"Hey, Xiaoxue, this can't be done."Sister Xiaoxue's voice sounds very panicked, but if you can see her face, you will find that her face is full of teasing chuckles.

"Even if your opponent is much smaller than you, he is far superior to you in some aspects.~!"

"In some ways?"Xiaoxue was stunned for a few seconds. After she thought carefully, she suddenly woke up and looked at Rita's chest in a dress.

Then she suddenly hugged herself tightly with both hands.

"Superficial, to pay attention to such superficial things!"Xiaoxue's speaking speed quickly increased to its peak.

"Although I didn't care about this at all!"

"Well, not at all!"

"And if you really want to use external characteristics to determine a person's evaluation, you should also adopt a relative standard, not based on parts, but based on the balance of the whole........"

"Xiao, Xiaoxue?"The lively female voice looked completely dumbfounded at the person she considered her best friend.

As for Sister Xiaoxue's unabashed laughter, it spread directly throughout the entire gem. Apparently she still thinks it is more interesting to tease her sister for fun occasionally.

"elder sister......."Xiaoxue's eyes became much fiercer, if it weren't for the fact that she had no body now.......No, even if there is an entity, Xiaoxue doesn't think she can win against this woman with a bad personality.

"Okay, okay, no more joking, don’t worry, my mother and I are like this, you can still look forward to the future~" Sister Xiaoxue still has no plans to stop.

"you.......!!"Xiaoxue originally planned to say something, but suddenly she seemed to sense something, as if it was some kind of strong emotional change. The beating of her heart suddenly accelerated at a certain moment, but it resumed after just one beat. calm

"What just happened was......"Xiaoxue lowered her head in ecstasy, and placed her right hand gently on her left chest.

"Hey hey, there’s no need to be so depressed, right?"When Sister Xiaoxue saw this, she thought she had been talking about this topic for so many years. Could it be that this time it really had an effect and made her feel grudge?

"Xiaoxue is fine!"

"The book says that people can grow again after they reach the age of twenty. We are only teenagers and there is no need to worry now!"The lively female voice thought she was considerate and comforted, but she didn't know that to other people, these words might mean that you should give up before you turn twenty.

"No, it's not like that........"Xiaoxue raised her head in disbelief and locked her eyes on Sven's back.

"Is the weight okay?"Sven asked with concern.

"Is it a scythe? For her, the tail is heavier. In this way, if she holds it forward with her hand, she can better balance with the scythe blade, making it easier to use, right?"Liya put forward her own opinion

"is that so?"Sven blinked and asked with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Um......"Rita nodded with a slight nasal sound.

"Okay, let me change it for you now, wait a moment."Sven took the sickle again, and found out his previous design blueprint, preparing to change the balance data from the blueprint first.

Although his expression and demeanor at this moment were the same as before, no one came. Sensing something abnormal, Xiaoxue was the only one in the audience who felt it. The anger that seemed to burn down the world was in his body, and it kept rising deep in her heart.

Low laughter, arrogant, arrogant and violent words.



The dusk is coming!

Play the song of despair!

Then, burn everything......Turn them all into ashes!

"Anger and fire?"

"This is......Whose voice?"At first, Xiaoxue thought it was Sven's inner voice, but now, she discovered that the owner of the voice was not Sven's, at least not completely. It was like a person speaking with two voices at the same time. It felt weird.


Several people in Swain's room are sleeping soundly, but the owner of the room is not here, but there is a letter on the cabinet next to the bed.


In the early morning, the seventy-fourth floor of the Central Cathedral.

This is the Living Hall, where Swain’s so-called students from the four empires live. But in addition to the facilities needed for classes, this place also has a Swain laboratory.

"......Mr. Swain, I am not in favor of conducting combat missions at this time."Lecia conducted a combat power analysis on the existing available combat power, mainly the technological products created by Swain and the imaginary enemy described by Swain. The result is obvious that the combat power of the two sides is not of the same magnitude at all.

"I have no choice."Sven ignored Lecia's warning. After sorting out all his equipment, he continued to count the combat supplies.

The new gems were also found in Sika after Sven revealed the situation after consuming them all. Tina was forced to complete the supplement under her endless doting, and even said that she would have given her entire Nordic treasure trove to Sven, but she did. Although the

Nordic treasure trove was lost in the so-called Twilight of the Gods There is nothing left, and the few remaining weapons have become strengthening parts of Sven's armor. Most of them are just gems, decorations, gold coins and jewelry.

