After simply admonishing Shidunai, Swain's job became to supervise Shidunai's self-study every day......

Swain was honing his sword skills on the side, while Shidunai was sitting under the ice tree on the side, thinking hard to find fragments of knowledge about magic from his unintegrated memory and start organizing them. study?.....Let's wait until she finds all the textbooks.....

Swain took a look and closed her eyes tightly, thinking hard. The irritability and anxiety could be clearly seen on her face. It was like the last day of vacation when she found that not only did she not do her homework, but she even didn't even know where to put her homework. The unlucky boy who has been forgotten.....

But who can blame it?

It's obviously her own business, but she doesn't care about it at all....

"....Hey, it’s your own fault....."

Sighing softly, Swain didn't expect that she would be able to learn it all at once. After all, the memories of the three people were irregular, and they must be tens of thousands of years old.

First, I let Shidunai meditate for about a few hours. I also let her take a break in the middle. It would be good to chat with Swain or have a snowball fight. As for the artistic ice sculpture.....Swain thinks it’s better to forget it.....

The combination of work and rest finally allowed Shidunai to calm down a little. After all, pushing too hard at the beginning would have the opposite effect.....

".....Well, you must remember it this time and don't be lazy."Sven once again asked Shidunai before leaving.

"I got it!"Shidunai puffed up his little face, looking like you were overly concerned.

Is this guy my mother?

So verbose......

"Compared to this, don’t forget what I just told you!"

"Well, I can't forget it~" Swain smiled and said,"It's Xiaobai's favorite fish, right? I'll remember to bring it next time!"And he touched the head of the little white bear next to him with an expectant look.

"Not only that! And the dessert I want!!"

"Yes, yes, but you are not afraid of gaining weight even if you eat so many desserts."Sven stared at Shidunai's belly jokingly. After all, although there was not much barbecue left just now, it was for a little white bear.

After all, the raw material for this was a whole wild boar monster. The little girls at home I can't eat much, even if I add him and his father, so I still have half of the ingredients in storage.

"Humph~ No matter how much I eat now, I won’t gain weight!"

It seems that at least this advantage is the physique that almost all girls in the world want......If height is excluded, there will be no change.....

Swain didn't say the last sentence. After looking at Shidunei with a slightly sad look, he found a comfortable position and lay down.......

"ah....Gone again...."Seeing Sven who was only breathing but unconscious, Shidunai seemed a little lonely.

The little white bear on one side stepped forward and rubbed Shidunai with its round and furry head, trying to comfort her.

"Well, I'm fine, thank you Xiaobai."Shidunai knelt down and touched the little white bear's head.

"Eh....But I didn't expect that what I made would cause him trouble."Shidunai felt a little melancholy. He caused a lot of trouble to a friend he had just met for a few days. Although the ice sculpture was quickly destroyed, if not....

It would take at least ten days for the magic power left in it to disappear naturally.....

"Eh...."Another sigh

"No, at least we need to formally apologize.....But...."Shidunai thought about his current situation. He had to rely on others even for some food, and there was nothing tangible around him that he could give his hands on.

Suddenly Shido was a little discouraged. He opened his hands and lay down on the snow, looking at the roof of the igloo."....Is it really all about knowledge?"

"Uh-huh~~"But when she thought about the messy memories in her mind, she had a headache, so she began to roll on the snow like a goddess, and danced back and forth with her hands and feet.


"After becoming like this, I still have to 'study'!!"


"And there are people around to supervise!"

"I don’t want it!!"

The perception engraved deep in the memory of the soul was awakened, and Shidu Nei rejected this behavior from the inside out. The little white bear looked at Shidu Nei with snowflakes flying around him, turned his head indifferently, and at the same time scratched with his claws. He wiped a handful of flying snow from his face, walked to the unaffected side, lay down on his back, and continued to watch his master's 'performance'.

I believe that if the little white bear could speak, the first sentence would be :

"Please wake up! You are a goddess now! Pay attention to your image!!" boom!


