"It’s three red signals!!"

"Enemy attack!"

"And those troublesome guys can fly!"Toyin's face changed.

If it's those guys crawling on the ground, at most they will send out a red signal flare as early warning. If they are difficult to deal with, they will send out another yellow one. Black means they are defeated and are fleeing, and green means they are fighting. It's over, and the three red ones mean that this time the enemy is not only difficult, but also that the enemy is flying in the air!

"Everyone is in place!!"

Above the city wall, the acting commander immediately ordered his men to prepare for air combat.

The commander held the eagle tube and looked at the two monsters flying staggeringly towards this side in the air in the distance, and immediately turned to face them. People around me are drinking

"Anti-air archers!!"

Obviously there were no air defense troops in this era, so everyone came up with such a brand new title.


On the city wall, several people worked together to control a crossbow and pointed a transparent sight at the black shadow in the sky.

Although there were many numbers on it changing back and forth, there was also a small red number in the middle. The cross is moving back and forth, and there is a ringing sound in the ears, but it doesn't matter!

This thing is the advanced version of the crossbow, which is only a hundred million points different from the version they commonly use.

This It’s no problem!

Just prepare and finish cumming and that’s it!

"Press the string!"

As a person pulls a switch on the side, the crossbow's mechanical expansion automatically moves backwards, and with the sound of some kind of gear turning, the bowstring tightens directly.

"Arrow reload!"

At the same time as the voice sounded, the two people worked together to lift a large arrow from the special arrow box and put it into the arrow slot.

This arrow has the same overall structure as the one used by their modern individual soldiers.

The familiar flame propeller arrow The tail and alloy arrow body turned into arrows with colored mixed gems.....

Seeing that everything was ready, the commander once again turned his attention to the black shadow in the sky.

"Shoot freely, but don't waste your precious arrows!"

"If you miss a shot, go back and run around the barracks ten times for me!"Although he said this, the order from above was to use weapons casually and no casualties were allowed, so he directly prepared four anti-aircraft crossbows to deal with these two guys.


The soldiers replied angrily.

They all hated these monsters that ate their companions and family members and destroyed their homes. Now that they had a chance to take revenge, how could they miss them?!

"go to hell!!"

"Damn monster!!!"

Four arrows pierced the sky. After accelerating in the air, they flew directly towards the target.

Whoosh whoosh!———!

Boom boom boom!!!

The black shadow in the sky fell directly.

Sven glanced at the black shadow falling from the sky, with green outer scales, powerful fleshy wings, a long mouth and sharp teeth, feet with sharp claws, and a tail hidden under the scales. Their powerful muscles allow them to crack mountains and crack rocks just by waving their tails!

Obviously these things are green flying dragons!

The claws of these guys are fused with the wings, making the wings more powerful and able to fly faster in the air.

Although the breath is not strong, at most it can spray a fireball, and continuous high-power output cannot be achieved, but......

Didi didi——!

On the screen of the internal display of the tactical helmet with more than a dozen pairs of tiny red compound eyes, the red triangle warnings on the top and right marked the direction of the attack.

Turning his head to one side, Sven saw that the flying dragons above him united together and spit out large continuous fireballs. A large number of bone soldiers on the right shot out swarms of arrows towards Sven.

Sven's feet did not move, but the engine of the tactical armor he was currently wearing was fully activated.

The jets under his feet allowed Swain to move at high speed on the increasingly deserted plains in a suspended and drifting manner, as if he were skiing.

The jet port in front of his body allows Sven to quickly retreat while facing the enemy group.

"There are no avoidance points, so be prepared for impact."Lecia's warning sounded.

"There are too many!"


Swain's shoulders moved slightly, and the safety locks of the two-unit rocket launchers placed on both shoulders and the two six-unit missile launchers on his back were released at the same time. Bang Bang!!

Whoosh Whoosh!!!

The blasting sound of the rocket and the sound of the missile breaking through the air at high speed sounded at the same time, and they hit the air respectively.

