It is very important to control the intake of desserts, especially in summer. Although the time to wear your own clothes is very limited every day, everyone cherishes it very much and wishes to break it in half every minute, so the control of body shape is very important. Very critical.

Both sisters are very persevering people, so once they start to control their diet, they will never give up easily, so they almost never take the initiative to break this restriction.

So every time you want to eat sweets, you have to look at Swain.

Well, that's right, since you are embarrassed to break it, let others break it.

Hey, actually I don’t want to eat it, but this is Swain/brother’s wish. It’s not good to waste it like this, so let’s eat it this time!

The same rhetoric and the same experiences are repeated almost every once in a while, and these two people's inner rhetoric has been used for seven or eight years......

But fortunately, Swain also understands and considers them both very well. Every time he feels that it is almost done, he will look for various materials. After that, he doesn't care anymore. He only needs to bring the materials back and put them on the table. , they will consciously turn into various delicacies.

Wow, so amazing~ (Stick Reading)

After coming back to her senses, Alice turned around and smiled slightly when facing Seluka's suspicious gaze, and said:"By the way, what did you do when you called me just now?"

"....."Seluka did not answer Alice's question directly, but looked her up and down again before saying:"The table seemed to be shaking just now. How about the table legs on your side? If something goes wrong, today Just find someone to fix it....."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

Alice responded with a slight smile, and then as soon as she turned her head and looked at Sven's smiling face, she became a little angry again. No matter how hard she kicked, she just missed, which made herself even more angry. Big.

But this is the norm. If Sven doesn't want to be kicked, then no matter how hard Alice tries now, the result will be nothing.

"Don't worry, the table is fine, there were just two cute little mice restless underneath."Sven said with a smile on his face.

""Umm~" Alice was dissatisfied again. It was obvious that Sven was referring to her kicking his feet under the table.

So Alice regained her composure and launched another attack.

"mouse? Seluka tilted her head, a little puzzled, because as the person responsible for half of the housework in the family, she was very concerned about the hygiene of the home. How could there be mice in the living room that she cleaned and tidied by herself?

So she immediately put it down. She picked up the fork in her left hand, supported the table, and lifted the tablecloth again with her right hand. This time she also bent down, and then she saw the two people fighting under the table......

"Humph~" Seluka raised his head from under the table, with a sinister voice, and said as he stood up:"Well, they are indeed two little mice, and they seem to have just finished eating the pepper and are in a state of excitement. What a lively and active little mouse."

Seluka picked up another piece of bread and took a bite of it, and said in a tone that even Wuming, who was very slow to react to people's hearts, could hear that there was deep dissatisfaction in it.

Alice reacted immediately, He turned around and faced Seluka, who looked calm and calm, but there was a sharp look in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm sorry~" Alice apologized playfully, and she didn't know why. After all, judging from the current situation, it was Alice who should apologize to Swain, not Seluka.

"little mouse? what is this? And there are chili peppers?"

"There are no chili peppers here?"

On the whole table, Wuming was probably the only one who really didn't understand anything. She looked at the other four people, and all of them had a meaningful smile on their faces.

So she imitated Sailu who was opposite her. Just like Ka did, he bent down, lifted up the tablecloth and took a look, but found nothing? It didn't look like there were traces of mice on the ground at all......

"Okay, Wuming, let’s eat quickly, what we just did was just a joke."Patted Wuming's legs, asked her to sit down and eat quickly.

"....oh."Wuming touched his head.

It seems that I still have a lot to learn......

Wuming finally finished his breakfast in a daze. Swain was also helping with the housework during this period, and Wuming was also studying, so it was very simple and quick to clean up the housework.

After going out with everyone, and after taking their respective positions in the square, Swain went to Jigas Cedar. Although the basic skills had been taught, this did not prevent him from practicing with others.

Eugeo has not been very early in carrying out his vocation recently. It was good to learn new things with a little effort in the beginning, but now, the most important thing is to concentrate on studying. The accumulated things have always been Haste makes waste


In the morning, Eugeo fell to the ground in a very shapeless manner, breathing heavily.

