
"I thought Swain was outrageous enough, but I didn’t expect that...........This is even more cruel!"

Everyone in the gem couldn't help but complain as they watched Yi working.

"this..........Are you really not tired?"Xiaoxue, who was sitting opposite Yi, couldn't help lowering her voice and asked worriedly.

"Not bad actually."Yi's eyes did not look at her smile, and the movements of his hands did not pause at all.

"Can you still pay attention to this side of your intense work?"Yangno, who was sitting next to Tsubasa, asked teasingly.

"Don't look at me like this. In fact, many people have asked me to reduce my work intensity. After all, my laboratory has twelve screens, and if you look at the four keyboards now, you don't have to switch back and forth, which can actually save a lot of effort."Yi said with a gentle smile.

"..........Save effort?"

The two of them felt that Wing's current state was the farthest state from this word.

"you..........Do you really not realize that you are being exploited?"

"To be honest, if it doesn't work out, just find another job."Xiaoxue continued to complain.

"Um?"Yi blinked in confusion, not quite understanding what she meant.

Didi -

However, the sudden notification sound made Yi's hands stop suddenly, so that the changes on the six screens suddenly stopped, and at the same time, every corner of the screen There is a call request sign constantly appearing and shaking at the location.

"Hmm.............."Tsubasa, who had always been smiling from the moment they met, softened his smile slightly and fell into deep thought.

His fingers wandered back and forth between accepting and rejecting the screen in front of him, but after thinking about it, he lowered his hand and planned to let the other party hang up.

"Don't want to answer?"

Yangno turned sideways and looked closely at the call request on the screen. The communication request was not marked with a name, but was marked with a cross-like symbol composed of four multi-layered rings.............

"No, if you accept it, something terrible might happen." Tsubasa glanced at Yangno, who was already very close to him, almost leaning against him, and subconsciously turned his face away.

"fear?"Yangno continued to approach Tsubasa and blinked. Her long eyelashes seemed to be touching his cheeks. As expected, not long after, the call request was canceled. When Yangno felt that the other party had given up, the other party again Sent a communication message

"You have three seconds to pick it up, otherwise..........."

Yang Na slowly read out loud, but before he finished reading, he swiped across the message and deleted it directly.

"this..........Is it a message from a girl?"

"You won't really be okay?"Yang Nai teased

"No, I feel that if I reply, the girl who is more scary and angry is also very attractive...........But I’d better wait until we land there before talking..........."

"Besides, you didn’t see it, right?"

Before Tsubasa finished speaking, she found that the communication band in front of her was actually connected!?

And the sudden female voice also startled her.


"Why! ?"

Wang looked a little panicked and checked his system. There should be nothing wrong!

On the screen, a mature woman with emerald green hair and a white coat with a sweet smile rested her chin on her right hand, and her profile could still be seen. Looking at the cross earrings composed of four rings hanging on his right ear, he only half-squinted his eyes, but there was a dangerous light in the depths of his eyes.

"Fortunately, I asked Klein to build a backdoor in your system. Otherwise, I really wouldn’t have known that you left without telling me?"The other party's voice was very gentle, but it always made people feel a little chilled.

"Back, back door! ?"


"The last time you accompanied me to a social event, I knew you would get drunk before going out, so I asked Klein to do it at that time in advance."The other party showed a sly and proud smile.

".............."The corners of Yi's eyes twitched. Unexpectedly, in the end, the one who made the move was Klein, an overtime maniac who usually seemed honest and honest!

"So, do you have any valid reason for not telling me your itinerary?"

"Forehead.............That, me............."Wing seemed not to have expected such a situation at all, so he was caught off guard. He could only look at the person on the other side of the screen awkwardly with a forced and flattering smile.

The other party obviously also noticed the person sitting next to Yi, and slightly lowered the corners of his raised mouth. He quickly tapped on the keyboard in front of him and hacked into the surveillance camera of Yi's current plane.

"Oh hum, so...........Did you leave without saying goodbye because of these two little lovers?"The other party's tone became even more dangerous.


"It's not like this Mebius, these two are friends I just met today."Yi immediately waved his hand to clarify.