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and the little white bear looked up and saw his owner curled up on the ground, with two small hands covering her red forehead, and there was an ice tree next to her head....... ah....I didn't realize it before, why is it so embarrassing to see this owner now?....

At this time, Little White Bear has begun to consider whether it would be better for him to change jobs.....


When Swain woke up at almost the same time as yesterday morning, he first opened his eyes, which were obviously not abnormal but still felt very sore, and then he noticed something unusual. A second person appeared next to him.

Sven raised his head slightly and saw the familiar short black hair and the sleeping Dumao. The owner of these two things was clinging to him like an octopus at this time, and the equipment on his body was unknown. Yeah, he didn't even notice it in his dream

"Aha....."He let out a sigh of relief. He originally wanted to take off his equipment and go back to sleep, but there was no need now.

I moved my head a little, found a comfortable position, hugged the ready-made soft and cute pillow, smelled the faint fragrance, and started to catch up on my sleep beautifully.....


Alice's door was opened early in the morning, and Alice, who looked a little tired, walked out of it.

"Sister, what are you...."Seluka, who was following her, had a worried expression on her face.

"Didn't you have a rest yesterday?"

Yesterday, the two sisters just chatted for a short while before falling asleep. Now Seluka looks full of energy, but Alice has a somewhat decadent posture, which inevitably makes her worried about her sister's physical condition.

"Well, it's okay."Alice showed a faint smile and said,"It's just that I can't sleep.....Haha~" Before she could finish her words, she yawned cutely.

"Sorry, I'd better wash my face first....."Alice covered her mouth with a chuckle and walked quickly downstairs on tiptoe.

Looking at Alice's figure, Seluka showed a hint of helplessness, and at the same time wiped the sweat from her forehead. She turned her head and looked out the window of the corridor. The sun was already rising, but the time was not up. morning

"Ahhh......Has it reached the hottest time yet?....Eh..."Seluka grabbed the collar slightly and pulled it twice. Suddenly, a coolness flowed into the long-sleeved nun's uniform.

"It’s really uncomfortable to wear this outfit in summer....."

Even Seluka, who is serious about everything she does, can’t help but complain a little while wearing this long nun’s uniform in this hot summer weather. But according to Sister Azalea, it’s just that you don’t have enough heart. Jing, and said that she has worn nun uniforms in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and has not seen any problems.

Therefore, although he complained, Seluka still abided by the etiquette regulations that should be worn.

".....I'm going to wash my face too....."After saying that, Seluka also walked down the stairs, but when passing by Sven's room, he took a brief look.......

".....So hot...."

Wuming, who had slept peacefully and sweetly, opened her eyes at this moment. She was awakened by the heat. She moved a little and wanted to get up, but found that she couldn't move.

"woke up?"A hand moved from her back to the nape of her neck, ruffled her hair, and said softly.

After hearing the voice, Wuming raised her head and met Swain's eyes, so she lay down again go back

"Um....So hot...."Wuming straightened his hands, stretched, and rubbed his face back and forth.

"After all, it’s midsummer, and today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year...."Sven turned to look at the loud sun outside the window. The weather in this world is all regular. Which day is the hottest every year and which day is the coldest. These are all fixed. The only thing that is not fixed is every day. For example, if today was originally 20 degrees, but it suddenly rained, causing the temperature to drop by 4 degrees to 16 degrees, then today's original temperature will be restored to 24 degrees to maintain it. The displayed temperature is always fixed.

Swain always thought this was magical. When he was training in the mountains, what he worried about most was always the and climate, but here you can accurately grasp their changes, as if they are all set

"Get up?"

"Maybe it would be nice to go take a shower."Sven patted Wuming, who had her face buried in her chest, and she nodded twice without raising her head.

Soon the two of them got up, Wuming went back to his room, and Swain also changed because Xia Tian The hot and sweat-soaked shirt and shorts changed and went downstairs.

But as soon as they came downstairs, Alice and Seluka suddenly looked very hostile when they saw Sven in cool clothes.

( To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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