"Just a bug!"In the eyes of Heaven, the other party's behavior was like provoking her own status and challenging her authority in the territory!

She did not dodge, and took a rougher step, like a strong man, but this action appeared in Apart from feeling strange, there was no sense of intimidation in a petite woman!

Tian Guo was the first to slash at Woden who rushed in front of him with his sword in both hands, but Woden retreated half a step in anticipation of it. They dispersed, and then he seized the opportunity to use a combination of punches and kicks many times, but the effect was not good. In one of his strikes, Tian Guo even pierced his right arm bone with a blade!

Just when Tian Guo thought When the opponent was at a loss of skills and was a little careless, Woden suddenly raised his left hand without any warning, and blew lightly, and the gray powder on his palm suddenly dispersed. Tianguo was suddenly blinded, and his vision turned black.

"What's this!!"

Tian Guo temporarily lost his vision and began to wave the Kodachi in his hand randomly. The violent magic power was also released everywhere as if it was free of money.

"Tsk tsk."

Woden walked around like he was strolling in a courtyard to avoid the random magic attack. He resumed his relatively messy breathing and carefully observed Heaven's reaction. Although he wanted to go up and touch up the damage, the opponent's magic power was sufficient. It's easier to hide if you're farther away, but you can't hide if you're closer!

He tried firing a few shots, but all the bullets were caught in the magic storm.

"He was caught so easily, and he acted so panicked. He didn't look like a trained killer, but rather a beast with great power, but only obeyed his inner impulses. Moreover, this guy's aura changed when he used magic power. It feels weird, not like a human being. Is it possessed or occupied?"

Based on the feeling of corrosive power invading a person's body, when Woden guessed this, a beast's claw in the sky suddenly pressed down and took a picture of him and Tian Guo's position.


Woden ran back a few steps, only to find that the opponent's big claws did not fall down directly. Instead, they were hanging above his and Tianguo's heads. The four beast fingers were slightly curled up, like the fingers of a puppeteer.

At the same time, the people trapped in the mud on the outer layer of the beast's claw now turned their heads to where Woden was with surprisingly consistent movements, staring at his every move with unblinking eyes.

Tianguo, who was in chaos just ahead, suddenly calmed down. Although her eyesight had not recovered, she closed her eyes tightly and charged towards Swain.

"You're just a nest, I'm going to cut off your head, drink your blood dry, eat your heart and liver, crush your bones, and pluck out your skin and flesh!"

"!!!"This time Woden did not distract the other party with a teasing tone, because the other party's movements and speed had greatly improved, and he could not cope with it with the body he was using now!



With just a gap to turn around, the opponent rushed directly into Woden's arms, and at the same time, the blade directly pierced Woden's heart!


"Did you borrow the eyesight of those above to observe your surroundings?!"Woden guessed.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died immediately. The Kingdom of Heaven also thought so, so there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth. Their faces were almost touching each other, and their eyes could reflect each other's face.


Bang bang bang!

However, before Heaven could be happy, Woden, who was supposed to be dead, suddenly raised the pistol in his right hand and pointed it at her side. His left hand also exposed the heel of his palm and stabbed her neck with a hidden arrow.

Tian Guo suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed Woden's sleeve arrow, but he could not withdraw his hand to defend against the opponent's pistol!

The trigger of the white pistol was constantly being pulled, and the impact after impact conveyed a faint sense of human pain to the 'Puppet Master' above the heaven.

The actual damage can basically be ignored. Only a small pistol can't even break through Tianguo's defense, but the mental damage is extremely high!

An adult was tricked by an ant!

This is simply an insult!!


The Kingdom of Heaven was furious, and the muscles of his right hand suddenly exerted force. The Kodachi inserted into Woden's chest immediately continued to slide down. The magic wrapped around it easily cut Woden's body in half diagonally.

Woden's vision instantly lost its highlight, and his body He also lost control and the pistol fell off and fell to the ground, bouncing a bit.

It should have been a scene of blood splattering, but Tian Guo frowned unconsciously.

"you........What is it?"Tianguo subconsciously felt the danger, and quickly jumped back to dodge, looking at the strange scene in front of him with a serious look.

