
Sluder narrowed his eyes and had an indifferent expression on his face, which meant that this was none of my business. You should wait until you meet the owner of this place to talk about these things.

That's what Swain said now. Things have happened. Rather than regretting the past and holding people responsible, it's better to think about how to solve the problem in the future.....

But even though he thought so, he still made a note of the flaming giant and the old man with the white beard.

Swain, who was fine, stood up, put on a pair of black boots, and wore a sleeveless black vest on his upper body. Although Swain had never seen anything similar, the overall look was like a formal occasion outfit, simple. After tidying up, Sven walked in the middle, Slud walked in front of him on the left, leading the way, followed by Shilud and Otlinde.

After walking out of a double-door door, a horizontal corridor first appeared. Standing on the edge, you can see the scene on the first floor downstairs. Now you are on the second floor. There are two rooms on the left and right, towards the Walk left and follow the spiral staircase to the first floor. First, you see a rest area on the left, with lounge chairs, round tables and square chairs. The entire wall next to it is made of translucent ice. There are some flowers decorated with them. Although they look lifelike and bloom brightly, they are always made of ice.

Passing by and walking forward, there were three rooms below Sven's room. When Sven turned his head to look, Hilud behind him said:"Those three are our rooms."

"The one closest to us is my room, the one in the middle is Slud's room, and the one farthest away is Otlinde's."

"I see...."

Sven nodded, indicating that he had a certain understanding of this side hall.

Going out from the gate of the side hall, there is a long corridor facing everyone. Stepping on the corridor with an almost transparent floor, the scenery below can be seen very clearly. It is almost impossible to see the darkness at the bottom.

When he came outside, through the corridor, Swain discovered that he had arrived at an ice city in a basin surrounded by mountains. The surrounding mountains formed a natural protection, and in the center was an ice city. In the deep pit, a castle was built on the only three icebergs in the basin, relying on the auxiliary support of huge icicles extending from the depths of the basin.

The iceberg with the largest area should be the main supporting point of the main hall of the city, and the other two should be the east and west side halls.

At this time, it was lightly snowing near the castle, but not a single snowflake was seen floating into the corridor. Looking out, although the sight was very majestic mountains, but.....

"This is a somewhat lonely place......"Swain sighed unconsciously.

After hearing this, Slud in front of him turned his head slightly and glanced at Swain, with a look of unknown meaning in his eyes, without saying anything. Swain estimated that the two people behind him also behaved in the same way.

After passing through the long corridor, everyone finally arrived at the main hall of the City of Snow and Ice. After entering, they first came to a hall. Viewed from the front, there were four huge icicles on the left and right supporting the main body, and a huge light above. A chandelier, surrounded by several smaller chandeliers.

The ground is completely like a huge mirror, but it is a little blurry. Both the icicles and the walls around it seem to have been carved with something. Now there is only a blurry outline left. It can only be seen roughly like a long scroll. They are describing something, but time seems to have erased them first.

Everyone came in through the door between the four icicles on the east side, and then Sven saw what was facing them, which should be the corridor leading to the west side hall. At this time, the corridor had been cut off in the middle. Look at that The traces should not be interrupted, but more likely to be broken by melting.

Originally, Swain was still thinking that if it was not serious, he would see if it could be repaired, but now it seems that whether the iceberg is still there or not is a question......

"Sarah, go this way."Slud gestured to Swain who was in a daze and walked towards the door in the middle of the hall.

Swain nodded and followed from behind.

After passing through the door, his vision became bright again.

"so big!"

This is Swain's first impression, and there seems to be a faint echo.

In front of him is a huge space, with countless huge icicles standing on the left and right, facing Swain. It was a long blue ice carpet that led all the way to the front of the ice seat at the top of the second-floor platform.

Swain only showed a slightly surprised expression, then quickly calmed down and walked forward leisurely.


He stepped on the ground with his hard-soled leather boots. He walked forward while observing the surroundings. The three Valkyries disappeared as soon as they came in. Only Sven was left in Noda's space. People, he came to the ice platform, but there was no one on it.

Except for an ice staircase facing Swain, the platform was full of raised ice spikes, and above his head was a circular, On the hollow roof, a huge ice-blue crystal hangs in the middle of the circle, surrounded by some ice leaves, like an upside-down bud or fruit.

