"Umm, ummm."

Shidunai's eyes were a little lost as he took a small bite of the barbecue that was a little cold but still delicious.

"I see."And Swain also took advantage of this time to explain what happened to the ice sculpture.

"That ice sculpture should be considered a type of magic gift."Shidunai touched his little head in embarrassment.

"Magic costume?"

"Yeah, it's an item that contains magical power, and from what you said, Freya's personality should have been helping when I made it yesterday."

"Freya?....I seem to remember you saying that she is...."

"Well, the goddess of love and beauty, so the things I make will always have some influence. In addition, the props in my permanent skills are b...."Shidunai looked up at Swain with a guilty conscience, because after turning around, she found that she was still the one who made the mistake.....

"That is to say....."Sven nodded and looked at Shidunai thoughtfully.

"...Well, it's still my fault...."

But when Shidunai saw that Sven still had a gentle smile on his face, he immediately relaxed his vigilance and laughed innocently,"Hey~"

"Hum."Sven also laughed twice in response, then turned his head and ignored Shidunei, and shouted to the little white bear on his side with a warm face:"Xiao Bai! What do you want to eat tomorrow? Just ask! This time I really don’t have to worry about Shidu Nei’s share, as much as I can bring is all yours!"

"wait!"Shidunai suddenly pulled Sven's arm with excitement,"I'm sorry!! I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"Really! You just messed around and you came up with such a dangerous thing!"Sven looked at Zhidunei hanging on his arm. After shaking it a few times, he found that it was like it was stuck to it, so he could only give her a fierce look. After the two of them pulled back and forth like this for a few times, they finally finally Shidunai was sitting on the ground, head lowered, listening to Sven's scolding

"....Remember? Don't use magic power to make weird things in the future!"

"Yes, I will be careful in the future...."Shidunai lowered his head and agreed honestly.

But Swain still felt a little uneasy,"Hey, forget it, I will be more careful from now on and won't touch the things you made.""

"that...."Shidunai pointed his two fingers together, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"In fact, if you are a high-level magician or magician, even your hair or blood will contain magic power......"

"True or false...."The corners of Sven's eyes suddenly began to twitch, and he began to wonder whether he should keep a safe distance from now until Shidunai was able to fully control his magic power.....

After all, no matter what! She is also a goddess!

Who knows how many of the things around her are reliable now?

"Hello! It’s okay not to be so distant from me!"Shidunai saw Sven take a few steps back unconsciously, so he immediately shouted:"I'm not that far yet!"

"Phew~" Swain immediately let out a breath and joked. If he does this again, he doesn't know what he will encounter next time.

"It would have been fine if I had just said no~" Swain stepped forward and patted her little head with kindness despite Zhidunei's resentful little eyes.

"But having said that, what is the effect of what you did? My family members all said that my personality has changed and I speak strangely, but I thought about it and found nothing strange."

"In that case, I think your perception has changed to a certain extent."Shidunai looked at Swain with squinted eyes and patted his hand away without leaving a trace......Treat me like a child again....Obviously I have already grown up...

"Ahem, that was something made by Freya herself, and it was filled with her heart/magic power. That magic power is enough to change part of your perception for you now."


"Um. Shidunai nodded and said,"It's like you said, even if you think about what happened, you still don't notice anything.""

"Because when you are recalling, your cognition is also being recalled again.’"

"If you thought what you did was right at the time, you will also think what you did at that time was right when you look back on it."

"Can such a thing be done? ?"Swin was shocked.

"Well, it's mainly because you're a human being. If you were from another race, you might have some resistance, or you could also improve your state of mind and strength through practice to achieve the effect of resistance."

"As a human being...."Sven was a little melancholy.

Willpower has always been a racial problem, and there are almost no natural resistances. It is human nature to have seven emotions and six desires, but for gods, if they strengthen one of them for you, it will be a bit unbearable.....

Seeing Sven who was a little disappointed, Shidunai stood up and came closer, and said with a smile:"Don't be so depressed, how about I help you make a prop that can block mental interference?"

"Don't worry, my skills are....."

Hum, it shouldn’t be difficult to make a resistance item, right?....At least I need to make an apology.

"No, let’s forget it for now."After hearing this, Si Wen immediately showed a wry smile, turned his head and looked away, waving his hands and hastily rejected Shidunai's request.

