"Do you want to cut anything?"

Yi thought that the other person was here for work at this time, so he planned to help.

However, the moment he turned around, Yi saw a figure rushing towards him!


Yi subconsciously closed her eyes and held her hands in front of her.



In an instant, Wing felt a sharp pain in the palm of his right hand.

Wing was knocked back a few steps until he hit the seat behind and the computer at the back.


Yi lowered his head and covered his right hand with his left hand. There was a clear bone-cut wound in the middle of the bleeding palm. The entire palm was almost cut open, and the remaining four fingers except the thumb could no longer use strength.

"it hurts!"

"it hurts!!"

Yi shouted, with tears oozing out of the corners of his eyes. People who are born with quick reactions and subtle control over their bodies have a much better perception of everything than ordinary people. This makes him have strong body control capabilities, but he can also handle pain. He is also more sensitive.

Wings is afraid of pain. Even a cut made when peeling an apple with a fruit knife will hurt for a long time. When has he ever suffered such an injury?

He folded his hands, trying to delay his bleeding, raised his head and looked at the person standing In front of him, his right hand hanging down still held the utility knife that was constantly bleeding.


"What’s wrong with you?"

"What happened! ?"

Yi swallowed dryly and adjusted his disordered breathing. He thought that something happened to Scott that made him like this.

"If there's anything you can tell me"

"Anyway, put the knife down first, it's very dangerous."


However, Yi's comfort seemed to have the opposite effect.

"scott scott scott.............Don't call me so intimate!"

Scott roared, slowly approaching Yi, with a sad smile on his face, but tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Dr. Wing..........do you know?"

"How proud were my family when they knew I participated in your experimental project?"

"Your research has helped many people"

"The prosthetic limbs you researched allowed my mother to stand up again, and the electronic prosthetic eyes allowed my daughter whose eyes were destroyed by the collapse to see the world like a normal person, but, but..................."

Scott yelled and rushed forward with a knife.

Yi turned sideways and fled away, then turned around and looked at Scott again after a certain distance. He didn't understand, was it wrong to do so much?

"But, but they are gone now!!"

"My parents, my wife, and my daughter!"

"They are all dead!!"

"Just before the sixth collapse!"

"You obviously have better weapons and equipment, and you obviously have the strength to minimize the losses caused by the disasters caused by Honkai and Herrscher, why do you still hide it secretly!!"

"Scott, I've already said it, I'm not hiding it, I'm thinking it over carefully..........."

"Shut up!!"

"Obviously.........Uh-huh..........Obviously they can all be saved............"Scott yelled and started crying again.

"I............"Wing feels very powerless now

"It's all you...........It's all you!!!"

"it was all your fault!!!"

"It was you who killed them!!!"

However, the other party had completely fallen into a state of hysteria. He grabbed the research materials on the table, books, pen holders, keyboards and mice and other messy things and threw them at Yi. When he realized that he could not convince the other party, Yi decisively chose to retreat. However, he had just taken two steps when he saw the maintenance team and several researchers who had just returned from the canteen in the distance. Wing originally thought that with so many people, he should be able to control Scott, but in front of him, these people could see clearly in the distance. Scott, who was crying and shouting, the utility knife in his hand, and the injured Wing Queen over there, they fell silent........

Then two people stood up, and then two more......There is another...........at last...........It's everyone.............

"Are we just going to wait like this?"Xiaoxue kept pacing in the room.

"He should have almost finished his work by this time, let's take a look."Yangno also put down the coffee in his hands and stood up.

However, when the two of them just walked to the door, they saw a large number of people walking back and forth in the corridor. Whether they were researchers, security personnel or logistics personnel, they had more or less in their hands. Some of them were holding some offensive weapons. In addition to firearms, they also had knives, wrenches, hammers, hammers, etc. They all looked fierce, as if they were hunters looking for something!

"What's going on?"Xiaoxue was so frightened that she stepped back.

At this moment, two security guards with firearms stood at their door.

"He escaped. Search each room!"


After a simple conversation, these two people rushed directly into Yangno and Xiaoxue's house.


