
After Tian Guo blocked two shots, she realized that the angle of the third shot was a bit tricky. She had no time to defend herself with her right hand, so she had to use her left hand to pull out Worden's poisonous dagger and block the third shot.

After finishing a group of rapid fires, Worden turned around and ran into the maze route on his side.

"Huh, no one has escaped from me so far!"Tian Guo was very confident and looked very arrogant, completely looking down on the two people who were just regarded as prey by 'it'.

She slashed open the maze bush wall beside her with a knife, and ducked directly to block the two people in front of them.

But when she appeared When she was in front of Woden, she didn't see Woden's surprised expression. Instead, she saw two crystal clear gems flying towards her. She might even have calculated the timing of her appearance. The two gems were already attached to both sides of his cheeks!

Tian Guo's pupils suddenly shrank.


Woden, who was running here, did not look at the smoke and dust generated by the explosion behind him, but still carried Bian Ka ran away.

She raised her head and looked behind her, and Bianca said in surprise:"Did you expect that she would go directly through the middle this time?"

"The thoughts of such a proud guy who wants to play hunting games are best guessed."

Woden's voice sounded very labored, and his breathing sounded very rapid.

At the same time, he felt strange in his heart. Judging from Tianguo's dress, she should also often engage in activities such as assassination. Her job description should be assassination. Or, there are very few people of this type who have such a desire to express themselves.

On the contrary, those who have this kind of desire to express themselves are either really awesome and have amazing strength, but........She doesn't seem to be like this, otherwise she would have been caught.

As for the remaining ones, they were gone after not working for a long time, but since she can become a servant, she should not be that kind of rookie.

How strange....

"I said~!"

"Miss Bianca, if you can run by yourself, can you get off of me?"When Woden said this, he was already breathing heavily, and his fair face turned red at this moment.


Bianca looked a little embarrassed and jumped off Woden and ran beside him.

"You should exercise more, otherwise you won't have the strength to run for your life."

"No need!"Woden shouted, this is not his own body, otherwise I would definitely let you see the speed expressed in terms of speed!


Suddenly, there were several rapid sounds of breaking through the air from behind, and several bones made of bones The formed shurikens flew towards the backs of the two of them.

No need to be reminded, Bianca and Worden leaned down at the same time. The former chose to roll to dodge, while the latter immediately softened his legs and slid forward on his knees. At the same time, he lowered his waist, and with the back of his head on the ground, he raised the pistol he got from Bianca and fired continuously at Tianguo who was behind him. He chose to dodge and fire back at the same time!

Tianguo chose to quickly dodge Worden's shots with a dexterous body shape. She was dodging back and forth in the narrow maze passage and rushing towards this side. She was going to cut off Woden's limbs first to let him calm down a little.

Bianca quickly rolled to her feet and half-knelt on the ground against the bushes on one side for cover. Shooting, when Woden saw the attack from the opposite side, he jumped up straight, twisted his neck suddenly, and a large number of steel needles hidden in his fiery red hair scattered and shot towards the heaven. At the same time, the pistol in his right hand was also hidden in the shadow of his body. Make the opponent unable to see the shooting path clearly

"hidden weapon?"

Tian Guo paused a wave of attacks and concentrated part of the magic power on the Kodachi in her hand. Suddenly, the magic power as black as ink surged out of the blade.


She swung the sword and blocked all the attacks easily.

"What kind of move is this!"

"Can it still be like this! ?"Bianca looked at the smoke and dust from the explosion in front of her, scratching her head with a grimace. At this moment, she felt how useless the pistol in her hand was. It was either dodged or the bullet was blocked.

"Don't be in a daze!"Woden threw down the last few smoke bombs on his body.

Hearing the shouting, Bianca turned around and found that this guy Woden had abandoned his current situation and ran away.

"Your family......"

"Run separately now!"

"Good luck!"


Bianca originally planned to call Woden, but the other party spoke first, and even threw the terminal he used before to her without any explanation, and then turned to another fork in the road without any hesitation, disappearing completely in the blink of an eye. Gone

"Aha! ?"Bianca was very confused. She was left behind?

