Before he finished speaking, the young man was just about to leave.


With the echo of a gunshot, the young man watched in shock as the stone brick floor in front of him exploded and a big hole opened.

Bianca, who turned around and was holding a white pistol in one hand, looked at him coldly with her chin raised and a slightly threatening attitude.

But that's not the key yet. The young man shifted his gaze from Bianca's pistol to the tail on the back of his tuxedo.

At this moment, there was a small round hole with burnt edges in the middle of the swallowtail that was originally made of high-grade fabric. It was obvious that the bullet passed through the young man's crotch from here, and then hit the ground in front of him.

"you!!"The young man's expression became angry and he clenched his fists, as if he wanted to fight.

"Want to have a fight?!"

"Don't think I dare not take action!"

"At worst, I'll bury your existence directly!"

Bianca was unmoved by this and did not take his threat seriously at all.

"In my country, this is the most direct and effective way to deal with perverts like you who like little girls."

"You wild girl!"The young man was holding a ball of fire in his heart, and he wished he could just crush the troublesome guy in front of him!

"And who likes little girls!"

"I'm just.......whispering sound~!"

The young man didn't know why, but he put down his hand that was ready to fight. no.

After investigating for so long, I finally determined the target. There can be no problems with me!

We absolutely cannot let this little girl disrupt all plans!

Otherwise my evaluation will be lowered!

The young man calmed down his anger and regained his composure, but asked in a very nonchalant tone:"What do you want me to do?"

Bianca saw that he was ready to cooperate, so she also put away her gun and shot herself I told the young man my plan

"so..........Are you going to ask me to find a carriage and take those two people away, and then let me be your bodyguard, coachman, navigator and nanny on the way?"

"The simple answer is this."Bianca nodded, not feeling there was anything wrong with her request at all.

"You call this simple?"

"Forget it, why not use a carriage?"

"Then maybe you haven't even left the royal city yet, and you've probably been blocked at the door without even trying to escape!"

"Really, who can play with you at this time?......etc!"The young man curled his lips, his displeasure, disinterest, and unwillingness to participate were 120% reflected on his face.

"Put your gun away first!"

"I always feel like you are more disobedient than me!"

The young man was speechless. He still had things to do. How could he have the time and energy to accompany her!

If not for the request, he would have ignored the person in front of him and walked away!

He must find a way to get rid of her. , I can’t let her ruin my business anymore!

The young man was silent for a while, his eyes rolled a little, and he soon came up with an idea

".........Maybe you should change your mind"


"The only reason you want to leave here is because it's dangerous. When it's not dangerous, don't you have no need to leave?"The young man raised the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly, with cunning eyes flashing in them.

"!"Bianca was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt enlightened!

Yes, since I can't run away, wouldn't it be fine as long as there is no reason to run away?

"you're right."Bianca nodded numbly, feeling that what the young man said made sense.

"But what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. Just stay in the room obediently. Don't worry about food and drink. Someone will help you solve it."The young man feels that he is very smart. As long as he says this, he can get rid of this little girl who is getting in the way, and then he can concentrate on completing his task!

When the task is completed, this little girl can do whatever he likes!

He has nothing to do with it. Half a cent relationship!

Bianca didn’t know it at this time, but she had been labeled as a hindrance by both the girl and the young man!

Although Bianca was puzzled, she still nodded and approved the young man’s proposal.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

When the young man heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally get rid of this guy.

"Then I'll get busy first."

The young man smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to leave quickly, but Bianca stretched out her hand to stop the young man who was about to pass by her.

"What happened this time?"Young people have a feeling that they have no love in life.



"Bianca Ataljina, the Valkyrie of Destiny, what about you?"

"Tsk, what’s the name?.......Alright alright."The young man was not prepared to answer the girl's question at first, but in order not to let the other party continue to pester him,

"you can call me........Worden, for the time being, is a businessman."

"I will remember."Bianca didn't doubt the authenticity of the name at all, she just nodded lightly and left.