A prop made by this confused guy will fool me. If this is enough, Get me one instead of just sending me away!

"What's that look in your eyes!"

The continuous mistakes made Sven's attitude towards Shidune change from the slightly respectful attitude towards the goddess at the beginning to the attitude of dealing with the problem sister next door.

This guy!!

You wait.!

I will definitely let you see the posture that a real goddess should have!!

Shidunei’s eyes were filled with high fighting spirit, but Sven deliberately turned her face away.

This girl definitely has no consciousness of being a goddess......

And from the moment you want to show the true posture of the goddess, you are already unqualified, because now you are the goddess, you just need to be yourself, deliberately imitating other goddesses will only be self-defeating.....

"Ahem, you just said you wanted to make props, so you can already master your magic power?"Sven felt that it was not good to blindly attack her self-confidence, so he asked with a slight concern,"And you must have been here for a long time, and you should have some insights....Bar?"But just halfway through the question, Swain realized that the expression on Shidunai's face was very wrong.

"Ehdu?"Shidunai, who had been so high-spirited just now, felt as if someone had poured cold water on her. The fire of fighting spirit behind her was extinguished, smoke was rising, and her whole body became stiff. She slowly Turning around and walking back, he bowed slightly, lowered his head, his eyes were slightly dazed, and his eyes were wandering. The cold sweat on his forehead couldn't stop flowing down, and there was a forced smile on his mouth, but it was obviously a superficial smile. Laugh.

Looking at Shidunai like this, Swain felt as if he had seen him there before.

".....Like this.....ah!"Sven clenched his fist against his lips and thought about it. Then he smashed his fist and shouted,"I remembered!" This is what the children who were scolded by Sister Azalea in church looked like this!"

I think back to when I was a child, when I was auditing in the church, every time Sister Azalea arranged the inspection for the next day after the daily classes, a group of students led by Alice and Seluka would soon end, but the other a batch.....

Shidu Nei turned around and took a look. The cold sweat on his head was getting more and more.

"you.....Is there no progress at all?...."Swain glanced at Shidunai with contempt.

Because her appearance at this time is a sign of those who have not completed their homework.....

"babble! Shidunai's body trembled, and Sven's question pierced her heart,"Uh.....actually...I...."


"!!"Swain put his hands on her shoulders and put his head to her ear,"Actually? You? What do you want to defend?"

The cold sweat on Shidunai's head could no longer be described as pouring sweat. Oh, this is already a storm!!

Oops....completely understood....

Ouch, I always feel a terrible feeling....

And I seem to have experienced a similar feeling somewhere....The person who said this last time seemed to be someone who didn’t know whether he was a tiger or a leopard.....

What should I do!!

"that....I, I can do it tomorrow....."

Shidunai tilted his head slightly and said in a pleading tone, but before he could finish his request, he saw Swain's half-smiling face. Although he didn't say anything, Shidunai understood immediately.

"No?...."Shidunai said this with a tearful voice.

"Of course not!"Sven's face turned cold. At the same time, he stretched out his hands and put his fists on Shidu Nei's temples, and began to rub the drill back and forth.

"Daily classes must be completed on the same day! I am procrastinating on doing things now, what will I do in the future?!!"

"yes! sorry!!"

Shidunai's cries echoed throughout the ice crystal forest.

"Oh, the two below seem to be very happy."Slud sensed the aura below, and she was a little interested in the interaction between the two.

Above the outside clouds, after the last experience this time, the group of people monitoring them raised their position. At this moment, they all His body shape stayed perfectly behind the high-altitude clouds

"Human emotions are rich."Otrinte also somewhat agreed. After all, they don't make as much noise as humans do.

"Now, we are just here to monitor, do we really have nothing to do?"Srud asked Shirud.

"The instructions I have received so far are as follows. The mission resume is correct and regular reports are being made."

"That's right...."Slud was a little frustrated. She looked down. After all, besides the four people, there were two other people here.

"....Ah, by the way, Herod, what about the border?"Suddenly Slud remembered something and asked

".....There are no instructions for this, so we don't have to do much."Hirud looked down.

"This should be considered a test for him, right?"

"Eh? Could it be...."Altlinde blinked and looked down,"Does he have that kind of potential?"

"I don’t know, so I’m calling it a test now."

Hilud looked at the vast ice field in the distance, and on the other side lived their old enemy-like existence.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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