Xia Lu once again swept away the skeleton soldiers around him who wanted to get closer.

"You have to figure out a way to break the game!"

Here, Swain rode the storm of cannonball explosions and approached the archers with Grammer as a stepping point.

Before the archers could raise their weapons, Xiaobai flew out from one side, opened his mouth and spat out a white extremely cold mist that hit the archers directly on the side of the face.


left half of the archer's face was covered with a layer of ice crystals, which froze along with his eyes.

The sudden sense of strangeness made the archer's shot crooked.


demon arm held Barumun and smashed a powerful blow into the archer's cannon, but the difference in strength allowed the archer to completely defend against the blow!

The other demon's arm suddenly stabbed forward, and the archer hurriedly turned sideways to dodge, but Sven slashed his right hand downward, aiming at the archer's knee, and the scarlet moon and the blue moon around his waist began to condense the moonlight.


Seeing this, the archers had no choice but to retreat, but the little white flew from behind, and the sharp claws were ready to slash his back.

After a short trade-off, the archers had no choice but to use magic to resist this set of combos!

The knees and side ribs were slammed, and the blade and moon beam competed with his protective mana, and if it weren't for the difference in mana, this set of combos would have been enough to severely damage his combat power!


waved the giant cannon in his hand to repel Sven, but he didn't expect Sven to jump back and slash from the bottom to the top with the rice light of the naginata, and the gun was obviously aimed at his right hand tesuji!

And the attacks of the Scarlet Moon and the Blue Moon never stopped, which made it impossible for the archers to continue the pursuit.

When the two of them fought just now, Pegasus, who was spinning around in circles on one side, carried a few smoke pipes, and at this moment the thick fog had covered the battlefield where the two were located!


abnormal throbbing of the heartbeat, the stinging sensation in the eyes, and the burning sensation in the nose and mouth are all obvious signs that it is a poisonous fog!

"Obscuring the view, then the next thing is a sneak attack!".

The archers did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly smashed the ice on their faces with their left hands, opened their eyes to explore the surroundings, and at the same time pricked up their ears, and even strengthened the sensory abilities of the two with magic power, and waved a giant cannon in their right hand to form a wind whirlwind to blow away all the poisonous smoke.

However, Sven's figure did not appear in the dissipated poisonous smoke, but instead centered on him, a bunch of metal cans were dropped from above!

Xiaobai above closed his eyes and hurriedly pulled up.

And the canisters exploded just as they fell to the height of the archers' heads.

The violent white light that darkens the surrounding environment and the powerful sound waves that shatter the glass go straight to the senses of the archers!

The action is predetermined......... No, it was induced!


The archers screamed as if they were having a splitting headache, and kept backing to cover their ears and eyes.

Sven didn't show the slightest intention of showing mercy to his subordinates, and threw two slender steel needles at the archer's wide open mouth, aiming at the part of the archer's throat near the spine

There is no magic protection there, it is very fragile, as long as it hits, it will inevitably hit the opponent's spine, and when the time comes, the poison will directly invade the nerves, and he will definitely die!


The pain in his mouth caused the archers to kneel down and cover their mouths, but it was impossible to spit out the foreign object in his mouth!

But this is a far cry from what Swain had imagined.


Sven was surprised that he had shot crookedly, and when he looked down, he just saw his right hand that was shaking involuntarily, or his whole body was trembling!

The blood that had stopped before had somehow re-soaked the clothes.

He tried to move, but after a cramp-like tremor, he fell to the ground on both knees, but fortunately he held on to the weapon in his hand and did not fall all down.

Pegasus's movements stopped and stayed there and was not moving, Xiaobai also rushed to Sven's side quickly, and there were many injuries on its body, not to mention that it was suspected of eating a treasure from an archer before, although it was only a bruise.

"Are you reaching your limit?" "Sven's body, which had been screaming from the beginning, made it impossible for Sven to accurately judge the state of his body.

Even the metal is tired, let alone the physical body

"Maybe it's not good. "

Sven pulled away from him and took advantage of this time to set up an artillery position around him, but of course all the warheads were conventional warheads, although there were still gems, but they had not yet had time to engrave runes.