"Hey, get up and drink some water first."Sven walked aside, picked up the water bottle and threw it to Eugeo who had just sat up again.

"!"After taking a few sips, Eugeo felt that the heat radiating from his body had dropped a lot.

He turned around and saw Sven, who was leaning in the shade of a tree to one side with a gloomy expression on his face.

"What's wrong? A gloomy look on his face?"Eugeo walked over with a smile on his face and sat next to Swain.


"I was just thinking that practicing alone like this has its limitations."

"But having said that, I have also defeated all the monsters around here."

"Haha, it’s true, well, there’s nothing we can do about it. There’s nothing special around here. Apart from some powerful monsters in the abandoned mine, there’s really nothing outstanding."

"Ah, that...."

Swain thought for a while, because there was still some ore in the abandoned mine, so many monsters with hard carapace were spawned in that place, but he had also been to that place, and even when he learned to control the power of lightning, it was there There

"Forget it, I've been there."Sven shook his head and said:"Although my father once suggested that I go to Sakarya's guard, I refused."

"Eh~" Eugeo looked a little sorry for Sven,

"Why refuse? This is obviously a good opportunity to get ahead?"

"I just simply think that Mr. Deyke, although it is rude to say this, but you have such sword skills that he has been in the guard, I guess....."

"You!"Eugeo covered his head with an expression that he didn't know what to say.

"Going there doesn't really make you join the Guard!"

"What's the meaning?"Sven asked, raising his head that was leaning against the tree.

"After going there, I heard that if you perform well, you will be recommended to go to Northern Centoria and enter the sword training academy there!"

"Sword training academy?"This was the first time Swain heard this name, so his face was full of questions.

"yes! Centoria is the capital of the human world, and Northern Centoria is under the jurisdiction of our Nolankarus Northern Empire. The sword training academy there selects talented people from all over the world to study every year."

"In addition, you can also join the local guard team by participating in swordsmanship competitions in various places. Those who are at the top can also enter the sword training academy to study."

"After coming out, you can basically join the knights in various places. If you stand out, you may be in the knights in the royal capital, or the knights under the integrity knights! Many of them can obtain knighthoods!"

Eugeo said this, reminding Swain of those people who came to the village to help clean up the summer riot monsters.

Except for the leader who had some skills, the others seemed to be here for gold plating and were of no use at all. I guess Eugeo Most of the talents that Gio mentioned about selecting talents from various places are of the same kind, and they should all be nobles. This is a remote mountain village and there are no nobles, so the people here have never seen nobles, and they don't understand them very well. What is the meaning of this approach, but Swain feels that these people should be on the same level as those high-ranking officials in Jingangguo.

The nobles use this gilding method to raise their own worth, and finally consolidate their mutual relations through marriage and other means. status, allowing power to remain in the hands of the aristocratic class

"....And ah! If you stand out any more, you might be able to meet directly with His Excellency the Supreme Priest and receive a personal reward from him! Then it won’t just be a knighthood! It’s not a problem to directly become a fief lord!"

"Well, calm down a little."

Sven came back to his senses, showed a wry smile, raised his hands, and began to comfort Eugeo, who was still talking and was obviously too excited.

"Ah, sorry, I'm a little excited...."

"No, that's okay, it's just that I think you are more suitable to be a swordsman than me. I really don't know anything about what you just said."Sven showed a self-deprecating smile,

"Yeah, I'm just a little interested.....Haha~" Eugeo touched the back of his head, stretched out his thumb and index finger with his other hand and made a little gesture, with a very embarrassed look on his face.

A little bit......

Swain looked at Eugeo awkwardly.

Is this the legendary fingertip universe?

From there, I seemed to see countless stars shining in the Milky Way....

"Well."Sven stood up with his hands on his knees, and the God of War said to Eugeo:"Thank you after all for telling me so much."

"No, it’s me who wants to thank you, you’ve helped me so much...."

"Then don't be polite."Sven chuckled, patted him, and then saw Sister Eugeo appearing from the side.

"Then I'll go back today, see you tomorrow."Sven picked up the things he put aside, said hello to Sister Eugeo, and left.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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