Looking at the still chaotic city of Orleans in the distance, the drones causing damage everywhere, and the occasional attacks that make those irritable dragons continue to go berserk.

The servants guarding the city had disappeared at this moment. It was not sure whether they had retreated or whether their defeat had dissipated.

But so far, in the eyes of the young man, it took less than two minutes for that person to directly enter the middle and upper floors of the building in the center of the tightly guarded city, and also took advantage of the opportunity to block all the people on the road. All cleared!

"Wonderful tactics!"

The young man covered his abdominal injury, but he couldn't help but cheer after seeing such a wonderful tactic.

Of course, he was too excited and unfortunately tore his own wound, which added a few points to his already pale face. extremely morbid

"It would be too bad to fail because of such an injury."

"However, it seems that there are other people here besides me and those guys. It seems that they should be from the resistance organization, but why are those people lurking near the city starting to evacuate now?"

"That person has just entered, doesn't he need someone to take care of him?"

The young man nodded and thought, but with an inadvertent glance, he discovered a large number of monsters moving towards the town from the south!

"Those are!"

A trace of anger flashed between the young man's eyebrows, and he couldn't help but take a small step forward.

"That devil!!"

"This time I must.........."

"No, it is not a wise move to go forward like this. I am currently lacking in strength and need to use strategies, but that seems to be the job of a strategist and a staff officer."

The young man probably knows that at his age, if he fights more, his strategic ability will be greatly improved, but now that he is young and energetic, almost 70% of the thoughts in his mind are shouting loudly to block the opponent. Go out, then jump from the air, land firmly, and then put on a handsome pose, with the momentum of one man standing in front of ten thousand men! I always feel a little young and frivolous with an excessive desire for expression.

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter other times, it will definitely look cool when you appear like this, but not now!"

The young man kept shaking his head, trying to throw away the shot that was so handsome that he even finished the storyboard in his mind.

"However, even if it is difficult to block it, at least I have to delay it for some time!"

After having some ideas, the young man turned around and started taking action immediately...........


Two silver needles flew forward with a cold light in the dark corridor.

Accompanied by two crisp piercing sounds, the temples on the sides of the two troll skeletons that had just emerged at the corner in front were shot through. The small dwarf hiding inside their skulls and controlling the body died on the spot.

The two large skeletons fell apart, attracting the attention of the other monsters lingering on this floor.

They gathered here and carefully looked at the anomalies here. They did not notice that someone was stepping on the ceiling above them to cross the line of defense.

Like a maze of winding and complicated roads, Sven seemed to have been around every corner, corridor and door without hesitation.

In front of Sven, who was in an uninhabited land, the ground suddenly lit up, revealing a magic array, which was obviously a remaining spell.

The bodies of the three clay dolls slowly formed from the magic array.

"Attack, summoning type, stone and sand attributes, it is speculated that quartz stone is used as the medium, then aquamarine is used."Sven instantly understood the magic technique.

He flipped his empty right hand like a magician, held a few blue gems between his fingertips, and shot them into the formation with a few blasts of air.

The upper body The basically formed demons immediately stretched out their hands to block it, but it was a step too late. The gem fell into the formation, but it did not destroy the magic array. Instead, it only rewritten the formation to some extent. The bodies of the demons should It is composed of hard rock filled with gravel, but now the lower body of the body has turned into moist sea sand. Not to mention the movement of the upper body that supports the demon doll, the sea sand cannot be formed at all and is spread on the ground.

Boom boom boom— -These thick golems immediately lay down on the ground one by one. They could only watch Sven running past them quickly without any hindrance, and they could not stop his pace with their hands. Even the sea sand spread from his legs. It has eroded to the already formed upper body of the golem, until finally there are only three piles of sea sand left here.

Obviously, this method is easier than destroying the guarded magic circle and challenging the golem.

Swain uses daggers, daggers, and poison , steel needles, strings, darts, and even hair and other silent fighting methods have broken all obstacles along the way. No one has discovered him, and they don’t even know where he has invaded!

As for the rest of the magic traps and techniques According to Swain's predictions, the magic displays were destroyed by the city-breaking hammer, and the magic arrays engraved on the walls were also smashed into pieces and could not take effect. Only a few were still running. It was exactly like this Going all the way up like entering the uninhabited land!

Facing a corridor that was cracked in all directions and filled with more than a dozen traps, Sven ran directly and jumped into the middle of the traps. Relying on his flexibility and dexterity, he even ran He passed here without slowing down much.

He explained to everyone that even if he didn't use other means, it would be easy to enter such a protected place with this body alone!

But when Swain noticed another person at the corner in front of him, When there were a large number of monsters on one side, he stopped for the first time and leaned against the corner to observe carefully.

"Two bone dragons and the rest of the skeleton creations..........There are more than a dozen of them, and they are all high-level monsters. Sure enough, they will not be defeated so easily."

"Do you want to force a breakthrough?"Meilin asked

"No need, let's go back to where we were on this level and change the route."

Sven turned around and left with confidence. When he arrived at the place he said, everyone found that there was a dead end ahead, but he had no intention of turning back.

"The road ahead is a dead end and there is no sign of a trap. Please change direction."Even Lecia started to remind Swain whether he remembered the wrong place.

"No, this should be the shortcut."

Sven said, and took out the long black metal object from his wrench, and there was a streamlined black object in front of it.

"R、RPG?"When Mei Lin was dumbfounded, Sven launched directly towards the dead end ahead.

Whoosh - boom!!!

After the dazzling explosion, the wall in front was suddenly smashed, revealing the corridor on the other side of the thick wall.

"Is there really a way?"

"Have you been here before?"Meilin asked curiously

"Well, although it has changed a lot from the original castle, there are still many places where you can see the shadow of the past. I have broken through this wall before and invaded here."

"Have you invaded here before?"

"Why are you here?"

".........."Sven was silent for a moment, but he couldn't bear Mei Lin's uncontrollable curiosity.

"I've had a lot of people come to me before, all from different groups, but they all paid me to take out one person at the same time."


"..........I remember that the man's name seemed to be Louis, King of Ogu or something. The specific last name should be in the records I wrote. After all, when I was still investigating this man's intelligence beforehand to judge whether he should be killed, this guy was killed by the people. After being sent to the guillotine, I stopped intervening in this matter."

"Oh~" Mei Lin nodded in understanding, but she reacted in an instant.

"Wait, you still have records of these things?"

"Why haven't I seen it? Why don't I know?"

"............"Perhaps realizing his gaffe, Swain did not continue the topic, but chose to remain silent.

"A king named Louis Ogo or something?"

"And he was sent to the guillotine to die..........."

Most of the gems who have received higher education relied on these two clues to think of the knowledge they learned in their world history courses almost at the same time.

"that person...........Shouldn't his name be Louis-Auguste de Bourbon?"

"Ying, it shouldn’t be that coincidental, right?"

Everyone smiled awkwardly. Although they didn't seem to admit it, in their hearts they almost connected the person Sven was talking about with a king named Louis XVI.

Since the space inside the Demon King's City was established as a magic position, In addition, it itself is formed by relying on a huge source of extraordinary magic power, so the internal space has almost become alien. In addition to the boundaries between up, down, left and right becoming very blurred, even the space is terrifyingly large.

"Three hundred and thirty seconds have passed since the battle began."Lecia told the time in time.

Sven held his top hat with one hand and leaned forward slightly, running silently on the ceiling of the corridor that tilted to one side about 20 degrees.

"I remember that the end of this road was almost at the original highest point of this building. There was the hall, and there was a treasure house nearby."

The route was relatively familiar, but he quickly stopped.

"This is…………What?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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