In the next few days, Bianca was able to wait patiently a few days ago.

But every day When she went to the banquet hall, she could always see Worden chatting up different people, and in the end he would always get mixed up with the woman with a black veil on her face that she saw before. It was obvious that the relationship between the two parties was Continuously improving, from the beginning when the two sides were standing there talking at a certain distance, to now they are sitting side by side on the sofa, chatting and laughing, and he even moves hands and feet without causing any objection to the other person, just like a person who only knows how to have fun all day long. The dandy boy!

"Is there really nothing wrong with this guy every time he is either having fun or trying to strike up a conversation?"

Bianca rolled her eyes, looking very speechless and contemptuous. She once again doubted Woden's image. At the same time, she also felt that this guy was not as reliable as when she first met him.

"Is it true that all businessmen are just profit-seeking?"

Bianca felt that just waiting like this was not enough. She had to find a way to take action!

Sitting and waiting was not her style!

Therefore, at dusk today, the girl complied with Woden's invitation and planned to take him to an interview tomorrow. Meet the king here - Charles VII.

But before that, the girl has other requests, a request that sounds like it will definitely not be a loss for the male Woden, and can even be said to be a gain.

"Ha ha, what happened?"The girl sat on the edge of the bed, her legs slightly tilted under her long skirt, looking at the young man standing in front of her with a smile in a room without candlelight, only illuminated by the flames of the bonfire burning in the city in the distance..

There were only two of them in the quiet room, so their breathing sounded so obvious and clear.

"No, I'm just feeling a little emotional. I didn't expect to be able to spend the night with such a perfect girl like you."Woden habitually poured himself a glass of red wine, swayed the goblet gently, and then drank the scarlet wine in one gulp.

"Haha, are you still drinking because you are nervous?"

"Maybe."Woden nodded, took off his tuxedo jacket and put it on the back of a chair on one side, then poured himself another glass. Then he walked to the bedside with two glasses, sat next to the girl and poured one of them into the bed. A glass was handed to her.

The girl looked down at the liquid surface reflecting her face, picked up the wine glass, touched it lightly with her lips, and placed it on the bedside on one side.

Worden didn't seem to care. After taking another sip of red wine, he placed the empty wine glass next to the girl's glass, tugged on his tie, and with a slight push, the girl fell on the soft mattress. In the dark environment, the girl only had The exposed left eye seemed to be lingering with a strange purple fluorescence.

Worden stepped forward and looked down at the girl's petite face.

"Speaking of which, I don’t think I know your name yet."

"Every time I ask you make excuses."Woden slowly leaned down and stretched his right hand under the pillow in front of him without the other party noticing.

"Haha, is this question important now?"The girl smiled slightly, her face flushed, as if she didn't dare to look directly into Woden's eyes, so she turned her head slightly and looked to one side.

"Of course, otherwise I won’t be able to call you by your name for a while."Woden said with a slight evil smile, if he had any clues.

"So.......You can call me heaven."The girl said after a brief hesitation. At the same time, the light in the room began to gradually dissipate. The shadows around the bed began to increase and squirm faintly. The scent of incense around it also became stronger and stronger.

"Oh, yes, Heaven, what a good name. I hope you and I can experience the beauty of the real Kingdom of Heaven tonight~" Woden said, leaning down directly, and slowly withdrew his right hand from under the pillow.

Heaven also closed. Eyes and lips slightly opened.

What happens next should not be difficult to guess, but the reason why reality is reality is because of its unpredictability.


Both parties in the room pretended to show their desires to cover up. As they were making calculations in their hearts, there was a loud noise, and Woden raised his head in confusion. He and Tianguo both looked at the door on one side flying straight to the other side, and then being embedded in the opposite door. on the wall.

Flying in along with the door was Bianca, who was still flying and kicking.

"Hey, lolicon businessman~!"

With a arrogant smile, Bianca landed deftly with both guns in her hands.

"I'm here to help you~!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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