"..........."However, Mebius didn't believe Tsubasa's words at all.

"it is true!"Yi emphasized again

"Well, let me believe you."Mebius nodded, but his scrutinizing eyes never stopped.

"So what is your destination?"

"In Australia, the research over there has been completed. It’s time to check it out now."

"ah........."Mebius suddenly remembered a certain rumor and raised his head

"After all, your laboratory is temporarily closed."

"Gee, do those idiots who don’t care about anything but money and power want your research results that much?"Mebius cursed softly.

"Sure enough, humans are such narrow-minded creatures..............."

"Snake, you don’t have to be so excited."

Hearing the other party's casual thoughts, Wings smiled bitterly and knew that the other party had been under a lot of pressure recently. It seems that because of his incident, the top management of Fire Chasing Moth has now begun a comprehensive research and investigation, and wants to find out who other than himself is. How many research institutes or individuals are hiding their research results?

Seeing Tsubasa chatting animatedly with the woman across from him?

Yangono changed positions and sat next to Xiaoyue, but neither she nor Xiaoyue opened their mouths at this time. Chatting, just sitting there quietly, watching the wings sitting opposite each other with everyone in the gem

"What you see now is a memory that does not exist in his consciousness. It is a fragment of memory that I accidentally obtained and remains in the magic eye."

Yangnai, Xiaoxue and everyone in the gem quietly listened to the old voice in their ears without speaking, but it sounded like he was very weak, his voice was very soft and weak.

"This is Swain's past and the distance between him and him............One month before death."

Hearing the words that seemed to be marked in red letters in this sentence, everyone trembled inwardly.

Looking at the opposite person who was kind and rosy, he did not seem to be someone who would cause resentment, nor was he the kind of seriously ill Wings. It's hard to imagine that this person will die in a month.............

"The reason why I asked you to come is very simple, just to let you help him"

"Even if the memory has disappeared, the body is nowhere to be found, and even if tens of millions of years have passed, the darkness engraved on the soul cannot be dispelled."

"what are you saying?"The two of them were thinking silently in their hearts at the same time.

"............Do you know where the resentment and unwillingness of species that have been born with intelligence will go before they die?"


Although I don’t know why this old voice asked such a question, everyone answered honestly

"The winner will not live in peace. He will always carry the resentment and anger of the loser before his death. He will be frightened all day long. Anger and regret, unwillingness and anger will turn into an eternal curse that haunts your soul. You You will not be able to sleep peacefully, because as long as you close your eyes, those dead beings who were killed by you will be around you all the time, telling them of their pain."

"This curse is even more bone-piercing than the wind in Helheim, and hotter and bone-corrosive than the magma in Muspelheim."

"That's something even the evil god Loki doesn't want to mess with easily."

"This is the 'trophy' gained by the victors and their tragic fate"

"If you cannot suppress their resentment, then you will no longer be you, you will be replaced, your consciousness will be swallowed by these curses, your humanity will disappear, leaving only a walking zombie with no terrifying power and no control!"

Just listening to the old voice's narration, many people couldn't help but shiver with chills down their spines.

"really........Many people who come off the battlefield suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."Yang Nai nodded secretly, obviously she understood what the other party was saying.

"From ancient times to the present, many special professions have specialized psychological counseling"

"You, you mean!!"Xiaoxue also reacted.

"That's still good, it's just a fight between fellow humans, but the problem with this kid is that he killed too many non-human beings, and I believe you know better than me what they were."The old voice continued.

"Compared to human beings, who have a heart that distinguishes between good and evil, the nature and essence of many monsters are just pure evil. Adding to the extremely large number, the amount of evil accumulated in their bodies is really.............."

In fact, when it came to this, he still had reservations. As the existence of containing Justeza, the curse brought by this thing that is not only malicious but malicious is even more terrifying!

"Even though he has lost his memory, according to his curiosity, I can only speculate on the reason why he did not delve into the past even though he knew that he had lost his memory."

"The evidence is what he often talks about..........People like me are not worthy of the name of knight at all"

"Presumably, in addition to caring about those people he killed before, he also knew about his former self.………Killed tens of millions of defenseless people!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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