"Wait, what are you doing?"Alice immediately reached back with her hands and grabbed her braids that were about to unravel. She rolled her eyes and stared at Sven dissatisfied. Her nose wrinkled slightly, but that was all. There was even a hint of" Some hint of anger

"Don't make trouble, your hair will fall apart. Give it back to me quickly.~!"

Swain, on the other hand, combed his long hair without even looking at her, and tied himself into a neat high ponytail using Alice's white hair.

In the case of close combat without weapons, loose hair will become a fatal weakness, so it is better to tie it up.

Realizing that Sven did not respond to her, Alice could only frown slightly, with a depressed look on her face. She just took a deep breath and let out a long helpless sigh.

Forget it, let him be.

Since there was nothing to tie her hair, Alice simply let her long golden hair completely spread out.

This behavior of the two people was seen by everyone, and many people behind them showed astonishment.


"Do you think you know that the enemy still has a general who has not yet come out, but you still hold a spear that is suspected to be able to control the power of the guardian dragon without making any preparations?"

Sven returned his attention to the chief, and continued to output with a strong sense of ridicule.

"Originally, I was worried that you would throw the Silver Purple Orchid Spear into the middle of the team and ask Alice to accompany Sesame. But it turned out that I was overly worried. You don’t have the brains."

"And I just showed a little bit of difficulty, and you became so angry that you wanted to immediately avenge your tribe, and you used all your tricks, and even used that ability called Yehuo, just to defeat me?"

"Judging from your state after using that move, it should be your strongest move, right?"

"but......It must be that you are getting older and your physical fitness has declined to the point where you can no longer withstand the high temperature of your own flames, right?"

"So what!!!"The chief did not deny it and directly interrupted Swain's taunting!

"Even if this is the case, then I just need to kill all of you and get the gun back!"

"The information you obtained about me still cannot be brought out, and it has no value!"

"And you can't defeat me!"

"Hum hum.......So you might as well guess, why am I telling you this here?"Sven Ruo pointed out something, showing a mysterious smile.

I've been waiting for the skill to activate, but what are you waiting for? Are you really just waiting to die?

"Does this also make sense?"The moment he reacted, the chief felt something bad. He thought that the other person was just angry and wanted to mock him before he died!

So without hesitation, he immediately lowered his body and kicked his legs violently On the ground, he made a fist with his right hand and blasted towards Swain's head!

He wanted to ensure that Swain was killed with one blow, so he planned to crush his entire head with this blow!

But the moment he took off, Swain's The destiny value has also returned to zero!

Of course, the battle continues!

Bah, bah, bah!!!

As Sven's whole body erupted with a striking red light, high-temperature steam lingered around his body, and the jet of gas was too violent. The people around him had to cover their faces with their hands and step back with their eyes closed. They braved the steam and carefully opened their eyes, through the gap between their hands, under everyone's horrified gaze.

Before Swain's body All the injuries suffered are healing rapidly. The burning flames in the chest are extinguished, the muscle texture grows again, and the white skin replaces the carbon blocks that have turned into coke.

Including the wounds that are twisted to incredible angles, and even from the joint wounds. You can see the white bones everywhere, and the right hand has returned to its original state with a few crisp bone crunching sounds!

After a long battle, Sven, who has consumed a lot of physical strength and destiny, is now back to his peak state!

Chief! His eyes widened, and he was shocked to see that all the injuries on Sven's body had recovered.

Considering that the one he had just beaten was in vain!?

"Hey, boxing champion"

"The warm-up is over, now I have to get serious!"

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Swain's mouth, and he declared loudly


"bluff!"The chief stabilized his mood. Of course he didn't believe Swain's words and immediately smiled with disdain.

"Ouch ow ow——!!"

Accompanied by the melodious, long and ethereal chirping of a bird, a red and black totem appeared on Sven's back!

Just like before, the last move Sven used when fighting against the afterimage flew into the sky, and the huge phoenix totem that revealed evil nature and endless violence emerged in the vast void!

The phoenix totem almost occupies Sven's entire back, and its wings even extend to his arms!

Along with the crisp sound of phoenix, the totem behind him lit up, and soon a circular totem with a similar pattern appeared under Sven's feet!

