
In an instant, a large number of huge bone spurs suddenly stabbed out of the intact ground.


Many people's bodies were pierced from bottom to top before they could react at all. Some people died on the spot. Some people didn't know whether it was good luck or bad luck and did not die on the spot. Instead, they were treated with various methods. He was nailed to the ground in a strange posture, and blood was constantly flowing from all parts of his body. Although he was not dead, it was obvious that there was no way to save him.

On Woden's side, the moment the bone spurs pierced the ground, he directly picked up Bi. Anka rolled to one side to avoid

"Not a bad reaction. It can be seen that you are not an ordinary person. You are better than these losers."

Tianguo walked slowly on the black mud with elegant cat steps.

Behind her, the upper part of the royal city was completely unrecognizable. The limbs made of black mud were interspersed with white bone spurs and spliced ​​bones. The body formed two huge beast claws that appeared on both sides of the royal city, as if the castle had two hands. In the middle of the palm of the beast claws, bone spurs pierced the muddy skin and flew to the ground like a spiritual snake, and then the tips formed He picked up bone claws one by one, grabbed the human bone claws one by one, and quickly retracted them. In the end, these people and many other people who had been captured before emerged with their limbs buried in the mud in the palms of two huge beast claws.

"........"Woden twisted his neck and looked up at the beast's claws hanging above the royal city with a dull expression. Don't feel it. If this thing slaps you, the city will definitely collapse!

But he wasn't afraid of something of this size.

Just a closer look, these two beast claws are not only densely packed in the palms, but also on the backs of hands, arms and other places, imprisoning a large number of humans, the number of which is more than a hundred!

"help me~!"


"Kill, kill me, please......."

"I can't die!"

"I won't die!"

"damn it!"

"I am a noble!!"

"Hehe, this is all fake......This is a nightmare, where is my maid? Where is my beautiful maid?"

"The treasure is all mine!"

"I want to be a noble, I want to be a master!"

The voices of countless people wailing, roaring, scolding and escaping from reality are mixed together.

"Well........."Bianca felt a little better now, and also raised her head to look at this shocking scene.

"This this........."She was speechless for a moment, unable to use words to describe her mood and feelings at the moment.

And she also happened to see Grandma Turner and Aunt Mary who were also imprisoned above, and they seemed to have passed out.

"There are at least a thousand people, so it’s a bit tricky."Woden was very emotional. Although he had predicted that the other party's purpose was to lure people here, he did not expect to capture this number of hostages.

After this number of hostages gathered here, everyone understood why this guy wanted to It has imprisoned so many people.

The desires of those who are still indulging in their dreams are all absorbed by the mud that surrounds them, and at the same time their vitality is passing away.

When the vitality is almost gone, there is no use value. After that, the sludge will directly swallow these humans, the flesh and blood become the raw materials of the sludge, and the bones are crushed into bone spurs, which are used as the bones of this monster.

"Is this big guy sucking something like a black energy flow from those people?"

"Energy flow?"

"I, I didn’t see anything?"Bianca's eyes widened again, but she still didn't see the energy flow Woden was talking about. Instead, she saw the tragic situation of those imprisoned people.

"........" after a short silence

"So it turns out that these humans are used as magic power. Could it be that all the tens of thousands of people in this town have already........If this is the case, the magical power it has accumulated may........"Thinking of this, Woden turned his attention to Tianguo on one side.

"Yes, they were all eaten."

Tianguo walked forward with a smile, and looked very satisfied and touched his belly.

"Oh, by the way, as for the king you want to meet."The Kingdom of Heaven snapped his fingers as if he remembered something.

Then a part of the muddy skin of the beast's claws in the sky squirmed slightly, and soon spit out a pile of skeletons dressed in luxurious monarch costumes, with bare skulls still carrying A crown inlaid with a large number of precious stones, embellished with gold and made of fine red cloth.

Heaven gently kicked the skull with the crown in front of him.

