisp sounds, Iskahn's arms were immediately removed and fell down weakly. Backing up slightly,

Sven jumped into the air and turned around to kick. Hit Iskahn right in the chest.


"Iskahn!"Bashi hurriedly stepped forward and dragged Iskan from behind as he flew over.


"Hold on!"

He asked Iska'n to lie down slowly and lean into his arms. Sven's kick didn't seem to use much force. It was much more restrained than before, otherwise it would definitely break his sternum!

"Ahem.....Well!!"Iskahn is still conscious, but he keeps spitting out thick blood, and his mouth keeps opening and closing but he can't speak.

"Naive kid, you said so grandly, why for the tribe, you guys have never thought about these things, you just entered the battlefield with the attitude of having fun and fighting."

"Otherwise, you would never say such childish words!"

Sven hit the nail on the head and directly spoke of Iskahn's true thoughts.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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