But when she looked at the familiar but not familiar tactical terminal in her hand, she found that a clear path had been planned for her, and it was also Target location marked

"What's the countdown here?"

Bianca felt that her little brain was not enough, but looking at the Kingdom of Heaven behind her, she had to pause and think, thinking that she should follow Worden's suggestion first and see what plan he had.

Thinking of it At this point, Bianca also turned around and entered another small fork in the road.

"Aha......Aha........"Worden gasped for breath, feeling like his lungs were about to burst.

"Damn it, at first I thought it was not good for her to drink at home all day long. Her physical fitness was too weak!"

He complained in his heart and tugged on his tie.

Soon, Tianguo from behind caught up with him from the bushes with almost invisible quick steps.

"I see, I do underestimate you."The playful voice of heaven came from far and near.

"From the looks of it, you must have been an assassin. What a coincidence, I am one too."

She didn't mean to hide anything at the moment. Instead, she wanted to publicize her great achievements.

Doesn't this guy know that in this business, people who can live a long life are those who talk less?

How did he end up here ? Do you want to express yourself so much?

"Yeah?"Woden laughed, but he had no intention of slowing down in his escape.

"Then you are really unqualified, the assassin will not admit his identity!"


"What can't you admit?"

"Only death and despair can scare Yu Xiaoxiao!"

"As long as it is strong enough, no creature dares to cause trouble in my territory!"Tianguo chased after me playfully.

It was like squatting on the ground as a child, watching an ant on the ground scurrying around under his gaze, but still unable to escape from his control.

At first, Swain listened He was obviously stunned for a moment when he came to speak, but he soon understood and asked in a slightly teasing tone.

"Your territory?"

Well, thinking like a beast

"Haha, isn’t it the territory of the woman who is chasing me now?"

".........."The kingdom of heaven was silent, and the smile on its face disappeared in an instant

"you.......Don't be complacent"

"It’s just a more special prey!"

Tianguo seemed to be really angry, and her expression became hateful. She slashed from behind with a knife. She aimed at Woden's legs.

Woden jumped forward high, letting Tianguo pass under him. She ran in front of her.

The moment she paused and turned her head to look behind, Worden threw out a large number of hidden weapons and opened fire with a gun in his right hand.

Tian Guo's figure seemed to have turned into an afterimage, and he nimbly dodged all of them. The attack was aimed at Woden and he attacked again the moment he landed.

But on the way, Woden exerted force in advance, causing his body to accelerate his fall. When he landed, he lowered his waist again, letting the opponent's blade scrape across his face.

Woden didn't have the slightest chance. He paused, got up and continued running. At the same time, without even looking, he bent his right hand and shot back from his shoulder. Listening to the clang of the collision between the bullet and the blade, Worden flew out again, lying on the ground. He dodged the opponent's attack.

"Damn it!"

If only one blow is dodged, it can be said to be lucky, but if you are dodged by prediction so many times in a row, doesn't it mean that you have been completely seen through by the opponent!

However, Woden here is not in a good state. Well, the continuous evasion has reached the limit of this body. Even if he can react, his body movements can't keep up!

Therefore, after dodging another slash from the opponent, he did not get up from the ground immediately.

After several consecutive attacks, Tianguo's face became very ugly, and he continued to pursue. He jumped up high and planned to jump and stab at the lower back of Woden who was lying on the ground.

Woden gasped and stood on the ground. , looking sideways at the falling Kingdom of Heaven above, seeing the right moment, he kicked his legs diagonally towards the roots of a shrub on one side, using the reaction force to push his body to roll to one side, while still staying in the place where he had been lying just now. A bunch of tiny spikes!

At this moment, Tian Guo could no longer change direction immediately, but she didn't panic at all. After the Kodachi in her hand pierced the ground, she stepped on the hilt of the sword with her toes to dodge and jump to safety. place.

Worden here got up immediately after dodging. He did not choose to escape but chose to actively approach the Kingdom of Heaven. It seemed that he was preparing for a close combat!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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