
The boxing warriors and others in the distance helped the chief up, and looked at the guardian dragon in the distance who seemed to be standing in the camp of the people in the human world with a gloomy expression.

"Could it be that the dragon still chose the human world?"

"Does it lie to us?"

"No, wait first......Don't make any assumptions, the current situation is......We are the worst!"

The chief glanced at the eight and seven seats surrounding him, and then looked at the comatose second seat and Iskahn who was also awake. The high-end combat power of the boxing fighters was completely wiped out, leaving only two seats and four seats in the middle. Xi also doesn’t know if his sanity has recovered. The condition of Iskahn, who was trained as his next successor, is unknown. The Fist Fighter clan.......It will be difficult in the future!

Thinking of this, the chief's already old face suddenly gained a few more shadowy wrinkles, and his appearance became even older.

"Just Longwei? Hum!"

"Human being, it seems that you don’t have a clear understanding of my existence?"

"Your words are contemptuous of me!"

"You are provoking my authority!"

The tail of the guardian dragon swept behind, and easily swept away the jade altar. All the bricks and stones flew to one side, shattering the fence on the edge, and they all fell into the deep pool below. arousing bursts of splashing water

"Can actually speak human language! ? Tiejie covered her mouth with both hands, her face full of shock.

The guardian dragon's condescending and contemptuous look, coupled with its demonstration-like actions, made Sven look at him coldly, click his tongue, and show his dissatisfaction.

It's just a dragon. Who doesn't have a clear understanding of who?

I want to see how big a guy like you is!

Alice, who is familiar with Sven's mental activities at the moment, immediately stepped forward and blocked the way of the man who was kneading and making continuous squeaks. In front of Swain who banged his fists

"Just wait! calm down!"

"Don't be angry, let me negotiate!"

Sven was held down by Alice's shoulders and pushed back hard.



Although he looked unhappy, Sven still listened to Alice's words, took a deep breath, took two steps back with his hands folded, and slightly turned his head to look around at the flying dragons.

Seeing that Sven was more honest, he turned around. , Alice performed a knight's salute and said sincerely:"Great Guardian Dragon, we have absolutely no intention of despising you."

"On the contrary, we are here to ask you to take back your own glory."

Alice, who was originally just here to deal with the ancient monsters, told what she heard from Qin and others.

"We hope you can stop the thunderstorms. The thunderstorms that are now sweeping across the entire Western Empire are caused by you, right?"

Qin also stood up at this moment, begging sincerely.

"Please, we beg, no, implore you to stop the thunder!"

The guardian dragon looked at the two people talking to him, his tone full of doubts.

"Stop the thunder?"


"That's of course because lightning has caused many people to be injured!"As a doctor, Barbara has seen many people die due to lightning strikes along the way, and she does not want to continue to see such tragedies happen.

"yes."Amber and Yula also stood up.

"And it’s not just humans, but also wild animals and plants. If this continues, lightning will burn everything to ashes!"

Cylitis, who should speak the most among everyone, remained silent at this moment. Whether it was the unprovoked thunder, the group of flying dragons surrounding everyone, or the aggressive aura exuding from the guardian dragon, it all showed that It is not friendly to yourself and others.

What should I do?…………Give the guardian dragon………But, this is also for the people of the Western Empire………No, this is a guardian dragon and cannot be an enemy!

【In the Taboo Directory, harming others without reason is not allowed.………No, I also said above that you must fulfill your vocation! other people………other people………Want to protect them from the guardian dragon?

No, no, no, my... vocation………Responsibilities………Table of contents………

"Well………"Silitis frowned, covering her head gently with her right hand, her expression was very painful, and she seemed to be struggling.

"Siritis?"Swen was keenly aware of her physical discomfort and leaned over.

"You don't look right."

In order not to worry others, Sven lowered his voice, so those around him who were focusing on the guardian dragon did not notice this.

"Feel sorry………It's just that my eyes are a little swollen and warm."Sylitis is as weak as a haggard sick beauty.

"You are tired, take a rest."

Sven waved, and Sesame immediately came over and lay down so that Siritis could sit on its furry belly and rest.

"Yes, I'm very sorry."Cylitis was full of apologies, apologizing for being unable to help and dragging others down.

On the field ahead

"…………"The guardian dragon fell into silence upon hearing this.

Everyone present also focused their attention on the face of the guardian dragon whose expression could not be seen at all.

"so what?"

"Just some people and livestock died. It is normal for wild beasts and forests to be burned to the ground"

"What! ?"Everyone's expressions were stagnant. They couldn't believe that the person who said this was actually a guardian beast guarding the land!

When the fist fighter and others saw this, their expressions became much better.

"This land and all the creatures that live on it are mine!"The guardian dragon shouted so loudly

"So I can do whatever I want on this land"

"This is my land, so the choice I make is the will of this land!"

"If all of you die in a thunderstorm, that's God's will!"

"No one can raise any objection!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people in this group who were from the Western Empire turned pale and bloodless, as if they had lost hope.

"This, how can this be done?………"Barbara looks pale

"So what can we do…………"Amber lowered his head, breathing rapidly, unable to think of any way to solve the problem of lightning.

Do we really want Sven to be struck by lightning every day alone?

But besides that………The only way is to escape from the Western Empire and move to live somewhere else!

"How to do it?"The guardian dragon laughed proudly.

"Hum hum hum, then do you need to say it?"

"Prepare to be burned to death by lightning, this is the only thing you can do in the face of my choice!"

Qin also turned pale and glanced at the group members who were also in a state of confusion. She had to step forward.

"why is it like this………Aren’t you worshiped by everyone and protect the existence of mankind?"

As she said this, Qin raised the silver-purple orchid gun in her hand.

"And the same goes for this spear. Wasn't it just to protect mankind that you gave the spear containing almost all of your power to mankind?"

"Silver Purple Orchid Spear?"

The guardian dragon leaned down as if to confirm its authenticity, and its long neck seemed to be just a stone's throw away from everyone.

"Yes, the power above does belong to the guardian beast. It turns out that this is what it is used for.………"

The guardian dragon mumbled very quietly, but with its size, even if it spoke in a low voice, its voice was very clear.

"Guardian beast?"Alice keenly captured the strange rhetoric of the guardian dragon.

"Strange, there seems to be something wrong with this statement"

"Is it because we didn't come to pay you enough tribute?"Qin guessed that it might be because humans have forgotten the Western Guardian Dragon that it lost its temper.

Although based on what I heard along the way, it seems that the guardian beast himself asked everyone not to step into the depths of the canyon again, but now Qin can only think of this Reason

"If that's the case, we guarantee that every year………No, someone will come to worship you every month, ensuring that enough sacrifices can be offered every time!"

"Please, please at least consider the heroine of the human race to fight with you. At least it is a request from the descendants of your comrades. I beg you to take back Luo Lei!"

As Qin's words fell, everyone saluted at the same time and begged the guardian dragon with unusual sincerity.

The fist fighters were also very nervous. Could it be that this dragon changed his mind midway and turned against him?

"………"However, the guardian dragon showed a disdainful and even funny look. It was invisible to humans, but to animals, this weird smile was so obvious.

The guardian dragon's head continued to hang down, and the pair of huge dragon horns on its head were naturally twined with dark green lightning and pointed at everyone.

At this moment, no one, including the people on the Boxing Fighter side, noticed or thought that everyone had entered a misunderstanding.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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