"The first few cannot guarantee that they will affect everyone at the same time and with the same effect, so it is a matter of benefit."

"But the loss caused by killing me and the equal benefit..............It is definitely not an individual who can propose corresponding interests, but as an organization, there are currently seven largest groups in mankind in the current social environment."

"Except for the number one Fire Chasing Moth, the other six have recently been interested in recruiting me...........Is it because the negotiations broke down?"

"But taking a comprehensive look at the possibility of their actions, such an unorganized and planned action is impossible. If you want to get rid of me, there are obviously other easier and more reasonable ways."

"Other than that, there is a possibility that nothing can be obtained............Collapse?"Yi's eyes lit up and he suddenly woke up.

"The seventh collapse?"

"The sixth time was the widespread plague and corrupting influence.............Could this be a biological rampage phenomenon?"

"But it’s only been half a year since the last collapse!"

"The interval this time is really too short!"

"No, don’t rush to a conclusion, think of a way to inform Ji and the others first........I just hope they are okay, otherwise.............."

Yi's performance exceeded everyone's expectations. After being suddenly attacked, he calmly analyzed the layers and deduced the reason why he was attacked and planned the next course of action.

"This calmness, reason, and thoughtfulness............There really aren't many people who can do it"

"It's a pity that his understanding of people's hearts and his understanding of the dark side of human nature are not enough.~!"

The regret and sadness in everyone's hearts are beyond words. Obviously everyone knows how dark the human heart can be!

Climbing out of the drainage channel, Tsubasa came to a line maintenance channel that was rarely used by people, and even this place was now used by people!

"Two people."

Yi leaned on a corner, looking down at the two elongated shadows on one side. Looking at the outline, they didn't look like armed personnel, they should be maintenance personnel.

"There is no advantage in fighting head-on according to my ability..............I remember the distribution box is over here."

Yi had an idea in his mind and immediately put it into action.

The two maintenance personnel who were guarding the intersection in front were scanning everywhere at the moment. In this maintenance channel with not many bunkers, they would definitely be able to see someone as long as they appeared.

But while watching Before they arrived, the sound of erratic footsteps hitting the metal ground reached their ears.

They looked along the sound and found that in the direction of the end of the road beside them, a white figure was holding someone 's hand. The wall moved forward slowly, and the steps looked unusually heavy.

Obviously, that was Dr. Yi they were looking for.

And Yi just raised his head at this moment, and met the eyes of the two people on the other side.

The scene seemed to be paused. After stagnating for a while, Yi reacted first, turned around, ran away and disappeared around the corner, and the two maintenance personnel also ran towards this side immediately.

"Dr. Wing!"


"You can't run away!"

They felt that Dr. Yi, who had an injured leg, could not run very far and had little fighting ability, so they were not much on guard. But when they came to the corner, a water column suddenly shot from the front, and the strong water pressure pushed the two of them away. Someone fell to the ground


Yi clamped his arms and controlled the powerful fire water gun. After watching the two of them knock each other down, he estimated the time and the flow rate of the water. He threw the water gun on the ground and stood on the outside. On a thick pipe wrapped in plastic.

The overflowing water flowed freely, and soon touched a specially placed broken wire on one side.

Alas - a burst of electric sparks flashed, and the bodies of the two people on the ground trembled. After swinging, he fainted directly. Seeing this, Yi pulled the cloth strip tied to the iron pipe next to him, causing the wooden strip holding the safety in the distance to fall off, and the current of the electric box's safety was cut off.

And Yang Nai, Xiaoxue and others watched Tsubasa doing all this from one side, sighing that he had better show mercy. Otherwise, they could have used the high-voltage line on one side. If that thing is clicked, no one will be saved!

Skip it The two unconscious people used their own memory to arrive at the location near the exit of the maintenance passage. There was the office of the line maintenance personnel and the debris warehouse. Fortunately, there was no one else here for the time being. They locked the door and found a sofa and a desk. Blocking it, Yi panted heavily and took a break.

