Through observations over the past few days, Bianca felt that this woman who gave her a strange feeling was not simple, so when she saw Worden and this woman leaving alone and returning to the room, she immediately chased after her!

And during this time, she never thought about why Woden would approach this woman, because in her mind, the image of Woden has become a lolita businessman who likes such petite women.......

Overall, I have some brains, but not much.

"!?!?"Worden looked confused, and equally confused was the woman who claimed to be in heaven.

Why is it you again!!!

Woden and Heaven screamed in their hearts at the same time.

It seems that no one expected that someone could come out to disrupt the situation at this time!!

But soon both sides lowered or raised their heads, looking at the figures below and above.

Tian Guo feels that since he cannot use soft methods to make the other party fall into his sweet trap unknowingly, he can only use some violent methods!

Although it may weaken his desire a lot, she believes that Worden will soon forget the unpleasantness that will happen for a while, and instead sink into the endless tenderness, and then provide himself with a steady stream of magic power!

Worden was also very unwilling. The preparation and investigation were over, but the last link was left, but something went wrong? no!

Absolutely not!

No matter what the task is, it must be completed!

Having the same idea, Woden and Tianguo looked at each other at the same time, both of them were filled with confusion!

Woden made the first move, pressing Tian Guo's chest with his left hand and pressing him firmly on the bed. His right hand quickly pulled out a dark green blade from under the pillow and pointed it towards Tian Guo's heart. Stab it!

Tianguo's reaction was not slow either. Her right hand directly grabbed Woden's left hand, while her left hand suddenly reached out like a poisonous snake and grabbed Woden's right wrist holding the dagger, causing the tip of the knife to levitate. He could not move any further into the air two fingers wide in front of him. At the same time, his legs hidden under the long skirt turned into two spiritual snakes and wrapped around Woden's waist to prevent him from escaping.


Accompanied by the sound of liquid erupting, a large amount of black sludge suddenly gushes out from the black shadow under the bed, as if it has formed a large net or a cage to trap Worden directly inside!

However, at this time, Worden didn't notice this at all. He was still trying to use all his strength to bring the tip of the knife to the opponent's chest, or even just scratch the skin!

The poison on it can cause a lot of trouble for her even if it doesn't kill her!

"Damn it, I don’t have much strength!"Woden secretly felt that something was not good.

Bang bang!

Along with the sound of boots hitting the floor and running quickly, there was a burst of gunshots!

The moment Woden took the knife, Bianca wanted to come directly to help, planning to He shot the woman lying on the bed twice in the head.

But when she saw clearly that the rising black sludge was about to swallow up Woden, she still subconsciously chose to save her 'companion'!

Although she thought the other party was herself She was the only companion.

She shot with both hands to break up part of the mud, creating a gap in the cage. Then she jumped up halfway and kicked the legs of Heaven that was imprisoning Woden.!

Tian Guo saw Bianca with his eyes slightly to one side, probably because he was worried that the impact of this blow would cause Woden's blade to hurt him.

The dark green object stained on the knife made him subconsciously feel bad!

Therefore, Tianguo chose to retreat, and with a burst of faint gray smoke, she suddenly disappeared under Woden's restraints!

Losing resistance, Woden's blade stabbed in without any pressure.

However, before the smoke dissipated , seeing what his blade had stabbed, Warden felt his waist being kicked hard from one side!



Worden flew out directly, broke through the obstruction of the mud, and rolled twice on the floor of the room.

Bianca followed closely, but she half-knelt and slid to the ground with a handsome posture. Then she stood up and raised both guns. Her big blue eyes stared intently ahead. After losing the target, she faintly turned the momentum to her side. silt

"Are you OK? Bianca asked in a calm tone, without even looking back at Worden.

"Do you think I'm fine?"Worden's words sounded like what a person said after suffering pain.

Damn it~!

The incarnation was almost broken.

That's why I hate children!!

"I think it's okay, you can still move."

Bianca said this, and at the same time, she kept firing with the white guns in her hands, scattering the mud that was about to come closer, but it would not have much effect if it was just scattered, and these things would soon gather again.

