It feels pretty good to wake up early in the morning and be bustling like this. At least it's better than the kind of thing where you open your eyes in the morning, change your clothes, and only say"I'm going out" after breakfast. The environment is hundreds of times better.

At least it seems like this family is a very humane and warm family.

Swin and Wuming came out of Alice's room. They chatted for a while and then they came out. After all, they didn't want to waste their time.

Swain patted Wuming on the shoulder and told her to go back to the room to change clothes. Wuming sighed, pouted and walked towards the door at the end of the corridor, but during this period, his right hand kept hooking a wisp of broken clothes on his head. hair.

It can be seen that she is 120% dissatisfied with her current hairstyle.

Swain took a deep breath and returned to the room. After changing his clothes, he turned upside down from the window on one side and stood on the roof. He crossed his fingers and raised them above his head. He stretched. There was a faint whiteness in the air. Fog, I took a deep breath of the cold air and felt a little more energetic. The sounds in my ears seemed to have subsided, but it might just be an illusion......

Sitting on the ridge, watching the rising sun in the distance,

"I don’t know what’s going on over there now....."

"But the feeling those three girls gave people....The feeling of oppression is so strong at close range, and why do those shields and spears give people different feelings?...."

Putting aside the somewhat off-line characters of the three of them, the simple sense of oppression is very amazing. In that kind of already somewhat depressing environment, they are like deep sea beasts that suddenly appeared, but just looking at their appearance, they are like that. harmless

"no....There is no object that can be used as a reference."

This is also true. At present, the only one who can serve as a standard is Sven himself, but you can't just rely on two combat units to judge the strength! It must be that one is strong and the other is weak, and so is a wolf and a dog. One is strong and the other is weak, but their victory or defeat is not absolute. A lion and a rabbit are also one strong and one weak, but there is no suspense about their victory or defeat. So the key lies in how big the gap between the two is. Some battle situations that can be overturned by relying on terrain or strategy can still be managed with a little effort, but even if you come with a bunch of rabbits, you can't defeat a lion!

"If I deal with those three people now, I might be very reluctant....."

Although I have heard that four taels can move a thousand catties, but if the opponent is not a thousand catties, but ten thousand catties, or tens of millions of catties, it will be useless.

After all, there is another saying, in the face of absolute power, any strategy is useless. so pale and feeble


Swain put his hands behind his head, lying on the slope of the roof, crossing one leg

"No matter how you think about it, there is a high chance of being taken away, although it doesn’t seem to be malicious."

"but......"Swain touched his lips, and the vague feeling remained.

Swain didn't know what he was thinking, but suddenly a shadow crossed his face, immediately attracting his attention. He raised his head and looked at a streak of white feathers in the blue sky.

He sat up and stretched out his left arm, and then the white streak in the sky hovered for a week and landed on Swain's shoulder.....Okay, this isn't your first time anyway.

"Where have you been running every day?"

Holding Xiaobai in his arms, Siwen scratched its head. Siwen didn't really want to get an answer from Xiaobai. The relationship between the two was a bit subtle. It couldn't be said to be master-slave. After all, there was no real relationship. If you keep it, you can only let it eat and drink occasionally. This is more like a friend.

"Sa, smell this, the food should be ready down there, go down."

Sven hugged Xiao Bai, and instead of climbing back through the window of his room, he jumped to the roof of the slightly lower bathroom, and finally jumped to the yard, passing by the utility room on the side. living room

"Yo, good morning."

Entering the room, he said hello to the others and placed Xiaobai on the corner of the table to the left of Wuming.

"Oh, Xiaobai is here today!"

Wuming touched Xiaobai's head. After all, the fate between the two is, in a sense, tied to Xiaobai.

"Then I'll also prepare breakfast for Xiaobai."

Alice put down the plate in her hand, touched Xiaobai's wings, turned around and walked back.

During breakfast

"By the way, Wuming, you have always been going to church in the short period of time. How is the harvest going?"Sven asked with some concern.

"Of course if you gain something....."

"Ahem."When Wuming heard the question, he suddenly had a smile on his face that he couldn't hide. He wanted to tell all his gains and perceptions during this period. It looked like he wanted to take credit.

