Looking at the virtual map in front of him, Swain measured the distance between the target location and Lance.

"It was only a journey of 130 kilometers, but I walked for three days."

Sven looked like he was not very satisfied with the speed of his movement, but the way he walked was not a straight line, nor was he sneaking away from the fight. The route was winding, and that was what he saw along the way. In other words, all the targets detected by the drone were killed, and 10% of the monsters on the road may have been defeated by the unparalleled warriors wandering nearby!

The monsters that Lance City is dealing with now are basically Those remnants and defeated generals who slipped away from Sven's hands.

During this period, he relied on the artillery armor. He could only rely on his own recovery, and could not rely on the outside world to replenish Honkai energy and holy power, and he had to rely on various skills to With the limit on the number of times and cooldown, and the inability to use magic to obtain it, Swain doesn't know what kind of enemies he will encounter, so it is better to save effort when dealing with these flying dragons or skeleton soldiers!

And now everyone is looking at Swain. They looked filled with emotion and couldn't help but roll their eyes.

As for the various monsters and monsters encountered along the way, let alone the medieval human army, even modern mechanized troops may not be able to see you!

Skeleton soldiers may not be afraid. , artillery fire is quite useful, but those flying dragons are too foul!

Attacks without mystery are basically ineffective or extremely resistant to them. Doesn’t that mean that modern weapons are basically just decorations!

Well, As soon as the war started, most of the human weapons were completely useless!

Turning on the Magic Eye of Distant Vision, Sven quickly scanned the city of Paris in the distance.

Originally, he thought that the town was almost dilapidated, but he found that the surrounding walls seemed to be intact. , there were no guards at the city gates and walls, and there were no traces of Warcraft. It even looked like there had been no fighting there, and it looked very peaceful.

"Something is wrong."

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Sven frowned slightly, but continued to scan and observe without lowering his head.

"Lecia, where is the drone?"

"The first echelon has reached the 200-meter radius of the town. There is nothing abnormal. It is ascending and looking down into the town."

"Get close for reconnaissance and enter the city directly from the city wall."

Sven lowered his head and looked at the image transmitted back on the virtual screen on his left hand.

When the drone in the camera passed behind the city wall, not only Sven looked at the scene in the city, but even the people in the gem looked strange.

"Hey hey~ Come and have a look~ Fresh apples~!"

"The finest hides, made from last week's hunt, are of high quality and soft texture!"

"Oh ma'am, I think this perfume suits you very well~"

"Excellent incense, soothing and nourishing incense~"

"Oh, God, please bless this child, let him bask in the glory of the Lord, and let him grow up healthily.~!"

In the city of Paris, the bustling Noble Street is filled with the sound of hawking. Residents, merchants, nobles, soldiers, and many people dressed in church clothes live peacefully in it. The clean and tidy streets are flanked by gorgeously renovated houses, and the roads are busy with traffic. Everything is so prosperous and prosperous.

In what looks like a slum street only a few blocks away, poor people with sallow faces and skinny muscles are wandering aimlessly on the street like zombies. Many people even fall directly on the roadside, letting mosquitoes, rats and ants attack them. Wreaking havoc, some have even begun to eat these unconscious people.

Among the dirty, dilapidated houses, a river like a stinky ditch flows through this place.

The clear river flows by, but as long as it passes here, the water source will become smelly and full of all kinds of messy and dirty things, and the water source will be immediately polluted.

With such a gap between rich and poor, it is the most realistic portrayal of this era.

The huge gap between the nobility and the poor has caused this phenomenon. Whether you admit it or not, this scene is the most normal scene in this era.

So much so that people who are here in this era will not have the slightest suspicion when they see this scene, they will only think how normal it is.


But for modern people, the scene of snakes, insects, rats and ants eating human beings is not so easy to accept. Many people started to make retching sounds, but they didn't have bodies at the moment, so they could only make sounds.

Again Looking towards the Royal City in the center of Paris, this is the capital of France. The current emperor Charles VII should live here. However, the situation in the Royal City is too complicated. Apart from seeing the brightly lit castle, Sven did not see anything. I saw someone who looked like a king.

