

As Swain's hand suddenly reached down, there were five bloody scratches on the chief's face. One of the scratches actually blinded one of his eyes! The chief covered his face and said to the chief. After staggering two parts

"Twins on the other side - the end!"

Sven's body suddenly floated, and when the gravity position the two of them were in was lifted, the pieces seemed to have different shapes, like pieces of broken glass. The black sky suddenly rose up and surrounded Sven and the chief.


The broken glass There was a cracking sound, and the fierce impact coming from all directions made the chief overwhelmed and fell to one knee on the ground.

Swain concentrated all the power of withering on his right hand, forming a large pure black mist. Claw blade

"Dark night!"

Sven's claw blade separated its five fingers and pierced directly and mercilessly into the chief's torso from different positions!


The chief spit out a lot of blood, but Swain did not take back his hand, raised him high, and then violently threw him into the team of boxing fighters on the other side of the broken bridge.


A group of people immediately stepped forward and hurriedly caught the chief who was flying backwards. After a while of fussing, they surrounded him with concern.


"Hold on!"

However, no matter how much these people cry, there are not many sacred spells that can prevent them from performing any healing spells. In addition, Sven himself does not know how to recover from the injuries caused by the power of withering. In other words, once he is hit, he can directly Waiting to die!

The claw blade on Sven's right hand gradually collapsed, and the thing that had been nestled in his palm also fell into his hand.

It was a championship belt that had been cut off, leaving only the blood-burning golden medal in the middle!

"I said, your medal belongs to me."Sven weighed it casually in his hands a few times.

And his behavior was full of provocation in the eyes of everyone on the other side!

"Very good!!"


Everyone in the Knights was sincerely happy.

Amber and Yora even hugged each other and jumped to celebrate without realizing it. Barbara and Tiejie touched each other's hands and clapped their hands. Qin also breathed a sigh of relief. Hope Litis had a proud expression on her face, and the two wolves proudly puffed out their chests and howled.

"Sri Lanka......"When Alice from behind saw this, there was a hint of joy on her face.

But this joy was fleeting.

Boom boom boom——!!

Along with the sound of thunder, a large number of black spots in the sky rushed towards here from all directions.


At the position where the altar was facing the cold pool at the rear, a black shadow that covered the sky suddenly flew out from the bottom of the water and reached the sky!

Zi la la la—!!

Dark green thunder illuminated the sky, and the broad dragon wings spread out wantonly, as if they could surround all the knights below.

It is covered with layers of thick scales that seem to reflect metallic luster. There are two huge horns on its head, and two sharp horns extend from both sides of its lower jaw. Four emerald green eyes are constantly shining high in the sky. Scanning below.

The wings trembled, and the wind and waves stirred up made everyone below have to bend down to resist.

"It looks similar to that statue. This is the guardian beast of the west........."Sven turned sideways and did not raise his head, but moved his eyes slightly upward to look at the Western Guardian Dragon.

For him, his favorability towards this dragon had basically dropped to freezing point before he even saw it.

Not long after, the black spots that seemed to gather from the sky also showed their original appearance. They were flying dragons one by one. Judging from their numbers, these were all the flying dragons living in various places in the West Canyon!

Among the large group of flying dragons, the Western Guardian Dragon, located in the middle, is the largest, most powerful, and most oppressive, looking down on the world like the king of this army!

"Roar oh oh oh!!!"

Accompanied by the guardian dragon's thundering roar, dark green rolling thunder surged in the sky, and its subordinate flying dragons also roared upwards in response.

And this behavior caused purple thunder to flash across Sven's body from time to time. Obviously, Ying had a worse impression of this dragon, and even said that this guy was already challenging his majesty!

"Wait a minute, if this guy doesn't know what to do......."Sven comforted the shadow inside his body while observing various parts of the guardian dragon's body.

In the magic world, no. It should be said that in any power system, there are always a lot of good things in dragons!

