The archers curled up and used their cannons as shields in front of them.

Whoosh ——!

There were dense ice feathers stuck in the ground, and the rest were blocked by the archers with their cannons!

Xiao Bai turned sideways and slashed across the sky, the archers on the ground flashed with their eyes, and suddenly gave up their defenses and fired a shot at a position in the sky!

"Got you!".

At this time, Xiaobai was about to stop in the air to launch the next wave of attacks, but as soon as he stopped, he saw a shell from the side!

Boom ——!!

An explosion came from the sky, and a white figure fell towards the ground in the black smoke, but before it fell to the ground, it struggled to pull up again!

"Didn't you get shot down?".

The archers wondered if the blow should have hit Xiaobai's head directly, but he understood when he saw the broken ice chips on Xiaobai's feathers that had not yet completely fallen off.

"Ice chips are placed on the outer layer of the feathers, hmph, it's really cunning enough!".

The archers regained their strength, once again looking for the next time to attack.

The sound of horses' hooves that continued to approach and continued to attract his attention!

The archer turned his head to look, only to see that Sven was riding on the mechanical horse, which had broken through one of the trolls guarding him, and was heading straight for him!

Behind him, the archers were surprised to find that their troops had been torn through the middle!

The other swordsman stayed behind and continued to entangle with his own troops!

"Straight into the sword, great martial arts!".

As he spoke, the archers also happened to see the Holy Grail on Sven's waist that kept shaking as his horse galloped.

"You took it!".

The archers switch targets and fire several shells in succession in the direction of Sven!

The muzzle of a cannon with a caliber of about 50 centimeters can be stuffed directly into even a smaller person, so the power of its shells can be imagined!

Sven clamped his legs between his straddles and controlled Pegasus to bounce from side to side with dexterity, easily dodging the archers' attacks!

"So fast!".

He plunged the tip of the dead gun into the ground, and as Pegasus ran forward, the tip of the gun slicing a long trail on the ground.

As he approached the archer, Swain slashed his deadspear forward, obscuring the archer's view from the sand raised from the ground, and the tip of the spear slashed diagonally towards his right leg!


archer suddenly dodged with a big jump, but he didn't expect to see the second purple spear hidden in Sven's left hand when he was in the air!


Swain threw the second purple spear with his left hand, and the huge cannon in the archer's hand had no time to defend, but fortunately, because he was jumping diagonally, the blade of the gun flew past his cannon, only slightly cutting the collar of his right shoulder and not really hurting himself.

"Didn't hit!".

As soon as the archers breathed a sigh of relief, they saw Sven standing on his horse, his legs kicking and jumping towards him as he threw his first dead spear!



archers smiled sinister and aimed at the dead guns.

Boom ——!

Another cannonball flew out and shot down the second gun, but Sven was already close at this moment, and under the shocked gaze of the archer, he pulled out another purple sword with thunder patterns from the palm of his left hand!

Before he could fire a second cannonball, Sven grabbed the archer's cannon close to him, raised his right hand and slashed at his neck!

The archers twisted their bodies, used their cannons to block Sven's attacks as best they could, and used brute force to fend Sven away.

The two sides dispersed, the archers fell to the ground on their knees, and he really almost hit the two blows just now, but Sven did not land, and was caught by Pegasus who flew up in the middle of the move.

"Strength and speed are nothing, but I underestimate you a little bit if it's just skill and guts. The archers praised, but still despised Sven.

"It's not very fast. "

"Is it because there is no mana source to support it?".

Sven sneered, looking down on the other side, and the archers looked displeased, but in fact, Sven didn't say anything wrong.

Lacking strong supplies, the combat effectiveness of his troops plummeted, and he himself resolutely did so!

But even if he doesn't have the Holy Grail offering, he still has other ways to strengthen himself!

"Well, I'm saying this for your own good, so let's quickly raise your hands and surrender. "

"For your sake, I can take you under my command!"

"I'm not interested!" Swain began to circle around the archers on Pegasus, resting his hands for a while while retrieving the spear he had just thrown.

The strength of the opponent just now obviously exceeded the strength of Sven now, and if you fight hard, you are not an opponent now.

"Don't say that, I can make you the Legion Commander. "

"You can beat me and talk about it!".

