"How can you say that?" Wings continued to argue.

"If the environment for survival cannot be guaranteed, it will be a disaster for the species living on this planet. Moreover, those robots can do a lot of work, reduce the burden on the people, and can also do many dangerous things. work, that way humans can have more time to study future development and study the future direction of mankind..........."

"Anything like that is good!"

"In the future, anyway, those civilians have hands and feet. As long as they don't starve to death in this world, they should thank us!"

"And now!"

"We need you to come up with what we want!"

"You don't need to have such boring ideas, you just need to continue to develop powerful weapons for us according to your own responsibilities!"

"That's enough!!"

Although the speaker of Fire Chaser did not say anything, he just sat there with his arms folded as if dozing, but judging from the voices of other members around him, he did not refute this point. He obviously agreed with his subordinates.rhetorical

"you.........you........Do you really want super powerful weapons?"Yi lowered his head, his eyes looked downcast, and his whole person seemed a little exhausted.


"Even if the other party may become stronger, cause greater sacrifices, and destroy more cities?"

"What you are saying is nonsense!"Obviously everyone in the parliament did not believe Yi's baseless remarks.

"And the other party will become stronger, so what?"

"We just need to be stronger than them!"

"Then we will develop more powerful weapons!"

".........."Looking at the excited MPs, Yi felt a sense of powerlessness deep in his heart.

"That's true...........It's like a miserable marathon where you can only keep running while vomiting blood..............."


"You are required to publish all the research in your hands without reservation!"

"otherwise.........All your current research funding and project processes can be suspended!"


"Please forgive me for refusing!"

"My research is not to expand people's fears and satisfy personal desires!"

"You should also think about the future!!"



Looking at the fascinated Tsubasa, Mei waved her hands in front of his eyes.


"Ah, sorry."Yi shook his head and said he was fine.

"I lost my focus while chatting with a cute girl. It was really rude."

Mei had obviously adapted to these words and didn't show anything. Instead, she became even more worried.

"Sure enough, you left because those people in the parliament stopped all your research?"

"Those people still want to force you to hand over all your research materials?"

"No, no, they just spoke a little bit viciously. In fact, they were just worried that I would tire out my body by studying too hard, and they just asked me to cultivate temporarily. After all, they were also carrying a heavy burden, facing the fear of the unknown. Such an extreme reaction is normal."Yi explained with a smile, while also excusing those in the council.

"It's just that I was a little impulsive at the time, so I hope they don't mind." Tsubasa, who doesn't like fighting with others, rarely showed a tough attitude at first, but afterwards he felt that his words were inappropriate.

No, no, no.

There is nothing they can do about being so excited, and they are afraid of the uncertainty of the future. It is also so-called It's human nature.

It should be a natural behavior for animals.

Let them and I calm down now.

I believe they should be able to think calmly afterwards.

Everyone is working hard, and I have to bear with them more.

"wing..........You'd better not think too well of everyone."That's what Mei is worried about.

"No matter who you are, it is easy to be stirred up by emotions and unable to think calmly."

"I know, so I have no objection. I will treat this period of time as a vacation and let everyone calm down."

Yi is too kind. He thinks too well of everyone. Even if he is deceived by someone, he will still wonder if the other person has something to hide and take the initiative to find excuses for him.

"It's okay, everyone is a good person, and they are all as beautiful and kind as Mei~" Tsubasa noticed Mei's worry and comforted her.

".........."Mei knew that Tsubasa's idea could not be changed with just a few words of her own.

It would be nice if they really calmed down, but if not..........

Mei shook her head and let those messy thoughts fly out of her mind. She took the initiative to straighten Yi's collar and looked at him with concern.

"Are you going there specifically for research?"

"Well, the large-scale mecha produced there has been completed, and now it’s time to conduct actual combat testing."

"Is it..........."

Mei nodded, then turned to look at the two Xiaoxue sisters.

But after seeing these two people, Mei's face lost its good expression. The smile just disappeared, and instead she stared at them with cold and hostile eyes.

"Is it you two this time?"

"What?"Xiaoxue didn't quite understand, but Sister Xiaoxue had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Tsk, are you pretending to be stupid?"When Mei saw this, she felt that these two people were pretending to be stupid.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late and I'm ready to leave. You'd better go back to the laboratory as soon as possible. Your research is only half done and you're hanging in the laboratory waiting."

"And it's windy here, so be careful not to catch a cold."

In order to prevent Mei from doing anything unexpected, Tsubasa patted her shoulder to make her step back.

"snort............"Mei crossed her arms and glanced sideways at Wings beside her.

"Well, you should pay more attention."

What Yi said is true. There are a lot of people in her laboratory waiting for her to conduct the next experiment. She has wasted more than two hours this time. She should really go back earlier. Mei

Lin When leaving, he also gestured to Yi, asking him to remember to contact him later. Yi smiled and waved goodbye to him, watching Mei re-enter the terminal building at the rear, ignoring the bodyguards in black suits following him. Only then did he return his attention to the two sisters beside him.


Yi first extended his right hand in a friendly manner to the two of them. Sister Xiaoxue knew from the first moment she saw Yi that the smile on his face was a smile from the heart, not Sven's kind of smile that was just for others to see. A fake smile that shows when you smile to yourself

"I am Tsubasa, the director of the 001st Weapons Development Research Institute to which Fire Chaser Moth belongs."

"Are you the assistants sent to me by the parliament this time?"

"wing.............Weapons Development Research Institute?"Looking at the slightly confused reactions of the two people, Yi subconsciously scratched his head.


"Isn't it?"

"Because the beginning of the badges you two are wearing does say the identification code of the 001 Institute?"

Xiaoxue then reacted, looking down at the badge hanging around her neck, and also discovered that the gem necklace was also on her neck at the moment!

In other words, everyone was there too!

Xiaoxue tried to talk to the gem necklace Everyone reconnected with each other, so it was her sister who reacted immediately, looking at Tsubasa with a smile and extending her right hand in a friendly handshake.

"That's right, the assistants are me and my sister"

"sisters?"Yi compared the two of them again and smiled.

"There are indeed some similarities."

Xiaoxue didn't speak when she saw her sister. Thinking that the other party was just nervous, Tsubasa spoke first and said:"Don't be too formal, just call me Tsubasa."

"Is it.........."Sister Xiaoxue nodded, let go of her hand, then raised the corners of her mouth with a sly smile, leaned forward slightly, looked at Yi from bottom to top with her big, moist and bright eyes, and said in a soft voice:"Then you can simply call me...........Sister Yangno~!"


On an intercontinental passenger plane escorted by four fighter jets, in the empty general cabin, except for the occasional flight attendant who walked around, there were only a few bodyguards in black suits sitting there silently.

There are only three passengers in the business class cabin at the front.

After Yi got on the plane, he took out the suitcase Xiaoxue brought, took out a terminal machine and started working.

Even the so-called Sister Yangno couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she saw the six virtual screens and four keyboards spread out in front of her. The key is that the data on these screens are not the same type at all!

I can occasionally see the skeleton diagram of the human body, the design drawings of weapons, fighter jets, and mechanical arms and other objects.

The other party's hands were flying back and forth on the three keyboards, the data on the six screens were also changing rapidly, and Yi's eyes were also moving rapidly. It really made people doubt that the other party could really read the writing clearly at this speed. What?

This processing speed is much faster than Swain!

You must know that Swain basically has a configuration of four screens and dual keyboards. If it were like this with six threads, it would be so brain-burning!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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