Looking at the large scorch marks on Swain's chest that were smoking black, even the outer skin and muscles were completely charred and carbonized, and a lot of them fell off. Some internal organs and aortic veins could already be seen!

A large amount of blood continued to flow out, and soon a large pool of blood was formed where Sven was.

However, he seemed to be in a trance at this moment, and his eyes didn't know where to look. He seemed to be reminiscing, and he didn't notice his situation at all.

Alice didn't say anything else. She wasn't sure whether her sacred magic was still effective for such an injury, but she still stretched out her left hand in front of Sven, and the palm of her hand radiated soft golden light.

"System commands"

"Light element generation"

"radiance of love"


This is a high-level healing technique that only a few high priests can use even in the Central Sanctuary. Swain didn't expect that Alice, whose level of sacred magic was not high before, would even learn this now? Boom! Boom!!

The sound of shelling and the activation of sacred arts came to mind from behind. Immediately, high-explosive bombs took the lead, followed by colorful sacred arts flying towards the chief fist fighter!

Sven covered his chest and looked back slightly to see that he had already rushed to his side. two people

"System commands"

"Water element generation"


"Wind, answer me."

Barbara kept using water, and Qin used her exclusive ability to help Sven recover and treat his injuries.

The rest of the Knights also had no intention of going forward to engage in close combat, because they were just delivering food.!

So now we can only use long-range attacks such as sacred arts and bows to delay the opponent as much as possible, providing precious time for Sven's recovery.

But the chief fist fighter just looked at these attacks with disdain, then spread his feet slightly, right hand He held the knife in front of him, and his left hand was in the shape of a fist to protect his chest.

He saw the right moment, quickly stretched out his right hand, grabbed the barrel of the Black Scorpion high-explosive bomb, and with the rotation of his body, he moved the A cannonball was thrown into the swarm of Wasps and Swifts that were attacking him from a blind spot on one side!

The Wasps were prepared to use a machine gun to explode the shell, but the chief's wrist strength was too amazing, making the high-explosive bombs go too fast. , directly crossed the defense line and landed in the middle of these drones.


Suddenly, most of the small drones that were not left were directly killed or injured.

The few remaining ones also just emerged from the storm and smoke. At that moment, the Chief used his hands and feet to wave the almost transparent air hand sword and leg wind, and all the sacred spells that came with him were defeated!

Here, the healing spells of the three people seemed to have little effect, so the knights were divided into Several warlocks were sent out to help Sven recover.

However, even so, they still could not prevent the decline of Sven's destiny.

"It's useless, no one who has tried this trick of mine has survived so far!"

The chief fist fighter moved slowly towards this side as if strolling in a courtyard, and at the same time, he casually waved a series of air hand knives to defeat the attacks of the newly formed sacred arts.

Seeing an enemy of this level approaching, everyone felt as if they were in danger. Looks as nervous as the enemy

"I think back then, in the battle with the Integrity Knights many years ago, I killed four of the five Integrity Knights who besieged me with just this move. The only one left alive was the Integrity Knight Captain."

"He could predict my attacks in advance every time and dodge them, but his sword could not hurt me at all. The battle between us was in a stalemate for a long time."The chief showed some recollection in his eyes. He raised his head slightly as if he felt that these things seemed to have become a thing of the past, but they seemed to have happened not long ago.

"However, you seem to be much stronger than those four integrity knights. At least you didn't turn into ashes the moment you were attacked!"

"Since I didn't kill you instantly, it seems you can hold on for a few more breaths. Huh, you have some bragging rights, but that's all!"

"Integrity Knight Commander?"


"On par with his strength."

Alice looked surprised as she listened to the speech on the other side.

It turns out that the strength of the person in front of her is comparable to that of an integrity knight!

So in this case.........This battle is settled!

Although I feel sorry for Knight Commander Bercouli to say this, in terms of anticipating attacks, this guy who has fallen to the ground is indeed the best among them all!