The totem under his feet expanded rapidly, with Sven as the center, and suddenly all the surrounding areas were included in the totem range!

After the totem expanded to its limit, the phoenix totem on it suddenly burst out with scarlet light, and a seemingly substantial light curtain was formed at the edge of the totem. From a distance, the totem range looked like a hemisphere..

The light of the phoenix totem changed the surrounding atmosphere again like a fluorescent lamp. Originally, the sky was dark, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed very weird with the dark green thunder illumination in the cold pool below, but now the feeling has become alluring and weird. A lot!

But this is not the most important place.

The most important thing about this totem's ability is that it is used to control gravity within the range of the ground totem!

"The power of the earth and stars - gravity control!"Sven waved his hands vigorously to his side.


Without the slightest delay, the chief only felt that his whole body sank, and there was a strange pressure everywhere in his body, and his movements were inevitably much slower!

"This is!!!"

Sven, who was not affected in any way, threw away the chain blade in his hand, stepped forward with bare hands, ignored the chief's right fist, and jumped towards his face to kick him!


The chief didn't react. Slowly, he immediately used his left hand to protect his face and blocked Swain's attack. With his feet on the ground, the chief planned to continue the pursuit, and the right hand that swung a straight punch was redirected halfway towards the side of Swain's calf.

Swain stepped on it directly. The chief's blocked left hand flipped lightly, jumped into the air, and then continuously launched flying kicks towards the chief's face.

Bang bang bang!

The chief had no choice but to retreat one after another, and alternately blocked his face with both fists to protect him..

After he adapted to Swain's attack, he tentatively swung his right straight fist again.

Swain used the strength of his waist and abdomen in the air, reached down with both hands, and immediately grabbed the chief's right wrist, and his legs Climbing up like two spiritual snakes.


Without giving the chief any reaction, Sven exerted all his strength at the same time, using joint techniques with opposite directions on both hands and legs at the same time. He only listened to the wrist of the chief's right hand. All the joints from the elbow to the shoulder joint made an explosion-like sound!


The chief's expression was solemn. He did not flinch because of this small injury. Instead, he raised his right hand high and wanted to slam Swain to the ground in front of him.


Swain let go halfway, only to be thrown away again by the opposite party. Flying, he landed not far in front of the chief.

No longer the starting point of the sword move, Sven staggered his legs, with his right foot in front, his hands turned into claws, and the power of black mist attached to his hands, like a wild beast The claws are as long and sharp as a sharp blade!

The two arms are parallel and diagonally blocked in front of the left side of the body, with the palms facing outward.

Don’t forget, apart from the sickle, the other half of Twins on the Other Side’s skill set is With claws!

"grid......Fighting skills?"

Qin was surprised. Nan Nan whispered and looked at Sven in front of him.

The rest of the people also had similar expressions.

They had never thought about using fighting skills against the strongest person in the family who was good at using fighting skills..

Give up your own effective weapons and give up your biggest advantage to challenge the opponent's advantages?

Not only is this crazy, it is directly seeking death!

Maybe you can get through a few moves with weapons, but if you throw away the weapons, you will be sent to death. Food!

"Everyone, please step back for a moment, this environment is a little weird."Alice looked at the dark red field that surrounded herself and others. They also felt the heaviness of their bodies, and their movements became much more difficult. Even the simplest breathing required a lot of effort. Their hair and clothes also fell down directly, and they all stuck tightly to their bodies. Their armor and weapons became much heavier at this moment. The sword skills that they could usually use casually now gave them a feeling that was difficult to reproduce.

No If there was any doubt, everyone moved carefully and slowly, and quickly withdrew from the area.

At the same time, after the chief watched those people leave the surroundings, he could clearly feel that his weight had increased a lot again!

This is.......This guy's technique?

The chief moved his body a little and knew that fighting in this environment was very unfavorable, and his speed would decrease no matter what!

It is true that sacred spells cannot cause damage to him, but such non-harmful spells are still effective!

"No, no matter what the speed will be........"

Before the chief could think of a way to break the situation, Sven had quietly killed him in front of him again!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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