I don’t know whether he was lying on the bed or lying on the ground.

Swain hoped that there was a bedside table beside his bed at this moment instead of a monument, otherwise he would not be able to ask the king for the payment for his help. It’s reimbursed!


"It's too quiet. There are no guards on the outside, and there are no guards near the royal city. The only guards that can be seen are all eating, drinking and having fun in the neighborhood. There are abundant supplies here, there are no casualties, and the river flows from there in such a drought. , underground river?"

After searching for a long time, he found nothing unusual there. Swain felt that the problem was here.

Only a few kilometers away from Paris, piles of skeleton soldiers and groups of flying dragons were wandering here before, and just now he used Thermal weapons fought a battle with these things, and the continuous explosions must have spread across the vast plain, but these people still didn't react.

"Is that an illusion?"

"Or was this area deliberately left intact so it wasn't destroyed?"Sven asked

"Not sure, the distance is too far, it seems real but also fake."Meilin's answer was ambiguous.

As an expert in illusions and dreams, she felt that it was fake, but it also had parts of truth. To be honest, it was all too fake.


"Target city, due north, three people are approaching.......Presumed to be refugees, they were expected to enter the town in five minutes."

After receiving Lecia's prompt, Sven also turned around and saw that there were three people in the distance who had no luggage on them and were running. It looked like they were about to be exhausted, but they were still supporting themselves forward. The man running for his life caught Swain's eyes

"Be careful to keep up with them and monitor remotely."

These three people didn't know that they had become the so-called forerunners and were used as cannon fodder to explore the way.

Swain just observed their actions all the way and found that the other side entered the city safely and found a random person. At the nearby shop, people started to eat vegetables while holding them in their arms. One of them even plunged his head into a water tank nearby. It was really hard not to make people wonder if he would drown in the next moment.

However, even though these three people ate arrogantly, no one came to stop them. They just stood quietly and watched, and then they continued to have fun, as if these three people never existed. Wait until The guy here ate and drank so much that he was so satisfied that he collapsed on the ground with a smile on his face. Only then did the guards appear and drag him away wordlessly. The drone followed silently from the shadow of the building above. Entering, they discovered that these three people were not taken to the prison, but to the direction of the Royal City!

As the three of them got closer to the Royal City, the drones controlled by Lecia gradually sneaked into various parts of Paris. Currently, There was no sign of being discovered.

It was already dark at this moment, but there were lights on both sides of the street. Some people even lit bonfires on the street or at the entrance square of the market. It seemed that they did not intend to rest.

Now that the sky is obscured by thick clouds, the sun's rays can shine on the earth, but the moon is too weak. The reflected sun's rays alone cannot penetrate the clouds, so that every night at night, the entire France The city will be plunged into deep and boundless darkness, becoming truly invisible.

Therefore, in this environment, a large number of bonfires are burning everywhere in the town, and the city of Paris is also brightly lit like a lighthouse in the deep sea at night. , a real mysterious light at night!

The clouds in the sky reflect the firelight below. You can clearly see the light here even from a few kilometers or even dozens of kilometers away.

If you don't pay attention, there will be something unexpected. A small number of people appeared from all directions, walking towards the city of Paris with yearning expressions, as if it was a safe, redemptive and peaceful paradise.

"It's like a moth rushing towards the flames desperately. If you use your brain a little bit, you will know how it is possible that the city wall and the surrounding area are not guarded at all, but it is a safe place in this situation?"

Sven has no way to stop these people from making their choices. Now even if he goes up to persuade them that there may be a trap ahead and don't get close, otherwise they may die, no one will listen to him. He even said that he went up to advise them just like he did just now. Finally, he was punched in the face by the opposite party.

But the ending still ended with him holding his broken right hand while cursing and running towards Paris.

"What an outrageous guy, his well-intentioned admonishment turned out to be a fight with fists and kicks"

"But no matter what Swain says, you shouldn't break the other hand with your face, right?"

"My sister won’t like such a violent person~" Although Mei Lin looked very angry, her words seemed to be sarcastic towards Swain.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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