"Wound treatment........In case of communication difficulties, only dedicated line communication can be used. I have to return to my room first, then...........Just need some weapons for self-defense."

Looking at the maintenance staff's duty room, Yi walked directly inside and entered the debris warehouse.

He threw his tattered white coat casually on a chair on the side, untied his tie, pulled the collar of his shirt, and looked at Become sharp and serious and start looking for what you need in the warehouse.

"air nail gun........Gas tank..........The weight is about 4.5 kilograms. Now I can't hold it with my right hand...........To maintain stable shooting with one hand, you need to add a stand and a certain amount of aiming."

Yi picked up an air nail gun and weighed it in his hand twice, then picked up a large plate of wires, batteries, etc. on one side.

"Alcohol, disinfectant..........I remember there should be propellant and some catalysts here..........."

"If you have flowers to grow, then there should be fertilizer..........Yes, the main ingredient is potassium nitrate, and I remember there should be sugar as well, as long as it is mixed together"

"Welding gun and soldering iron..........."

After a while, Yi collected a lot of messy things and put them in their duty room.

When most people couldn't understand it at all, he put on his goggles and started to concentrate on his work. His actual actions proved that he could not only research weapons, but also make them himself, even with one hand!

Been busy for ten minutes.

The back of the air nail gun has a bracket that can be placed on the shoulder like a rifle, an insulating glove wrapped with wires and connected to a high-power battery, and several handmade metal balls. A mixture of chemical elements extracted from various raw materials was piled up, and judging from the way the wings were highly concentrated when loading, it was obviously some kind of dangerous product.

In addition, there are many small items, but most of them are disposable items.

Bang bang bang!!

However, just when Yi was about to continue to enrich his equipment, there was a loud knock on the door of the duty room.

Yi turned his head and glanced at the door before speeding up his movements and entering into the final finishing touches.

At this moment, the outside of the duty room was crowded with angry base employees. Seeing that they could not open the door with fists, they pushed it open. With the click of a loaded gun, they began to shoot at the door.

Bang bang bang!!!

The gate, which was not very defensive, soon began to deform.

Tsubasa knew he wouldn't last long, so he picked up a staff member's backpack and packed up all the gadgets he had just made. Before finally leaving, he placed a tripwire booby trap at the door. However, he did not place the trap in an easy-to-kill position, but placed it across the sofa. In this way, once it detonated, the people outside would not be seriously injured due to the cushion of the sofa.

The crowd on the outside stopped shooting when they saw that the door was in dilapidated condition, and then brought fire axes and hammers from nowhere to break down the door.

However, after they finally broke open the door, the booby trap set by Yi was also triggered.

The handmade grenade's explosion was not very powerful, but it also blew up the sofa against the door in the direction of everyone outside, causing three or four people to be pinned down.

However, the others did not pay attention to the person who was pressed down. Instead, they stepped on the person who fell to the ground and rushed into the house to search for Wing's trajectory.

Ke Yi had already crawled away from the air-conditioning pipe on the ceiling, and simply blew up his own path to make it impossible for these people to track him........

Compared with the movie where he sneaks in quietly from the air conditioning duct and makes a handsome appearance, the sound of moving in the air conditioning duct is very harsh, and every time he moves, he will make a clanging sound of the iron sheet deforming.

This sound caused Wing, who had just left the pipeline maintenance area, to be discovered by those looking for him in the passage.

Several people raised their heads, and the guard with a gun raised his weapon and prepared to shoot at the ceiling.

But the banging sound suddenly stopped, followed by a gurgling sound.

These people looked in the direction of the sound without any doubts and turned to the other side of the passage.


At this time, Yi kicked open the air conditioning vent on the ceiling, stretched out most of his body, raised the air nail gun, and aimed at the person below with his back to him.


He shouted an apology and pulled the trigger at the same time. First, he disabled the armed men's hands with weapons, and then targeted their legs and knees.

It was very easy for the wing to be powerless. Man, looks very, but when he jumped from the ceiling, as a scientist, Tsubasa exposed his shortcomings as an athletic idiot and almost cracked his butt.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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