The rocket detonated a large number of fireballs to create a wall of fire, and detonated as many fireballs as possible that continued to follow behind it. The missiles from the rear flew towards those flying dragons as a counterattack!

Boom boom boom!!!

Looking at the flying dragons falling from the sky scattered, except for some of them that were hit to their vital points and died, the rest were just He just fainted from the shock!

Sven's expression remained the same, but everyone in the gem opened their eyes in shock.

"Are these flying dragons so hard? ?"

"If it doesn't hit the point directly, it's basically useless!"

"This thing was killing a lot of people in the West Canyon!"

It seems that everyone in the gem has recognized the real dragon species, even if it is just a sub-dragon species, what kind of existence are they?

"As expected of a fantasy species, it is fundamentally different from ordinary dragon-shaped monsters."Sven really wants to see that dragon in Valiente, what are the fantasy dragons that grow in the etheric environment!

This is called a dragon!!

His one is just a bigger lizard at most.!

"Usually warheads are useless, attacks without mystery cannot cause effective damage, so replace the ether warheads and use roundabout tactics."

Using the characteristics of the finger wrench, Swain directly replaced the entire magazine on his body with a warhead loaded with gems.

After temporarily dealing with the flying dragon, Swain set up the two high-energy cannons on his waist.

These two high-energy cannons The energy of the energy cannon is supplied by the mechanical arm that is used as an auxiliary support and is extended from the energy backpack on Swain's back. Although it may be able to fire a few rounds without the backpack, Swain will probably give up these equipment by then. Instead, he used his abilities to answer the challenge.


Several beams of light were shot out in succession, hitting the skeleton army in the distance.

Some of these bone soldiers melted directly in the high temperature, while others were destroyed and turned into fly ash. Obviously some of these were man-made. Magic creations generated by magic, and the rest are human beings who encountered these skeleton soldiers after death and were forced to become the same kind.

As for the overwhelming arrows, although Swain felt that these things should not be made for him He would rather waste some ammunition to avoid wear and tear on the equipment. The two Vulcan cannons hanging on the outside of the shoulders and integrated with the two-unit missile launcher fired alternately. , shooting down all the arrows that may hit him directly!

This suit of armor Sven is designed with heavy armor and heavy firepower. Now he does not bring all the equipment, but only some equipment. It would be too heavy if it were fully equipped. , which will greatly reduce mobility and give you no advantage when dealing with large groups of enemies.

The rear backpack is almost completely occupied by the energy tank, so it does not leave much room for the flight system, so it does not have the ability to fly at all. Even the jumping ability is very limited. Now sliding and moving like this is the limit. It can be said that the sacrifice is huge and the reward is extremely high.

Swain adopted a hit-and-run strategy, relying on his own mobility to circle these guys, and then As the number of enemies decreased, the flying dragons and skeleton soldiers that were chasing Sven at the beginning were now trapped in a small area by Sven, and he surrounded the outside of these turtles in the urn and continued to reduce their number!


While Sven continued to fight fiercely with the skeleton soldiers and flying dragons here, he was on the west side dozens of kilometers away from here.

Suddenly a golden stream of light flashed in the sky, like a comet falling to the ground. This stream of light pierced the night sky from the distant starry sky, broke through the thick clouds, and then fell to the ground!


I thought that the comet would make a big crater in the ground, but at the moment it landed, the streamer shrank and turned into a sphere that exuded soft light. It fell into the sand very gently, without even a trace. How much sand was kicked up.

The light didn't last long, and soon turned into little golden particles and dissipated.


In the middle of the light group, she was petite, and her clothes were basically covered by her long wavy golden hair. Basically, only half of her legs in white trousers and small brown leather boots were exposed.


It was getting late and the evening breeze became cool. The gentle blowing sand blew away the golden hair covering the man's face, revealing the young face underneath.

For a little girl who was probably only ten years old, it was hard to imagine what she would have gone through before she fell from the sky, and she still fell in such a dangerous area!

In the hollow in the sky pierced by the stream of light caused by her, the moon's light fell softly, as if a layer of silver gauze was draped over her body.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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