Yang Nai immediately defended Xiaoxue, planning to scold the two of them, but found that the two people opposite them didn't care about them at all, and even said that they went straight through their bodies that didn't seem to exist.

After the two quickly searched the room, and No exception found


"Go to the next room!"

The two of them didn't talk nonsense and immediately turned around and left here.

"them...........Weared it?"Xiaoxue hugged her body in astonishment.

".........Could it be already!"Yangno briefly thought for a while and immediately broke into a cold sweat.

And at the moment she realized it, the positions of the two of them also changed.

In a dark circular passage with only scattered small red lights above their heads. , a shaky figure walked over from the far corner.

This is a drainage pipe, used to cool down overheated machinery and re-test the sewer for the site.

When Tsubasa realized that something was wrong with those people , he He directly controlled the computer on one side with the small terminal on his wrist, and sent a start signal to the mobile armor on one side through the computer.

The moment a huge fist fell, everyone scattered away, and smoke and dust rippled. At the same time, Tsubasa controlled the start of the elevator on one side, and he himself escaped here.

Xiaoxue and the others turned around, and then subconsciously widened their eyes.

It was obvious that they were being chased by the entire institute. Dr. Wing is hunting!

Wing is walking slowly forward with his left hand supporting the passage, and his right hand tightly covering the right thigh with a utility knife inserted into it.

"It hurts so much...........It hurts so much.................."

Wings, who endured the severe pain and fled all the way, finally couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed, leaning on the pipe on one side.

"Snowy night!"

Xiaoxue quickly ran forward, her hands trembling, trying to help him deal with his injuries.

"How are you?"

"I'll help you right away............."

However, Xiaoxue's outstretched hand came up empty, and also passed through Yi's body.

"Looks like we're late............Nothing was accomplished, and the final outcome was ushered in."

Yang Nai was very frustrated. This feeling of powerlessness made her sick!

Tsubasa shook her dizzy head and knew that she had lost a lot of blood, but she couldn't rest here. After those people calmed down, it was easy to follow the instructions on the ground. The blood trail has been traced. Now I can only pray that the smoke and dust caused by the mecha outside will clear some traces for me.

"It doesn't hurt, not at all!!"

Tsubasa comforted himself as if to cheer himself up, but the hands grabbing the utility knife couldn't help but tremble.



Suddenly he pulled out the knife, and the sudden pain made him throw the knife out involuntarily. He curled up on the ground like a shrimp and howled in pain.

However, no matter how painful it was, he couldn't make a fist, otherwise his hands would The wound will also hurt............

He was used to Sven's appearance of not caring about pain, and now seeing Wings being so afraid of pain, and the two of them were the same person, that meant that Sven was just resisting every time. ?

And this look made everyone who could only watch on the side subconsciously look away.


After howling a few times, Tsubasa realized that the sound might spread and had to shut his mouth.

He picked up the utility knife on the side, used it to cut open his white coat, tore off a few strips of cloth and started to cut himself wrap the wound

"The artery in the thigh was not injured, but the bones and nerves in the right hand should have been injured. Except for the thumb, I can no longer move it..............."

Wing stood up again, limped forward, and tried to divert his attention by thinking so that he could ignore the pain in his body.

"Something is wrong, resentment towards me?"

"...........Although their demands are reasonable to a certain extent. Compared with invincible enemies, biological creatures vent their anger on weak groups in psychology, but this does not make sense and feels inconsistent."

"The communication system was cut off, which meant that when those people attacked me, there were also people cooperating in another communication room or even an external antenna, and there was no real-time coordination relying on communication at all!"

"But the surprised expressions of the people behind me when they saw Scott attacking me were not fake, indicating that they did not plan their actions tonight."

"But this is even more wrong. It is impossible for a hundred people to behave in the same way at the same time or even to act in unison.............Even if it is possible, it is a heaven-level probability in terms of probability. If you want to achieve this result, there must be factors that promote this result."

"There must be some reason...........Special electromagnetic waves, neurotoxins, hypnotic suggestions, or interests that affect the human brain?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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