
Not long after, the girl slowly sat up, covering her head with a look of pain on her face. Her ice-blue pupils looked so crystal clear in the dark night, shining brightly like gems.

"It seemed like I hit my head."

Touching a bump on her head, the girl's expression became a lot more depressed.

Did she really not expect that she could bump into other people while traveling through that kind of universe-like ocean?

And what's even more exaggerated is that She seemed to remember that she didn't bump into one person, but a bunch of people!

Is it possible to enter a place like that so casually?

As for the person who hit her head, she vaguely saw a faint pink color, and she didn't know if it was her. Hallucination.

After confirming that there was no injury on her body, she stood up slowly. The girl patted the sand on her body. She felt that she had not fainted for a long time, but a lot of sand had accumulated on her body, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. , after all, her thigh-length hair is very troublesome to clean.

"By the way, where is this?"

Giving up thinking about why she bumped into someone, the girl began to look at the surrounding environment.

There was no one around, the ground was turning into sand, a large area of ​​bare forest, and red light spots that were constantly flashing in the forest.


The girl's tone was calm, not worried at all about the danger of these beasts.

In the sky, the hole revealing the moonlight was being refilled bit by bit by thick clouds, just like repairing a hole in a piece of clothing, from the outside It was repaired circle by circle until no damage could be seen at all.

As the repairs were made, the moonlight became gradually scarcer, and the surrounding visibility dropped rapidly.

The girl could clearly feel that the darkness continued to expand towards her, hiding The hunters among them also kept showing their fangs and claws!

When the last ray of light dissipated and the surroundings were completely immersed in the bottomless darkness, the beasts also pounced on the girl.

The girl closed her eyes slightly With his eyes and hands, he quickly grabbed the gun butt on his thigh.....

A little away from the girl, only a few red flashes and explosion sounds were seen, and then the beast's low roar disappeared in an instant.

"......It's so hard, the bullets can still create sparks when they hit these guys."

The girl took back her weapon and wanted to observe for herself what had just attacked her, but with almost zero visibility, she could not see anything, and she, who loves to be clean, was not in the mood to fumble with her hands. What are these beasts planning?

"Forget it, since you can be killed by a gun, you don’t need to worry too much."

"only......Now I'm in trouble. It's too dark here and I can't see anything. What should I do?"

The girl felt very distressed. She subconsciously wanted to look for her luggage, but it was obvious that the luggage had gone somewhere. She didn't know if it was dropped nearby, or worse, she didn't bring it with her at all.

"All my supplies are stored there."

The girl sighed, but there is nothing she can do now.

"never mind......."

Just arrived here, this is already the second thing the girl said. It is obviously a very important material, but in the girl's opinion, it should not be difficult to rely on her own strength to collect what she needs.

"There is no light and it is impossible to visually determine the surrounding environment. First, find a place nearby to camp for one night........"

The girl's voice was interrupted by the sound of explosions.


"this voice.......Air burst?"

Without the influence of industrial pollution and modern noisy sounds, sounds like explosions can travel very far, especially when missiles explode in the air without any obstructions around them. While the girl raised her ears

, Eyes are also looking for light in the darkness


The girl suddenly turned around and moved quickly behind her. With no vision at all, she climbed a small hill while exploring the not too complicated terrain.

Then she saw the flames reaching into the sky dozens of kilometers away. The huge city and the light spots that continue to explode in the sky further away

"Is that a city?"

"There seems to be something else shining behind it......."

"It sounds like a missile or something like that"

"Is there a complete industrial civilization here?"

The girl squinted her eyes, but because it was blocked by the bright light of a city, the girl could not clearly see the situation further away.

"But at least, I can go somewhere to understand a little bit about what's going on here."

The girl looked at the road ahead. Thanks to the firelight in the town, although she could not completely see the road clearly, she could still see some of the outlines clearly!

Therefore, in the dark night, the lonely girl moved forward without any fear..At the same time, she has not noticed that besides her backpack and the supplies in it, she has also lost something extremely important!


Soon, a battle that lasted for nearly an hour ended, but the sky had turned red at this moment, and the sun in the distance might completely set in dozens of minutes.

There are so many people on the opposite side that it is difficult to completely eliminate them. There will definitely be a few fish that slip through the net, but even if there are some, the defenders at Lance are enough to deal with them.

Sven stopped the armor among the corpses of these monsters, and shot the heads and chests of the motionless flying dragons that fell to the ground one by one. When the others grimaced and showed fear, Sven then put the armor on Put it away.

This is really professional!

They all looked dead, but in the end they didn’t let this go!

One shot in the head and one in the chest, absolutely not giving anyone a chance to be resurrected!

At this time, he was examining these skeleton soldiers and flying dragons. In addition to research, he also wanted to collect some materials.

"Sure enough, the body structure is different from that of ordinary creatures. Even if the magic power dissipates after death, the simple hardness of the body has reached about 13. If it is an animal that cannot tolerate low temperatures, liquid nitrogen should be effective."

"This is not an ordinary skeleton soldier, this is.....The dragon tooth soldiers were made using the teeth of these flying dragons as a medium?"

Sven stood up from the shadow of a flying dragon, waved his hands with a calm expression, and then put away the blood-stained surgical gloves, preparing to dispose of them afterwards.

"It is unusual to be a fantasy species, and also a dragon species."Meilin reminded

"Well, and the other party can make such a large number of puppets with dragon teeth, presumably he must have a magician profession, and he can command flying dragons. If he doesn't have any special abilities, it means that there is a more troublesome leading dragon."

"Magician profession, or Summoner profession"

"And the dragon clan, you are right, there must be a leading dragon or person, otherwise these flying dragons would not act in such an organized manner, and they must be very strong."Meilin put forward her opinion in a timely manner.

The Dragon Clan respects the strong and cannot use these flying dragons without sufficient strength.

"You need to prepare equipment for magicians and large monsters......."

"But you shouldn’t be able to use magic power now, right?"

"Are you ready to forge a gift to deal with it?"

"Forget it, making gifts is not my strong point, I'll just use the simplest gems to strengthen them."

"But that has limitations. It can't handle all types of magic. It can only deal with a relatively single type of magic, and it can only deal with less than three verses of chanting."

"But there's no other way to use it"

"Then, can you still make that thing called Mjolnir?"

"Yes, but I don’t have the resources at hand, and if I start preparing now......"

At the beginning, a certain black-hearted businessman helped, so he was able to have enough time and resources to manufacture those city defense cannons and Mjolnir, but now he would definitely not be able to do it on his own.

Swain shook his head and turned around to think about how to deal with the current situation with the equipment at hand.

Just a few steps away from the battlefield, Sven arrived on a hillside and looked far ahead, looking at the large town with the hazy red sunset as the background.

The yellow sand was raging all around and the visibility was severely reduced, but Sven could still see that a thick layer of yellow sand had accumulated under the windward city wall in the distance.

Swain spread his left hand, and Lecia unfolded two virtual maps in time. One was a scanned sketch provided by people of this era, and the other was a modern map.

After the two translucent maps overlapped, they identified the true face of the city ahead.

"Comparing the locations, the locations are roughly the same. The probability that this is Paris is 96%."

"It’s finally here."

Sven let out a long breath and was very emotional.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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