
"Looks like he's leaving"

"but......He seems to have forgotten something. Although we can't separate when using the ring, he is too naive to think that he can get rid of me just like this."

"here i......You can also use the Stacia Window"


"Although I can’t sustain the full operation of the magic circuit for long, but I am no longer the bystander who could only watch quietly from the sidelines before."

"While he has just set off, I still think of a way......!!"




"Yes, everyone has been rescued by him, and it is impossible for a simple guy like him to completely hide something."

"All right.......Then, I’d like to ask you all,"........

"Oh, oh, oh, here are the unexpected visitors~"

"Tsk, why is it you?"

"but......Compared to what I saw before, you look a lot more embarrassed. Why is your tail losing all its fur?"

"Hey, that's too much. If you say something like this right from the start, your girl's heart will be sad."

"Can......How can you be better?"

"It's just half a defective product"


"If you have the guts, say it again!"

"What, are you angry?"

"Hey, you unpleasant guy, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you here!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you should have only one purpose for coming here, that's why I'm here"


"What's the meaning?"

"My next proposal is for both of us......No, it is beneficial to all three of us or even more of our kind, and I believe you will not have any reason to refuse."

"Humph, forget it, twenty-one out of ten words said by a guy like you are false!"

"How many of you have worked well with you?"

"Hey, what you said is really sad."

"Isn’t the one you care about living a good life?"

"he? Have you ever collaborated with me?"

"Of course, and I still remember the way he looked when he paid me the reward, that hot, majestic feeling that broke into my body without any reason........"

"What do you want?!!"

"Difficult, could it be!!!"

"Nothing, just a kiss"



"A kiss makes you say......etc!"

"Obviously I haven’t done that!!!"


"Hahaha, then you have to hurry up, you are already behind now~~"

"Ahem, I'm just kidding, don't show such a scary expression, I don't want to be your enemy now"

"Don't worry, the kiss is just a process, and the actual reward is just his life span of several decades. Anyway, it may be a little heartbreaking for him, but it doesn't matter. After all, I helped him provide the magic power he needed to build an entire line of defense."

"All I want is his powerful vitality, which is stronger than any living thing on earth. I can use it to strengthen my body and my spirit base to a certain extent, even if it is only weak for me now. Power is precious"

"you......Do you want to?"

"Yes, I do want to kill that thing, and for you, that thing will definitely become the enemy of the person you care about!"

"Of course, you can also let it go. I will challenge it alone. There is about a 70% chance that I will lose and be ruthlessly devoured, but I can be sure that there is a 100% chance that all life here will die!"

"This is helping me, you, and him. Our interests will be the same, and I can guarantee that we will cooperate sincerely this time."

"How can you say sincere cooperation from this guy?"

"Oh ho ho~~ If you don’t believe it, I can swear by him. If I do anything to harm you, then I will draw a clear line with him in this life and no longer have contact with him!"

"Do you still care about him?"

"Of course, there are many interesting things in the world, but there are only a few that interest me."


"All right......Anyway, let’s talk and listen first."

"Huhu~~I believe we can cooperate happily~~".........

For the same destination, three groups of people set off almost at the same time using the same or different methods. However, except for Swain at the beginning, there were obviously people who were accustomed to shuttle among the two groups at the back. Therefore, it was inevitable that there would be bumps and bumps along the way, even on the way. A 'traffic accident' occurred, and many people were dispersed as a result, and even an existence that happened to be passing by, but whose route slightly overlapped with theirs, was forcibly taken away from its originally planned track.

The conclusion is that a total of four people arrived near the target location at different times.......That's a little bit off.

To put it simply, it is spread out a little bit.

However, although there were some minor problems with the order of arrival, we arrived safely and did not get lost in the endless void.


"Tsk tsk tsk~!"

The long-haired girl in a white dress walked forward barefoot, opening her hands at the same time, as if she wanted to embrace the air here, and looked around the blood-stained dark corridor with a contemptuous smile on her face.

But on the fingers of her hands, one side was wrapped with a cross necklace, and the other side was deftly holding a completely transparent gemstone with both hands.

The white tile floor is cleaned every moment by dedicated personnel just to keep it spotless.

But at this moment, the tiled corridor was completely covered with blood and twisted corpses. The patterns on the expensive tiled floor could not be seen at all, and the girl's white and tender feet were also soaked in blood, dyed with a bright red and dazzling color.

"have a look~"

"this is called church~"

"There are expensive vases decorated over there, and there are handicrafts here that I don’t know where they come from, decorated with patterns made of pure gold, and the floor is also made of the most expensive marble."

"The street lamps here are actually inlaid with gems.......Hahaha~~~"

"It is probably something that was extorted from the gods by saying they would enjoy offerings and send blessings."

"But what's the result?"

"The gods are protecting the world, but those who claim to be the agents of the gods are torturing the world on behalf of the gods.~~!"

The girl's cold sneer echoed in the dark corridor.

"Did you see it?"

"This is the behavior of those so-called churches that talk about righteous words such as helping the world, saving people, and showing compassion to the world all day long."

"When many people in the slums just a few blocks away were living in dire straits and suffering due to hunger and disease, these people were still in the mood to hold a banquet here."

"On the contrary, I really feel unworthy of that guy. What kind of knight do you think he is? If he becomes king, I will definitely follow him."

"Don't you find this ironic?"The girl asked as if she wanted to get the opinion of her companion.

However, before the companion behind her could answer, the girl in front continued:"By the way, the armor.....I remember it should be stored here"

"Those cowards didn't even dare to get close to me. I guess the armor should still be in the previous room."

The girl did not hide her disgust and contempt for those real hypocrites at all. She stopped slightly and turned to another corridor.........


The elderly cardinal was standing alone in the middle of the banquet hall. There was no living person or other existence around him. He was such an unrestrained person, but at this moment, his neck seemed to have been killed. He was so strangled that he couldn't make the slightest sound.

He looked in front of him with a pale face. The area on the left side was black and looked very dirty like a pool of smelly mud. However, the mucus exuding a very pleasant fragrance occupied a considerable area. The mucus was still there at this moment. It is constantly devouring everything around it, whether it is the person lying on the ground, the furniture placed on the side, or even the load-bearing pillars in the house, it has swallowed them all one by one into the seemingly bottomless hole. In the mucus.

On the other side, many people were turned into human body specimens by bone spurs pierced from the ground, walls, or ceilings, but soon the bodies of these pierced people began to squirm, and they were very Under the horrifying scene, those bone spurs were slowly retracted, but before leaving, all the bones of these people and the blood all over their bodies were pulled out from the wounds!

The human being who lost all the support of the skeleton was nothing more than a pile of rotten flesh. It fell to the ground with a splat and shriveled up like a deflated rubber ball. Only skins with many holes were left, but these skins quickly reappeared. It was swallowed up by the black mucus on one side, and finally there was no dregs left.

"host.....Oh God.......what is this.......why is this happening......."The cardinal tightly grasped the pure gold cross in his hand. He tried to use this cross, which the cardinal had personally ordained, to drive away the evil things in front of him!

But obviously this is all in vain.

As far as possible, he knows the best about himself. How can he enlighten me?

Every time I just collect the money and then pretend to read a few sentences from the Bible. No one else will understand anyway, so I can explain it however I want!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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