"......"Swain observed the surrounding environment and waited for a while, but still no one appeared.

"Really, he obviously wants to see me, but where is the person? Swain scratched his head and complained softly,"Is there no one else here?""

"Haha~" Suddenly a very pleasant female voice sounded in Swain's ears.

Swain immediately turned his head but did not find anyone.

"You are right, there is really no one else here, only you."

I looked around but still didn't see anyone.

"Forehead....Are you the owner here?"

"Why don't you come out and let's meet and chat?"

Sven showed a smile and tried to speak in a relaxed tone. He looked a little unreliable, but at the same time he was observing the surroundings.

"You are interesting too."

With this whisper, the surrounding air became heavy again,


The sudden heavy pressure made Swain's body shake twice, but he quickly propped himself up and began to resist the pressure.

".....Is this feeling magic?"

Different from the vague feelings that were originally floating in the air outside, this feeling is real magic. The concentration of magic permeating the air at this time is still slowly increasing, and it seems to have this directionality, and They were not evenly distributed around, but concentrated towards Sven.

Time passed little by little, and the female voice did not speak. At this time, Sven's feet had been pressed into the broken ground, and the pieces were broken. The ice is about to cover my calves


While enduring the physical pain, I also had to endure the suffocating mental pressure.

"I always feel like I just experienced this not long ago....."Swain, who stood with his fists clenched in front of him, felt that this feeling was somewhat familiar.

He glanced at the ring, which was still dark green and obviously overworked.

"But the same trick will be useless the second time!"


Sven shouted softly, and exerted force all over his body at the same time. At this moment, all the thunder and lightning power he had accumulated since he was attacked burst out without reservation, because he knew that if he could not gain an advantage in terms of total amount, Then you can only use all your strength to break free of this shackles in an instant.



The purple thunder and lightning spread out around Sven with Sven as the center. The result was gratifying, not only did Sven break through The suppression of magic power also shattered the ice under his feet and around him. When his feet were freed from the restraints, Sven immediately bowed and jumped up. He performed three consecutive backflips toward the rear and escaped quickly. After arriving near the ice seat and ice platform, Sven immediately turned around, and then saw a purple figure appearing in front of him.

The person's whole body was filled with purple elements, and he was wearing a purple dress with a A pattern composed of many long white lines, decorated with a lot of black fluff around the shoulders, lined with a purple gauze, the inverted triangular gap on the skirt and the purple high heels at the feet separated two pairs of girls also wearing purple stockings. The slender legs are highlighted vividly.

The fingers are long and slender, and the right hand holds a pointed cane with a silver handle and a black body with silver patterns. There is a neck protector with a red gem hanging on the white neck. Wearing a crown on his head, there are also three rubies hanging on it. His long purple hair flows down, and there are two black ribbons tied behind his ears.

He has a tall nose bridge,Her slightly thin lips and burgundy eyes made her look indescribably majestic and cold.

But the next moment, her eyes when she looked at Sven suddenly softened a lot, and a faint smile appeared on her face. The majestic feeling similar to the cold winter suddenly dissipated a lot, and instead she felt a little warm like the spring breeze.

But Swain looked at the person in front of him now and didn't dare to be careless, because the aura of this person was similar to that of the old man with a white beard. What a good thing.

Sven didn't want to have to endure another lightning strike or a fire, or both.

So his figure immediately retreated, and he raised his hands, ready to fight. But without weapons, apart from thunder and lightning, the only things he could rely on were the assassination skills he learned after risking his life and some fighting skills.

"....Oh, I didn’t expect you to really succeed in breaking through. I thought it was just a coincidence that you defeated those three giants that day, but now it seems that you are really capable."

"Originally I just wanted you to suffer some hardships, but seeing how you persist makes me want to see what you can do now."The purple figure showed a smile that made people feel a little sweet, but at the same time it made people feel naughty.

"After slightly increasing your strength, I didn't expect that your body just sank, and you actually managed to break the suppression in the end."

"The amount just now, not to mention ordinary humans, even a slightly qualified warrior would die violently if they were a little careless."

The purple figure nodded with a smile, a very satisfied expression on his face.

"Hmm....I thought you would eventually bow down to me, but it doesn't look like it's going that smoothly."The purple figure sighed softly, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be slightly downward, looking a little unhappy or lost.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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