The continuous shelling was overwhelming on the bodies of the archers who had lost their unwillingness to resist!

At this point, the archers had recovered from the effects of the initial flash shock bombs, and although their vision was still a little white, they were at least able to see their surroundings clearly.

In the distance, there was a row of modern firearms, and Sven, who knelt beside the firearm, unable to move.

"Uh-huh, !!!ahhhh


archers roared as their mana exploded, and substantial particles of mana spread around them.

"I see, your guy's aura is well hidden, and I haven't even noticed that you are still seriously injured. "

The archer in the distance was a little surprised, he really didn't notice the other party's state when he first saw Sven, but dragging this seriously injured body was obviously at the limit!


"Very good!" the archer coughed, even if his throat hurt, but it didn't stop him from smiling like that at the moment.

"I admire you!".

"The means are ruthless, the shot is decisive, never merciful, and any means will be used in order to win!".

"The same should be true for those who can be cruel to themselves, and you choose to let your companions deal with my regiment and deal with me yourself, although it seems ruthless, but it is very responsible!"

"People like you are generals!".

"Again, become my subordinate!".

"If I have you, I can rest assured that I will hand over my army to you!".

"Hmph~" Sven asked with disdain on his face.

"Give me the army, and let me fight for you?".

"No, not a conquest, my purpose is to unify the whole of Europe, and even the whole world!" said this, and the archers began to talk about their dreams.

"If the world is unified, all people are in a unified country, a unified environment, a unified education, a unified judiciary, a unified economy, and when everything is united, there will be no more strife in the world!"

"You want the 'departed' to dominate the 'past'?"

"That's right!".

"The world will change from here, what is the saving value of the world destined to perish?".

"From here, I want to rewrite the history of mankind, and I want to open up a whole new era of humanity under my rule!"

"Stupid, a heroic spirit that exists through human reason, would want to deny human reason itself?" Swain smirked.

"Didn't you think that if you changed people's minds, you would cease to exist?"

"Of course I know that, so I can be reborn in the true sense of the word by using all the people who exist in this country, all the existence, including this world, and the future that will come from it, and everything that has come from the past and the future as the cornerstone!"

"This is the complete resurrection of the dead that even the gods can't achieve, and it's a miracle that is only possible in this chaotic age!"

"Wishful thinking!" Swain scoffed, a person who is completely dead means that even the soul has been dispersed, and the vessel called the body has dissipated, even Swain's kind of resurrection has only been achieved through the reversal of the phenomenon before complete death, which is completely different from the resurrection of the dead.

"Having said all this, isn't it sacrificing everything for your own selfish desires?".

"It is an honor to die for me as an emperor, and it is an honor to be a subject!

"No!" Xia Lu rushed to Sven's side at some point, retorting to the archers.

Swin and the archers looked sideways.

"The emperor makes decisions for the happiness of the people, including his subjects, and the subjects work with the emperor for that common goal, and you are only for your own interests, just for your own purposes, and use all your subjects' as props and consumables!"

"An emperor like you, just a dictator!".

"I will never agree with it!" Xia Lu roared angrily and hoarsely.

But at this time, the two were already surrounded by the dragon tooth soldiers and troll troops that were constantly approaching.

"Hmph, what if you don't admit it?" said the archer, smiling confidently.

"However, since you are not willing to submit, I am sure that you will make the same decision as I do due to such unstable factors. "

The archers looked at Sven.

"Yes, it is better to rule out unstable factors in advance. "


"That's right!".

The cannon in the hands of the archers slammed to the ground, and they opened their arms and shouted loudly.

"This is nothing more than a continuation of the battle for Aspein, and this level of offensive will not bring me down!".


"By the prerogative of the emperor, the Danube no longer exists, and we will take revenge !!."

As soon as the words fell, the magic power around the archers continued to expand, and the magic power was suddenly so rich that it formed a tangible barrier to block all the shelling outside, and the magic power and quality seemed to return to the state of having a holy grail supply at once!!

At the same time, the injuries on his body and even the torn clothes were repairing quickly, and even the two poisonous stingers that pierced his mouth were spat out.

(To be continued).

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