"Uh oh oh oh——!!"

A heavy and thick roar that seemed to be able to pierce the eardrums was accompanied by a shock wave that resounded throughout the world. The shock wave even spread the clouds in the sky, revealing the night sky full of stars and the bright moon hanging high in the sky!

"This is........Dragon turtle?"

The head has obvious characteristics of the dragons in Western myths and legends. The hard head armor looks very thick. Even the eyes are surrounded by thick bone spur armor, which makes the proportion of the eyes and head completely unbalanced. It looks like a watermelon-sized head with eyes the size of sesame seeds. The overall structure of the body is like that of a tortoise. It crawls on the ground with its limbs and has no wings. I don’t know whether it was born or grew too big because of eating too much. It moves very quickly. It's slow.

This also explains why it set this sweet trap. If it chooses to hunt, this guy will starve to death in less than three days.

"At this size, even if all the Valkyries are dispatched, it will not help. Is it necessary to dispatch a fleet?"

"Or should I use it?Bad fission bomb?"


Bianca originally thought that relying on hummingbirds to fight guerrillas might be useful, but now she looks at the human beings on the surface of the dragon turtle's body as a shield, because most of the people in Paris have been eaten by this guy long ago, and everyone who is still alive now It is the fire-chasing moth attracted by its sweet trap.

Although there are only a few thousand people, the scattered defenses formed by spreading them around will still make it difficult for many people to start!

For Bianca, she can't come up with an effective strategy to defeat the enemy now!

Worden in the back looked at the various data of this dragon turtle.

"Aberdeen was born with bones as its trunk, relying on human desires, and despair as its adhesive and power source. The outer layer of sludge is poison, and the bubbles generated from it are poisonous mist...........It's not a good idea to have biological toxicity. It's the type of poison that spreads easily."

"And this magic reaction.........The magic reactor has reached its limit. It feels like it will level the surrounding area with a bang if not careful."

"You need to let it cool down first."Woden closed his eyes slightly and thought.

"Hey, hey!"

"Lolicon businessman!!"Bianca's tone seemed very urgent.

When Woden opened his eyes, he saw that Aberdeen below had turned to look at the two people in the air.

It opened its mouth slightly, spitting out a large amount of black breath that spread around, and then its back The peaks of the mountain squirmed and changed, retaining the shape of the spiked stone forest, but at the top of the stone forest, black holes of different sizes appeared.

".........true and false?"Woden had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Roar oh oh oh oh!!!"

Boom boom boom!!!

As Aberdeen roared, bone spurs shot out from the black hole in the stone forest behind him one after another!!

"This guy actually clicked on the air defense ability! ?"

Bianca was very unskilled in controlling the hummingbird under her feet to dodge, and every dodge seemed to be very difficult.

And the towering spiked stone forest on the opponent's back felt like there were hundreds of them!

If converted into air defense In terms of artillery, this place is already a no-fly zone!

Therefore, when the first wave of test firing is over and the opponent has a certain accuracy and feel and concentrates firepower, the evasive space of the two of them is infinitely compressed!

"Bianca, distance yourself and lower your height!"Although Worden wanted to take over, Bianca is currently controlling the hummingbird, and he can't do it for her when the pedal is under her feet!

"Uh-huh!!"Bianca gritted her teeth and hurriedly lowered the altitude.

Boom boom boom!

But unfortunately, the Hummingbird was still under a very violent attack before it retreated to a safe height. Although there was a close-range anti-cannon, it was a pity that it was still hit in the end.

Aberdeen raised his head and looked at the hummingbird with black smoke in the air and falling toward the distance with his eyes formed by black fluid, but exploded and disintegrated in the air. At this moment, it was no longer thinking about Woden. It got it, because as a 'companion', it estimated that the thing was also a sweet trap. It looked tempting on the outside, but if it were 'eaten', the consequences would be very serious!

It turned around and was crushed directly by its huge body. It destroyed almost all the buildings near the Royal City, and under the trend of its ability, some humans turned into undead, that is, zombies, and are still wandering around in the relatively intact urban areas of Paris. There are not many prey around here anymore, so it It plans to move its position and continue to set up traps in another place!

It has now set its destination in the direction with the strongest smell of prey - Lance City!

Judging from the information obtained by the bipedal dragons, there are now quite a lot of live animals gathered there. Prey!