Seeing this Alice immediately coughed twice. Wuming turned around and saw Alice's slightly thoughtful expression and slightly raised eyebrows.

After about two seconds, Wuming came back to his senses and said slightly Nodding, showing an understanding expression

"I said...."Swain sounded helpless, showed a funny expression, looked at Alice and said:"It's been more than half a month, is there anything you want to hide from me like this??"

"how? Are you interested?"Alice smiled evilly

"Brother, it’s better not to inquire too much about the girl’s previous affairs. After all, we also have secrets."Seluka felt that now that things have come to this, if Sven discovers this, all the previous efforts will be wasted, so he thinks it would be better to help Alice at this time.

"Hey, it’s so rare that you can say that, Seluka."

This sentence was not said by Swain, but by Cusfert who was sitting aside.

"Hmm....Occasionally I have some ideas~" Seluka slightly picked up a strand of broken hair with his left hand and rubbed it twice.

"This is a good thing for you. You are a little silent kid, and it is good to have some ideas. Cusfert smiled, then looked back and forth at Swin and Alice, who were sitting on his left and right.

"Oh, but what about your brothers and sisters?....I wish they both had less thoughts....."

Cusfert's tone was a little helpless and slightly emotional.

Swain picked up a glass of milk and took a few sips with a wry smile. After all, it was really hard for him to refute.

"Father, what do you mean by this?"But Alice on the opposite side looked at Cusvert with a slightly protracted tone.

Swain looked up and read from Alice's eyes, 'You still want to drink tonight? No?' means.

Sven's funny gaze happened to be seen by Alice, so she stretched her legs under the table and kicked Sven gently.


Sven raised his head and glanced at Alice, that means how could I provoke you again?

"Uh-huh...."Alice did not answer him, but puffed up one side of her little face, and at the same time stretched out her foot to kick back and forth twice, but this time Swain predicted and dodged it.

Swain raised his head slightly and raised his eyebrows, with a thick smile on his face.

Swain originally just wanted to say, how about it? Can't hit the kick?

But from the perspective of Alice opposite, this is, how about it? Can't hit the kick? Come again if you have the ability!

So Alice used her little hand holding the knife and fork to hold the edge of the table a little while speeding up the movement of her legs under the table.

It's a pity that even so, Sven, who looked calm and calm, avoided them all.


So Alice, who was out of breath, sped up again, but the result was that she still didn't hit the target with her kick again.....

But this time the movement was a little bigger, and the tableware on the table shook slightly. The solid wood dining table was originally very heavy and should not be shaking, but at this time Alice was putting almost half of her body weight on it. By pressing it with both hands, the whole person was about to stand up from the chair, so the sound of the collision of porcelain naturally attracted the attention of others.

"Hey, did the table shake just now? Seluka put the hands holding the tableware on the table, put down the knife in her right hand, leaned forward, lifted a corner of the tablecloth, and looked at the two table legs near her.

At first she thought the table legs were damaged, but After checking, there was nothing abnormal, and all the connections were firmly fixed together.

She turned her head, originally intending to ask Alice to confirm the situation on her side,

"Sister, where are you?.....Um?"

But as soon as I turned around, I saw Alice who seemed to have just sat down, and there were faint beads of sweat on her head.

"elder sister? Seluka tilted his head and asked."What are you doing?""

"Why is your head sweating?"

"No, it's okay."Alice sat on the table and quickly revealed her face.Smiling, he turned around and said,"It's okay, I just accidentally took a bite of chili.""

"chili? Seluka was full of doubts and turned to look at the plate in front of him. What he ate this morning was toast, butter, and bacon. There was a large bowl of vegetable salad in the middle of the table.....Where did the chili come from?

Did you prepare a separate meal for yourself so early in the morning?

And also take the time to fry the peppers?

Who believes you!

Seluka turned her head and looked at the breakfast on Alice's plate. It was obviously the same thing as hers.

And as a girl of this age, she will not eat such spicy food, because eating too much will cause acne. Although the three people present are not generally good, and they have never had pimples. But no one wants to try to see if they can really grow....

In addition, there are a lot of things to pay attention to. In addition to not eating spicy food, you also need to control the amount of seasonings. Most of the recipes are mainly vegetarian, and the most important thing is the desserts!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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