The eyes of everyone in the room, including the beasts, were attracted by the guardian dragon.

The only person in the audience who felt something was wrong was that he was standing on top of Zhima's head, almost tilting his head sideways, and his little eyes were full of greetings.

At first, it had doubts when it saw the sculpture before entering the canyon, but it didn't pay much attention.

After all, it's been so long that people here may not have seen guardian beasts very often, so most of them may be statues of guardian beasts that rely on legends, so it's understandable that they don't look like it.

But now look at this again, boy!

It’s a complete one-to-one replica of the sculpture!

There is no exaggeration or artistic modification at all!

Therefore, Xiaobai now really wants to go up and ask

"no......Who are you?"

The position of the guardian dragon did not change, but the other flying dragons slowly descended as if they had received some order.

"Something is wrong."Qin looked around at the large number of flying dragons that seemed to surround him and others, and his expression became much more solemn.

"Move and run towards Sven!"Alice's right hand rested on the hilt of the sword, and she immediately directed everyone to move.

"By the way, the Silver Purple Orchid Spear!"Xilitis turned her head and looked to one side.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'm holding it."Qin has already received the Silver Purple Orchid Spear from Nuomi. The

Western Guardian Dragon hanging high in the sky looked down at the two people on the field.

Its dark green eyes moved back and forth, but the expression But it didn't seem to have much emotional change, as if it didn't care about anything present. Who was fighting below, which side was superior, which side was inferior, how many people died, and how many things were damaged, it didn't care.

Even though there was the chief boxer fighter that it had talked to not long ago, and even though it had made a contract with the fist fighter clan represented by the chief to spare no effort and cooperate with each other, it didn't care about any of this.

But when it slowly raised its head At the beginning, I felt the vast world, listened to the roar of the waterfalls surrounding me, heard the whistling of the wind flying across the canyon, and the rustling leaves of the green trees in the distance. It was like a solid stone. His face showed nothing but excitement

"Roar oh oh oh——!!"

As if to express one of the joys in its heart, it raised its neck and roared loudly, causing thunder to strike down from the sky!

Boom boom!!

One of them fell on the edge of the white jade bridge, and the lightning strike almost grazed the edge of the bridge and directly caused Barbara, who was nearest, to scream.


Barbara's helpless ears subconsciously curled up her neck and lowered her head, leaning towards the center of the crowd.

Seeing this, Qin immediately leaned forward and hugged her sister towards him, so that she could bury her face on his shoulder.

"......."Sven looked at the thunderbolt with cold eyes. Only he knew whether he went towards the crowd when he got the thunderbolt, or whether he used the power of the Thunder and Lightning Sisters to deflect it to one side.

"Is this the guardian dragon?"

"it turns out.......There is such a huge......."

"Well, completely different from sculpture."

Yora, Amber and Tiejie were all shocked and didn't know what to do. They could only speak a few words out of their mouths.

Alice's expression was also very solemn, and she carefully moved closer to Sven and lowered her voice.

"It's different from any other monsters I've seen so far. It's an unconditional honor that makes people respect it......This sense of oppression is......."

"It's just dragon power, a manifestation of power."Sven, as a person who has experienced divine power or divine punishment from time to time, doesn't care about this pressure at all.

"As long as you continue to practice, you will be able to master similar feelings of pressure."

"real?"Speaking of this, Alice squinted at Sven next to her.


As if hearing Sven's disrespectful words, the guardian dragon in the sky lowered his head slightly, and spit out a low, joking laugh like a heavy male voice from the mouth full of fangs.


Fanning and occasionally flashing Passing the wings of dark green electric arcs, the guardian dragon slowly lowered its figure.

Everyone's eyes also slowly moved with the figure of the guardian dragon until they saw it landing on the open space in front of the altar.

It landed on all fours, and then stood up Raise your chest, raise your neck, and assume a majestic posture like the statue at the mouth of the West Canyon.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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