Tiejie was also among the people being treated. Looking at the approaching chief and Sven who had not recovered at all, she shouted anxiously:"No, the injury cannot be contained." The other people also had their facial features wrinkled together, their foreheads There were fine beads of sweat on his face, and he looked very dignified.

Seeing this, Alice immediately gave up the treatment, no longer wasting her sacred power, stood up and glared at him angrily.

"You don't dodge or dodge the attack, you deserve it."

Alice, who was very familiar with Sven's dexterous fighting style, noticed something strange about this guy at a glance.

"Forget about treatment, the life is almost exhausted anyway."After coming back to his senses, Siwen, who seemed to have gained a lot, smiled and waved his hand, asking everyone to stop the treatment.

"I just want to confirm the opponent's strongest attack, and test his strength and his moves to find a way to crack it."


As if he was not injured at all, Swain stood up directly under the horrified eyes of the knights behind him and the chief in front.

"Moreover, I have not seen many fighting methods that do not rely on weapons at all, so it is normal to be somewhat curious."

The chief's expression was a little solemn. As Swain stood up, the blood on his body was flowing like free money. In his perception, he was very sure that Swain would become swine in a few breaths.

But.......Why is he so energetic now?

"Eh......."Alice held her forehead with one finger in great pain. She had almost guessed the reason just now.

"So, what about stuff?"

As he said this, Sven stretched out his hand to Alice.

"over there."

Alice then pointed behind her.

Everyone and the chief turned to look aside. Zhizhi was lying on the ground, while Nuomi was shaking his head back and forth with a silver-purple spear in his mouth.


Immediately, everyone in the audience turned their attention to the back of the boxing fighter team. The silver and purple orchid spear that was supposed to be inserted on the ground had disappeared without knowing it!

"When is it! ?"The chief didn't notice at all that someone crossed him and went to the back of his own team!

"Of course, when you're focused on attacking me."Sven said as he glanced at the life that was about to be exhausted in the burning state.

"Our own personnel were slaughtered to the point where they were almost completely wiped out. Just when we were about to despair, our boss returned with force."

"You see your tribe wailing and you have almost no men. Of course you will attack the guy closest to you without thinking and with a strong smell of blood. You don’t care about the movements of other people behind me. How can you care about it in advance? The movements of other people in hiding?"

"As the champion and chief of boxing fighters, you must be the same as everyone else and disdain the use of weapons, so it is definitely a good idea to throw it back to the team for safekeeping."

"The battle began. The enemy who had been invincible before and left a strong psychological shadow on everyone was crushed by the boss. He was completely unable to fight back. The next way to die may be the most painful way of being beaten to death. This kind of How could I miss such a refreshing scene?"

"Of course, regardless of whether we are the enemy or ourselves, both sides will feel a high degree of tension. Of course, their eyes and attention will be attracted to the situation at the center of the battle, all focused on the two of us."

"In this case, take a spear from behind the team of fist fighters who are all distracted........."Swain playfully squinted his eyes and looked at the chief with contempt.

"is it hard?"

"you.......!!!"The chief felt as if he had been calculated, and his psychological thoughts were completely exposed on his face, and his pupils were trembling slightly.

Just by knowing his existence, he had already predicted the actions he might take without even meeting him, and was prepared accordingly!

This young boy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, and he seems to be good at scheming!

Silver Purple Orchid Spear.......Although the gun has.....And I had already talked to that dragon just now....

No, no one can tell what the dragon's attitude will be. To prevent accidents, the Silver Purple Lanzhi still needs to be taken back!

"hehe......."Seeing his surprised look, Swain immediately chuckled twice, glanced at Alice's long golden hair standing beside him, and finally focused on the end of the braid she had made, leaving only A small bunch of long hair is tied with a white bow.

Without asking Alice for her opinion, or even giving her time to react, Swain reached out and untied her white bow.

The people standing behind the two of them were watching all of Swain's actions.

This move can be said to be extremely unreasonable!

There are even some people who haven't noticed the good or bad relationship between Sven and Alice yet, but they just think that if they do this, will Sven really not be executed by Alice's sword before the burning flames in his body exhaust his life?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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