Woden's upper body was still suspended in the air, and his lower body fell to the ground out of control, while the upper body suffered a stab wound. What is constantly flowing down the cross section is not blood, but pure black liquid with red light.

Compared with the black sludge that fills nearly the entire royal city, this red light black tide gives people a more dangerous feeling.

Even if it is filled with a lot of despair and fear that 'it' thinks is delicious, it will never eat it. If this thing has an unknown origin and is not a good thing at first sight, if it really eats it......

It’s not yet certain who will eat who!

The dull eyes regained their luster, and the neck that had been tilted back out of control straightened up again.

The lower body of the fallen body also melted directly into a black tide, and along with the shadow under his feet, it surged up like a fountain, wrapping up Woden's upper body. Soon the black tide dissipated, and Woden's body recovered completely, and even Even the injuries on his body were gone.

Although his appearance has not changed, his whole atmosphere has changed a lot.

From a calm, steady and reliable man to a beast that despises all living things and hates all existence!

"Oh, it's just a beast that feeds on desire and despair"

"It seems that you only relied on luck and magic to grow to this point. Tsk tsk, you only choose to control Servants of this level. Is it really because this is your limit?"

"Ha ha ha ha~~~~"

Woden directly and blatantly taunted, but Tianguo did not dare to talk back or take action because he could not grasp the opponent's strength, so the scene became a bit stalemate.

Buzz-buzz- until there was a roar from the other side of the maze.

Woden turned his head, but Heaven did not move. Instead, some of the people charged and on the claws above turned their heads to the other side.

At this time, Bianca stepped on the hummingbird, her feet were firmly fixed by the buckles, and she flew over the bushes at a low altitude like she was controlling a skateboard, rushing towards Woden's position displayed on the terminal in her hand.


When Bianca saw that Woden was still alive, she breathed a sigh of relief. She touched the terminal in her hand with her finger, and immediately the two close-in defense cannons of the Hummingbird opened fire directly!

Bang bang bang!!

Heavenly Kingdom obviously sensed this. The power of the bullet was not at the same level as that of the pistol just now. If he was hit, he would definitely be injured, so he immediately chose to jump back quickly. Seeing this,

Bianca also seized the opportunity, immediately turned around, and hung upside down, towards Worden Stretching out a hand.

Worden glanced at the disappearing Kingdom of Heaven, picked up the pistol on the ground and raised his other empty hand.


The hands of both parties were tightly clasped together, and Bianca's little face was filled with force. It was slightly red, but fortunately, Woden was safely pulled onto the hummingbird that was back upright.

Boom - the engine power at the rear increased, and the height of the hummingbird was directly raised to over a hundred meters, but at this height It was only on par with these two beast claws.

Worden adjusted his position, stood behind Bianca, hugged her petite body, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

"If you dare to touch me, I will definitely kick the bridge of your nose."Bianca turned around slightly, her words threatening.

"No way!"

"By the way, lolicon businessman, you actually have such a powerful thing!"Bianca also just arrived at the target location and boarded this thing. She only learned about things like performance through the attack just now and the acceleration now!

"These are your thoughts after seeing me again! ?"

Woden looked down at Bianca with a speechless roll of his eyes. This girl cares more about her hummingbird than my comfort?

Boom boom boom!!!

As the two of them fled, two beasts were raised in the air. The claws fell to the ground like a heavy hammer, and the mud transformed from the main part of the royal city suddenly rose up, like a mountain peak covered with spiked stone forests. Bubbles were constantly emerging from the mud on its surface, and a large amount of black poisonous gas was released as it rolled back and forth.

At the back of the mountain, there are also two huge claws standing on the ground, with a slender whip-like tail extending from the middle.

"This is............"Bianca stared at the changes in the mud. She originally thought that this thing was not that exaggerated, but when the four claws fell to the ground with a roar at the same time, lifting the mountain in the middle, she realized that she had underestimated this thing. Something.

It is a peak of fifty or sixty meters, but its overall length is hundreds of meters, and the huge head that is constantly forming shows its amazing size!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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