Sven had a purple spear in one hand and a purple knife in the other, and with the dead spear on his back, he rode his horse and attacked the archers again!

However, as soon as the archers were ready to attack, a large number of high-speed breaking sounds were suddenly heard.

He didn't hesitate, he turned around and swept directly into the air with a cannon.

Dazzling pillars of white mana light shot out of the cannon, engulfing all the ice feathers in the air in one fell swoop.

Facing the archer's exposed back, Pegasus's two jewel-like headlight eyes emitted two magical beams, but the opponent quickly turned around and still blocked it.

Xiaobai, who had suffered a loss, pouted his lips very humanely when he saw this.

"This distance can be already, the reaction is so fast, and the agility must not be low!".

Swain speculated that the opponent's agility might be around A.

"If the speed is weak, make up for it with numbers, and attack three sides at the same time. "

Pegasus rushed in front of the archers, threw himself back, and slammed down two forward kicks, but the archers did not resist and chose to retreat.

Sven fell from Pegasus again, ready to stab from the blind spot above.

"Don't underestimate the eyes of archers and commanders!".

"On the battlefield, I won't miss anything!".

Without even looking, the archers raised their cannons and fired a cannonball.


Sven couldn't wriggle in the air to dodge, but suddenly the pain from his body made his body move for a moment, and he didn't dodge the attack!

Seeing this, Xiaobai, who was on one side, quickly swept over the sky and hooked Swain's clothes with his claws, narrowly dodging the attack, and before the archers continued to pursue, Swain controlled Pegasus to kick up a large cloud of smoke around him as an obstacle.

"Magic, strength, speed, and reaction speed are all above me now!".

Sven looked down at the archers below from above, and after a short exchange, he had some bottom in his heart, and found the opportunity to fall from the sky and turn into cavalry again.

"Combat experience is obviously not as good as mine, and now that there is no magic supply, how far can you go!!".

Sven threw out the Jizo Imperial Soul, and the black and red sword shattered suddenly, but instead of showing the appearance of a demon warrior, it only turned into two demon arms and hovered at his side.

On the demon arm, the right hand is a dead spear, and the left hand is Barumunge, while Sven is the opposite, the spear incarnated in the left hand - Nagi no Inamitsu, and the right hand is really incarnated by the Taidao - Dream One Heart!



mechanical engineering backpack appeared on Sven's back, and two auxiliary robots controlled by Lessia extended from his flanks and clutched the Scarlet Moon and the Blue Moon, which split in half, respectively


Seeing that Sven brought six weapons at once, the archer's face couldn't help but change, and after a short exchange, he was very sure that the opponent's posture was definitely not put on for the purpose of bluffing!

The archers lowered their steps and raised their cannons to prepare for a preemptive strike!

Boom ——!

Clouds of smoke erupted from Sven's back, and small metallic-colored missiles were fired.

The archers who were going to dodge felt that these missiles were very little of a threat to themselves, and they should not be magic creations, but simply man-made products.

He simply stopped dodging and directly delivered a blow infused with considerable magical power;

Boom ——!


size, destructiveness, and impact of the previous cannonballs flew towards Swain, and the ensuing sonic boom tore the ground apart, leaving a shallow gully.

The small missiles also bombarded the archers, but apart from a slight force of the impact and a slight retreat, there was no noticeable damage on their bodies.

Sven jumped abruptly on Pegasus.

"Armed Enhancement!".

The Crimson Moon and the Blue Moon shone brightly, and two rays of moonlight of different colors stretched out and pointed directly at the ground in front of the cannonball!

The terrain was destroyed, and the rocks and dust that were kicked up formed a temporary barrier that detonated the shell.

On Xia Lu's side, he was entangled with the enemy troops here with a gradually pale face, but the violent explosion caused in the distance still attracted his attention.

"It's okay, it's ............ over there


Even if Xia Lu wanted to help, it seemed that the dragon tooth soldiers near here couldn't kill it no matter how they killed, and even if they died, they would crawl out of the ground again!

The original battle plan was supposed to be for him to help after cleaning up these miscellaneous soldiers, and before that, he alone would contain the archers as much as possible, but now the plan has been forcibly changed!

(To be continued).

"Ask for flowers", "ask for tips", "ask for collections" or "ask for monthly passes".

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