But......I go!

That is the wealth of an entire mythological system!

This is no longer a country with unparalleled wealth!

No one in any country dares to say that they have mastered the wealth of a mythical system!

According to her, those things are of no use to them anyway, so just take them if you want them. Skadi wants them more than these crunchy hard rocks and steel drills that have no use other than shining gold. Those who eat ice-cold ice cream even made outrageous remarks about exchanging a ton of treasure for a box of ice cream.....

No, is this thing so worthless in the eyes of your gods?

Who doesn’t even have a box of ice cream worth? and think about it a little bit........It seems really worthless and can even be said to take up space.

These gems containing ether are indeed unnecessary for gods who can use primitive runes.

You already have a rocket launcher, but you still use flint and steel to start a fire?

Therefore, he accepted Skadi's kindness, feeling that he could not afford the compensation at all.

What’s the big deal? If it doesn’t work out, I’ll get rich, hungry, and fed when the time comes. I guarantee that all problems can be solved!

Mentioning this, Sven felt a little sad in his heart. Sure enough, the difference in power was too big.

"However, based on the information you provided, if you want......."

"It doesn't matter, time and space there are unstable. Although time is passing in all time and space, in a macro sense, they pass at different speeds, just like two candles with the same length but different diameters. Although they will both burn, they will burn. The faster one must be the thin one"

"Time is irreversible, I don't have much time to waste it"

"According to what the nuns said before, the hour has not appeared for almost two months. Now the gem I gave her has exploded. Something must have happened to her. I can't leave her alone."

"Furthermore, based on last time's experience, if I solve it quickly, I will be able to come back soon."Sven's plan is to make a quick decision and try to come back before anything goes wrong."

"In this case, I suggest you increase your combat power."Lecia proposed the most intuitive solution.

"No, the power gap is too big, even I can’t necessarily......."Sven's eyes were gloomy and ever-changing. He lowered his head and glanced at the wrench in his hand, remembering the words of a sadistic master who had taught him for a while.

"Cause and effect should not be touched casually. The summoning of heroic spirits not only depends on whether the ideals between the master and the servant are consistent, but more importantly, whether there is fate and cause and effect between the two parties."

"your thumb.......It's a very special thing. You said that people who have gone in and rested will have the scenes in their memories reappeared in scaled down proportions. That is their mind, and it is an indelible mental landscape in the long river of their lives."

"It seems that they left a copy of their memories here, but in fact you also left your presence in their lives."

"If you don't want to get those you rescued into trouble, don't use this ability on them indiscriminately."

Sven remembered the warning. Although people in the human world have gone in, there are still people who have never known the existence of this thing.

Although there are some repairs, but........

"I don’t want to involve them in this kind of thing. This is my responsibility and what I should do. Now that I have participated, I have no intention of giving up!"

Sven said as she held the gem necklace on her chest tightly.

When she made the contract with Xiaoxue, she said that this was her talisman. If the two parties had to be separated temporarily, she hoped that she could bring it with her, so Although Swain didn't mention his affairs to anyone, he still secretly brought this with him before setting off.

Xiaoxue once guessed that this guy's character must be the type of person who doesn't talk about things. Fortunately, he had taken some insurance in advance, otherwise If this was the case, there was no way for me to know what this guy had done.

After finishing dressing up, Swain came to the church on the seventy-fifth floor.

This was the place he had used when he was young. Although he couldn't do what she did. Able to shuttle back and forth between morning and dusk, but........

Looking at the star map on the Stacia window in front of him, Swain chose a place that coincided with this church by chance. boom--!

The surrounding scene suddenly began to collapse, whether it was the walls around the church, the big cross in front, the rows of benches beside him, or the ground made of expensive bricks and stones under his feet, or the The surrounding space was collapsing, falling into the pitch-black void.

Different from the previous ways of traveling, this time it doesn't feel like Sven has disappeared, but rather the environment has changed.

When the church environment almost collapsed, scenes like pieces of space fragments were generated in the void to replenish the missing space.

After the space was replenished, the Central Sanctuary Congregational Church, which was originally gorgeously decorated, luxuriously furnished, and made of exquisite materials, turned into a small, dilapidated ruined church filled with a strong smell of ashes.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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