Worden held his waist , standing up with a grin on his face, perfectly showing the appearance of a normal person after being shocked. After all, this is the characteristic of the incarnation, and he will completely become the object of the incarnation.

He looked at the mattress on one side, and saw that he was covered in The dagger infused with deadly and ultra-rare toxins is currently stuck on a wooden stake wearing the same aristocratic dress from the Kingdom of Heaven.

"A poisonous dagger."

Tianguo's gentle voice sounded, and Bianca and Worden turned their heads to look at it at the same time. They saw that Tianguo had completely changed his clothes at this time. He was wearing slightly loose clothes, and the style looked like an oriental-style kimono. , the upper body is white and the lower body is black, with a roll of rope wrapped around the waist.

Some of the long hair was also tied into a low double ponytail with two white ribbons.

On the opposite side, a black ribbon is still used to cover the right side of the body. eye, but her left eye was strangely glowing with purple fluorescence at the moment.

The corners of her mouth were raised, with a slight smile of pleasure, and it was like the excitement of a predator appreciating the prey that has been forced into a desperate situation.

Her steps Walking lightly on the mattress, she slowly leaned over and pulled out the dagger stuck on the stake.

She put the blade in front of her eyes, lightly brushed the blade with her left fingers, and then she saw that she had only broken a layer of skin. But it quickly changed color, and my fingers even started to feel numb. I was a little surprised.

"good work~"

"It's really powerful. It's very toxic. It seems like it would take a lot of time and effort to make this."

"Yes, it seems you are very satisfied."Woden sneered and stared at the kingdom of heaven.

This feeling is indeed.......This guy is not human.

The magic reaction is very strong, she........He is indeed a Servant!

"Yes, this poison is very powerful. If I had been stabbed by you just now, even I would have been in some trouble. Tian Guo said with a smile, but he put the dagger away and held it in his left hand.

"But I don't believe you have a second similar dagger"

"really......"There was something wrong with Woden's face, because the Kingdom of Heaven was right.

Bang bang!

Bianca, who didn't talk much from the beginning, fired two shots directly at Heaven.

Originally, she thought that the two shots would either hit directly or be dodged by the other party. It was just these two situations.

But the fact is that the opponent did not dodge, and suddenly flicked his right hand, and a small sword appeared and cut two silver knife marks in the air.

Boom boom!

Accompanied by two explosions, the energy bomb fired by Bianca was directly volleyed and exploded by the opponent!

"true and false?"Bianca's eyes widened slightly in a cute way, and the unexpected unfolding made her color change slightly.

Worden's expression looked very solemn, and his brows were tightened together. It seemed that he also felt bad about the current situation. at a loss

"This is bad......!!"

But after his expression briefly became dull and paused, his frown relaxed slightly and his expression calmed down.


"This kind of thing is useless!"

Heaven's smile was filled with disdain, but at the same time it maintained a sense of pity and charm.

Then before Bianca could react, a large amount of mud poured in from everywhere in the room and outside the window, directly covering Woden. The escape route for Bianca and Bianca was completely blocked!

Bianca kept firing to push back the slowly flowing mud, but in the end both of them were forced to the rear wall.

"Not working?"Bianca gritted her teeth, with a look of reluctance on her face, but she couldn't control her heart and became anxious and anxious.

At this time, the heaven in front smiled and looked at the two people who were already caged birds in a urn, and seemed to be very comfortable..

Woden's expression was calm and calm. After looking around, he found that the sludge could gush out from places without any gaps, so why couldn't it gush out from the place where the two of them were?

"Bianca, seven o'clock, oil painting on the wall, fire!"

The sudden familiar military-like commanding tone caused Bianca's body to take action before her brain could react.

Bianca looked at the oil painting her body was subconsciously aiming at. It was exactly the same as the one in the room she was in.!

And if there is any difference, it is that in this painting now, the red light spots that look like eyes are moving around!

Discovering the abnormality, Bianca calmed down and quickly pulled the trigger with both hands.

Bang bang bang.!

After a few shots, the oil painting was blown to pieces on the spot.

At the same time, the surrounding mud suddenly stopped as if the pause button was pressed, but in an instant, spikes were formed in the mud. The shape and appearance look like the fur of a beast that was originally just observing became angry and exploded.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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