It tried its best to lift its body up with all four limbs at the same time, but its limbs began to tremble and was unable to lift the mountain and body on its back!

After gritting its teeth and trying several times, it gradually gave up..

Maybe it’s because I’ve eaten too much recently and I can’t get up.

But if I can’t get up, I can’t get up. It’s not a big problem!

In the end, it chose to lie down on the ground like this, with its belly pressed tightly against the ground, and slowly moved towards the ground with only its limbs. It moves forward by squirming and sliding, so wherever it passes, it will leave a large pool of black sludge pollution that spreads around.

But in terms of moving speed, an old woman can walk faster than it!...............




In Paris, where zombies are roaming, silt is flooding, and poisonous gas is present, the smell of death is everywhere. Anyone who sees this scene will think that there will be no living people here, but............

The ground floor of a rather towering, artistic religious building is, to be precise, underground.

Tick ​​tock - tick tock -

Bianca was walking in the lightless corridor, next to a stinky ditch. But now even this stinky ditch has dried up, and there are only various kinds of things that were sunk in the ditch before. Miscellaneous items, from daily necessities to the remains of various creatures, including humans and animals, are all here.

The pungent stench made her frown tightly and subconsciously showed an expression of disgust.

Looking up, there were zombies wandering around and the unknown black gas exhaled by Aberdeen across the thick bricks.

And Bianca never thought that there was a secret passage directly underground hidden in Notre Dame Cathedral?

Looking at the back of the person in front of her again, it looked like Worden walking in her back garden holding a torch. She felt that she could not understand this person at all.

"I said.....Businessman, where are we?"

Bianca felt like she had been walking for several minutes, and she changed several paths along the way, so that she was completely disoriented.

"Paris city sewer system"

"No, I know this."Bianca rolled her eyes. She knew this was a sewer without him having to tell her.

"So what do you want to ask?"

"Where shall we go next?"

"Take you out of the city."Woden stopped at the fork of the sewer that extended in all directions and looked around, as if he was recalling something.

"give me?"Bianca also stopped.

"I remember......Ah, found it."Woden looked happy and walked towards one of the dead ends.

Bianca followed him, watching Woden insert the torch into the iron ring hook on the wall, and then squatted down to look for something.

Soon, Worden found the target, pushed several wall bricks in succession to make them sink deeper, and then gently pushed the dead end in front to reveal a narrow path.

The two continued to move forward, and within a few steps, there was a small room on one side.

"right here."

Pushing open the unlocked door, I was greeted by a heavy dust, but there wasn't much of a musty smell. It seemed like the ventilation was pretty good.

"Oh, it is so nostalgic. These things are still there, and they are still the same as before. It seems that no one else has been here."

After Worden lit the candle on the table in the room, he turned and walked towards the only other piece of furniture in the room besides the table, the small bed with only wooden boards.

Bianca walked to the small bed , looking at Worden looking for something on the small bed filled with various sundries.

"This bed is so small. I feel like I can barely sleep on it. Is this your bed?"

It didn't look like a small bed that could sleep an adult at all, which aroused Bianca's doubts.

"This is the bed I used when I was a kid"

"Did you live here as a child?"

"lived for a while......"

"Isn't it good to stay in a hotel?"

"Stables or cargo holds are really not enough, but they are better than sewers."Bianca directly expressed her doubts.

In response, Worden just turned his back to her and showed a complicated smile.

It can't be said that at that time, I was asked not to be beaten by anyone before the task was completed. People see it.........

Just when Bianca was about to continue asking her question, Woden threw out a stack of dusty parchment.

Bianca caught it subconsciously, and then choked on the dust that was raised and coughed.

"Ahem, what is this?"

"The map book has instructions on how to get out of here. Turn right after exiting the door, and then follow the map instructions. There are instructions on it, and there are also ways to open secret passages. You can go directly out of the city."

"Just use this to get out of here. There is a backup Hummingbird near the exit. The terminal I gave you before has a route map. You can rely on these to get to a safe place."

"Won't you leave?"

"Unfortunately, this is basically my current extreme range of activities."

"?"Bianca raised her head slightly and looked at Warden, obviously not understanding this sentence.

As he spoke, Worden put his hands behind his head, stretched his legs out from the end of the bed, bent his calves and stepped on the ground, lying down with his eyes closed to rest.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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