"This guy is considered an emperor for the time being, so he has kept his remains. Seeing that you met him like this, I will give them to you.~"

"Haha, should I say thank you?"Woden thanked him with a smile.

"tens of thousands........That’s tens of thousands of people! ?"When Bianca heard this number, she resisted the physical discomfort and stood up. She covered her mouth with one hand and raised the weapon in her hand with her eyes. She pointed at Tianguo fiercely.

Bang bang!

After firing two shots in succession, Tianguo easily fired the bullet. They all chopped down, and moved towards the two of Woden with light steps.

Woden didn't say anything, he directly picked up Bianca, flicked his left hand, and several small metal balls fell from his cuffs and fell to the ground.


Several small explosions sounded while smoke was everywhere. When the Kingdom of Heaven burst into the smoke, Worden had already carried Bianca and rushed directly into the maze of the Royal City Garden on the side.


"If you want to run, let me play with you~" Tianguo is ready to enjoy the thrill of hunting.


Woden's leather shoes made a crisp sound when he stepped on the bluestone tiles on the ground, and it was obviously a complicated maze. He didn't hesitate at all when he ran, but when he heard the noise Tianguo made deliberately behind him, he thought that the other party was deliberately creating pressure for him, indicating that he was pressing behind him step by step, and told him to run quickly.~

"Bad guy."Woden cursed secretly.

He took out a mobile phone-sized communicator from his pants pocket and tapped it several times quickly with his fingers. However, there was no response, indicating that all connections were lost.

"Damn it, have all the troops scattered in the city been wiped out?......."Worden clicked his tongue, and his slender fingers quickly slid and touched on the slightly lit surface again.

"Fortunately, I left that thing and the reconnaissance team outside the city."

"Let go!"

"We must rescue them quickly!"Bianca, who was being carried, was very restless at the moment, kicking her calves back and forth.

The little girl, who had an extremely strong sense of justice and was young and energetic, or in other words, completely ignorant of the heights of the sky, has gradually adapted to the sky after the initial shock. The majestic feeling exuded by those giant claws.

From this point of view alone, she does have the potential to become an excellent warrior and an excellent Valkyrie.

"After being told something stupid, what can you do with the two small pistols in your hands?"Woden slapped Bianca's butt hard to tell her to be honest!

"you!"Bianca's face turned red, but then the anger in her heart overshadowed her shame.

"That's better than just running away like a coward like you!"

"Tsk, little girl movie!"

"What can you do up there now? Just going to die"

"If you just want to be like a brave warrior, want to die contentedly, and want to die gloriously, if this satisfies you, I will not stop you."

"But if you want to save those people, the most important thing now is to save your own life."

"Retreating is not necessarily due to cowardice, and continuing to fight is not necessarily brave, but more likely just reckless. The result will not have any meaning, and what you get in exchange is just a number representing the number of victims!"

"What can you do, what can you do, and why do you act? Think clearly before doing anything!"

Worden felt that it was necessary to teach this little girl some things, otherwise she would just be sent to the battlefield like this!

"Well.........."Bianca was shocked by Worden's words. She was in a trance and at the same time she became quiet and was carried away obediently by the other party.

"Yes, it would be too sad to leave you like this. Didn’t you promise to spend the night with me?"

I don't know when Tianguo has caught up with me. Although she is petite and her steps are not big, her steps are surprisingly fast, so she chased her directly from the maze behind! It can be seen that the opposite party has a playful mentality, otherwise according to her His body skills can definitely catch up with him by moving quickly from the top of the three-meter-high bushes that serve as walls!

"I'm sorry, I thought about it carefully and it's better to refuse your invitation."

Worden said this. While running, he stopped suddenly and turned around. At the same time, he pulled out another gun from Bianca's body and aimed at the rear and fired several shots in succession.

Tianguo originally planned to continue to chop them all down. It turned out that the bullets fired by this guy seemed different from the bullets fired by the little girl. He seemed to have specifically aimed at the arm that he couldn't retract in time after swinging the sword!

"Can he see and predict his own actions?"Heaven is confused, but that's all.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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