However, as the smoke leaked from the fake balloon became thicker and thicker, the sky above the city was completely filled with darkness, and the blond archer almost lost his vision advantage.

She wanted to release her Noble Phantasm, but the formation was clearly intentional. No matter how light her attack range was, it was impossible to cover every place!

It would be better to say that the empty Noble Phantasm arrows will severely damage the city of Orleans below!

"That woman, won't she come out to help even then?"

Although the blond archer said this, neither she nor the woman she was talking about were powerless against ultra-long-distance siege attacks. The rest of them had already been so dizzy that they didn't realize that the enemy was approaching from above their heads. , the dragons and monsters that only focus on killing each other are of no use at this moment!

Even if they don't cause trouble, the blond archer is already thankful!

"There is no other way, the barrier is activated!"


With a burst of magic power, the Demon City in Orleans City was surrounded by a large area of ​​blue magic power.

Bang bang bang!

In this way, whether it was the bombardment of the main gun or the rocket, Or maybe the attacks from the drones above were all blocked outside the barrier, leaving only ripples on the translucent magic barrier.

"This should be enough, but who on earth could be so bold?"

The blond archer put down her bow slightly and panted heavily. Durability was not her specialty. She would inevitably feel tired after such high-intensity continuous shooting in a short period of time.

After all, hunters are not like the army that requires long-term shooting. From her point of view, if she goes out hunting and shoots a few arrows, there will be abundant prey, so she has no advantage in this regard.

After seeing that the attack was ineffective, the blond archer began to worry about whether this thing could withstand the impact of the huge iron can. force

"The enemy's barrier is expanded and confirmed, and the location of the magic generating point is indicated. The locations are pre-selected locations No. 3, 6, 7, 12, and 15."

Lecia said while marking several towers and buildings in the virtual 3D model of Orleans City with red dots. Those are places that are very suitable for setting up magic positions and spells.

"I had previously discovered that there were traces of a magic workshop here, and that there would be a defensive barrier, which was also part of my prediction!"What the blond archer didn't know was that Sven not only predicted that there would be a barrier here, but he had already speculated on the location that could become the base point of the barrier, and had sneaked in here several times in advance to make preparations!


A look up Head, a few kilometers away from the city of Orleans, the battering ram suddenly flew out of the river, instantly increased its altitude, and seemed to have corrected its route, preparing to ignore the outer wall of the city of Orleans and directly hit the inner city! The distance of one kilometer only takes about twenty seconds for this big guy.

The palms of the blond archer were slightly sweaty, and he was not very confident about the defensive barrier prepared by Caster.



Accompanied by a large flash of light , sudden explosions occurred in many places inside the Demon King's City barrier. In an instant, the magic barrier protecting this place collapsed on its own, turning into irregular fragments, and finally extinguished into dots of magic light particles!


Almost at the same moment, the city-breaking hammer rushed into the city of Orleans and hit the outer city wall.

Without any hindrance, the entire wall disintegrated, and the monsters wandering in the city and the various dragons on the ground turned their heads. If you go, you will see a huge monster that does not slow down at all. While bulldozing everything on its path, leaving a patch of renovated land, it rushes towards the Demon King's City inside Orleans!! The blond man is on the direct attack route! The archer was stunned for a moment, and when he looked again, he saw that the big guy was attacking towards him, and he subconsciously wanted to sidestep.

Whoosh whoosh!


There were a few very small sounds breaking through the air, and the blonde archer instantly felt that her left shoulder was being attacked.

She subconsciously covered her burning and painful shoulder, and suddenly raised her head to look in the direction of the attack. Fake drones and inflatable dummies emerged from the smoke above. At some point, they came within a hundred meters of themselves, and continued to approach the Demon King's City in the center of Orleans City.

Swain, who was hidden among them, was holding himself up with one hand at the moment. hat, the other hand held up a pistol with many small needle points and looked directly at her.

"Is it this guy?"

"Did he survive my Noble Phantasm attack?"

The blonde archer's eyes were full of disbelief. Although the opponent's clothes had changed, her beast-like senses still told her from the smell, body shape and other places that this was the guy who resisted her Noble Phantasm! Moreover

, She saw that Swain not only survived, but now he didn't even look injured at all!

After Swain finished designing, he looked at his height above the ground, directly unhooked the parachute on his body, and flew away from the target location. Falling directly from a height of 100 meters

"Don't try to succeed!"

The blond archer looked at Sven, who was in free fall and unable to move, and thought it was an opportunity. However, a numbness in her left arm and a weakness in her arm made her unable to lift her shoulders. At the same time, the scene in front of her began to become blurry, with dizziness and sluggishness. The feeling immediately invaded her whole body!



When her body was semi-paralyzed and unable to move freely, the battering ram hit her directly, or she was exactly in the middle of the impact route. The battering ram pushed her and there was a large area The remains of the building, the corpses of monsters and dragons crashed from the outer city wall to the bottom of the Demon King's City, causing the entire tower-like city to tilt to one side, and a large number of irregular cracks appeared, turning it into a dilapidated building. , its speed slowed down.

But the flaming engine at the rear continued to increase its power, until it was completely overheated and exploded violently, which spread to the rest of the Demon King's City, leaving its outer wall covered with small cracks. , and after clearing out all the monsters in the area, this huge machine finally came to a stop.

Flames and smoke were swirling around the scene, visibility was extremely low, and there were many drones disrupting the scene. Sven landed on an open-air balcony in the middle of the sloping Demon City without any pressure.

".......After landing at the predetermined location, the damage rate of the enemy's inner city magic is estimated to be 60%, and the battle begins 115 seconds ago."

After such a special attack by the city breaker, more than half of the magic formulas drawn and arranged in the Demon King's City were destroyed at once, and it only took less than two minutes to reach the top of the target tower. This is much faster than climbing the tower from the outer city all the way into the inner city and then avoiding the guards!

"When I sneaked in before, the defensive spells here were too much in the way, and it was difficult to crack with the archer around, otherwise I would have been able to get in before."

Sven turned his head to look at the blond archer who had disappeared, and casually put away his silver needle launcher. The dark green poison coated on it was the one that shot Perseus. It was a toxin from the gods that even the body of a god could not easily resist. Not only was it extremely difficult to make, but the raw materials were also difficult to obtain.

The dagger Sven used when he assassinated Heavenly Kingdom was smeared with the same poison. If it hadn't been for Ya Birden himself was poisoned, and the Kingdom of Heaven he was poisoned with was a fake, and the outcome was already doomed when the opponent scratched his finger.

After the war, Sven was reluctant to give up, and the dagger he had been searching for for so long had the blade broken and completely unable to do so. Used, so after reprocessing, the venom-soaked blade was remade into a thin needle.

Now it was all used on the blond archer.

Even if the opponent did not die from the direct impact of the city hammer, the poison was enough to remove Her life was lost.

After all, this enemy with few mysteries and an ether concentration that could not compete with the Age of Gods had absolutely no antidote materials. And all the antidotes that Sven had before were not brought out. Except for a few of them, they were left alone. The rest basically followed the island and sank to the bottom of the sea together.

Holding his hat, Swain stepped forward into the room without stopping too much.

Amidst the roaring explosions, Swain got The squeaking sound of leather shoes on the smooth stone floor was recalled for a few moments before disappearing into the shadows along with his figure.

"The first phase of the operation ends and the second phase begins. The mission of the support troops is completed, all weapons are abandoned on the spot, and the evacuation to the predetermined location begins."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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